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Rev. colomb. cardiol ; 29(supl.4): 57-60, dic. 2022. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1423814


Resumen Las masas cardiacas son entidades raras que cursan con un espectro muy variado de manifestaciones clínicas que van desde cuadros asintomáticos hasta compromiso hemodinámico severo. Entre las lesiones benignas, los lipomas cardiacos son los segundos en frecuencia. Corresponden principalmente a lesiones neoplásicas benignas; no obstante, se pueden presentar otras patologías como trombos, vegetaciones y variantes de la normalidad. Gracias a la disponibilidad de técnicas de imagen de alta definición, como la ecocardiografía, la TC y la RM, ha aumentado su detección y tratamiento temprano. En el ámbito terapéutico se ofrece manejo quirúrgico, pues las imágenes no permiten la caracterización y diferenciación fidedigna de la naturaleza de las masas cardiacas. Se describe el caso de una paciente sin antecedentes cardiovasculares, con historial de disnea crónica, en quien se identificó, a través de estudios imagenológicos, masa cardiaca adosada al ventrículo con deformación leve de cavidades derechas. Fue llevada a resección quirúrgica y por histopatología se confirmó lipoma. Este hallazgo es el más infrecuente de todos los tumores cardíacos benignos. Se resalta la importancia del conocimiento de esta enfermedad para dar tratamiento eficaz y oportuno en aras de evitar complicaciones que impacten en morbimortalidad.

Abstract Cardiac masses are rare entities that present with a very varied spectrum of clinical manifestations that go from asymptomatic to pictures with severe hemodynamic compromise, within these, cardiac lipomas are the second in frequency within benign lesions. They mainly correspond to benign neoplastic lesions, however, other pathologies such as thrombi, vegetations and variants of normality can occur. Thanks to the availability of high-definition imaging techniques, echocardiography, CT and MRI have increased early detection and treatment. In the therapeutic field, surgical management is offered, since the images do not allow the characterization and reliable differentiation of the nature of cardia masses. It is described the case of a patient with no cardiovascular history, with chronic dyspnea, in whom the presence of CM attached to the ventricle with slight deformation of the right cavities is identified by imaging studies. Was taken to surgical resection confirming the presence of lipoma by histopathology, being this finding the rarest of all benign cardiac tumors. We highlight the importance of knowing this pathology to provide effective and timely treatment to avoid complications that impact morbidity and mortality.

Case Rep Med ; 2022: 1559360, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36092309


Alcaligenes faecalis (A. faecalis) is a Gram-negative rod rarely isolated as an infective bacterium worldwide. The first cases of infections caused by this microorganism, such as pneumonia, soft tissue infections, urinary tract infections, bacteremia, and meningitis, date back more than 40 years and are almost entirely in newborns and immunosuppressed hosts. Optimal antibiotic therapy for A. faecalis has not been well established in the literature. We report a case of an immunocompetent patient in Colombia who had meningitis due to A. faecalis after a dental procedure. It is important to know about this microorganism that nowadays could be considered a potentially emerging pathogen in immunocompetent adults.

Future Cardiol ; 18(9): 673-677, 2022 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35758139


Cardiac masses are rare entities that present with a very varied spectrum of manifestations ranging from asymptomatic to severe hemodynamic compromise. They mainly correspond to benign neoplastic lesions; however, other pathologies may occur. The availability of high-definition imaging techniques has increased early detection. Nevertheless, these techniques do not allow the characterization and reliable differentiation of the nature of the mass. We describe a patient with no cardiovascular history with a chronic dyspnea, in whom the presence of a cardiac mass attached to the ventricle with slight deformation of the right cavities was identified by imaging studies. The patient underwent surgical resection, which confirmed the presence of lipoma by histopathology. This finding is the rarest of all benign cardiac tumors.

Cardiac lipomas are rare benign tumors of the heart. They are usually asymptomatic, but when symptoms occur, they are usually nonspecific, so it is necessary to consult an internist, cardiologist or pulmonologist for proper study, identification and treatment. Multimodal images are very useful in these cases.

Neoplasias Cardíacas , Lipoma , Dispneia/diagnóstico , Dispneia/etiologia , Ecocardiografia , Neoplasias Cardíacas/diagnóstico , Neoplasias Cardíacas/diagnóstico por imagem , Ventrículos do Coração/diagnóstico por imagem , Humanos , Lipoma/diagnóstico , Lipoma/diagnóstico por imagem
Rev. colomb. cardiol ; 23(3): 218-226, mayo-jun. 2016. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: lil-791279


Introducción: La eriptosis se ha descrito como el proceso de muerte celular programada en el eritrocito antes de la senectud. Puede desencadenarse en situaciones como: el estrés osmótico, el estrés oxidativo, la exposición a metales pesados, entre otros factores. Diversos estudios sugieren que los eritrocitos pueden desempeñar un papel activo en la hemostasia normal o anormal en ciertas condiciones en las que se produce perturbación de la membrana de estas células. Objetivo: Describir los mecanismos involucrados en la eriptosis y su estrecha relación con los procesos de adhesión a la pared vascular que conllevan a la enfermedad trombótica. Método: Se hizo una revisión narrativa a partir de la literatura encontrada en las bases de datos PubMed y Science Direct utilizando las palabras claves. Se seleccionaron 51 artículos originales, 20 revisiones de la literatura y un estudio de casos, que se ajustaban a las exigencias del objetivo. Se revisaron los resúmenes de forma separada e independiente. Seguidamente se buscaron las publicaciones en el texto completo para la revisión. Conclusiones: La eriptosis se caracteriza por la disminución del volumen celular, la vesiculación y la translocación del fosfatidil serina hacia la superficie externa de la membrana plasmática. Las alteraciones en la distribución de los fosfolípidos favorecen los procesos de adhesión celular a la pared vascular, conllevando al deterioro de la microcirculación, lo cual puede ocasionar importantes trastornos a nivel cardiovascular. La comprensión y el esclarecimiento de la eriptosis pueden ser esenciales para la búsqueda de nuevas dianas terapéuticas, encaminadas a ofrecer otras alternativas farmacológicas en el tratamiento de la enfermedad cardiovascular.

Introduction: Eryptosis has been described as programmed process of cellular death in erythrocytes before old age. It can be triggered, among other factors, by situations such as osmotic stress, oxidative stress or exposure to heavy metals. Several studies suggest that erythrocytes can play an active role in normal or abnormal haemostasis in certain conditions where the membrane of these cells is perturbed. Objetive: To describe the mechanisms involved in eryptosis and their close relationship with the processes of adhesion to the vascular wall that entail the thrombotic disease. Methods: A narrative review was carried out from the literature found in data base PubMed and Science Direct by using the key words. 51 original articles, 20 literature reviews and one case study complying with the requirements were selected. Abstracts were reviewed separately and independently. Complete publications were then located for review. Conclusions: Eryptosis is characterised by the decrease in cell volume, the vesiculation and the translocation of phosphatidylserine towards the outer surface of the plasma membrane. Disorders in the distribution of the phospholipids favour processes of cell adhesion to the vascular wall, causing impairment of microcirculation, which can result in important cardiovascular diseases. Understanding and clarifying eryptosis could be essential for finding new therapeutic targets, aimed at offering other pharmacological alternatives for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases.

Humanos , Apoptose , Células Sanguíneas , Doenças Cardiovasculares , Eriptose , Lipídeos