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Science ; 362(6410)2018 10 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30287631


Saturn has a sufficiently strong dipole magnetic field to trap high-energy charged particles and form radiation belts, which have been observed outside its rings. Whether stable radiation belts exist near the planet and inward of the rings was previously unknown. The Cassini spacecraft's Magnetosphere Imaging Instrument obtained measurements of a radiation belt that lies just above Saturn's dense atmosphere and is decoupled from the rest of the magnetosphere by the planet's A- to C-rings. The belt extends across the D-ring and comprises protons produced through cosmic ray albedo neutron decay and multiple charge-exchange reactions. These protons are lost to atmospheric neutrals and D-ring dust. Strong proton depletions that map onto features on the D-ring indicate a highly structured and diverse dust environment near Saturn.

Science ; 362(6410)2018 10 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30287633


The sizes of Saturn's ring particles range from meters (boulders) to nanometers (dust). Determination of the rings' ages depends on loss processes, including the transport of dust into Saturn's atmosphere. During the Grand Finale orbits of the Cassini spacecraft, its instruments measured tiny dust grains that compose the innermost D-ring of Saturn. The nanometer-sized dust experiences collisions with exospheric (upper atmosphere) hydrogen and molecular hydrogen, which forces it to fall from the ring into the ionosphere and lower atmosphere. We used the Magnetospheric Imaging Instrument to detect and characterize this dust transport and also found that diffusion dominates above and near the altitude of peak ionospheric density. This mechanism results in a mass deposition into the equatorial atmosphere of ~5 kilograms per second, constraining the age of the D-ring.

Appl Opt ; 33(19): 4201-13, 1994 Jul 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20935774


The Ultraviolet and Visible Imaging and Spectrographic Imaging experiment consists of five spectrographic imagers and four imagers. These nine sensors provide spectrographic and imaging capabilities from 110 to 900 nm. The spectrographic imagers share an off-axis design in which selectable slits alternate fields of view (1.00° × 0.10° or 1.00° × 0.05°) and spectral resolutions between 0.5 and 4 nm. Image planes of the spectrographic imager have a programmable spectral dimension with 68, 136, or 272 pixels across each individual spectral band, and a programmable spatial dimension with 5, 10, 20, or 40 pixels across the 1° slit length. A scan mirror sweeps the slit through a second spatial dimension to generate a 1° × 1° spectrographic image once every 5, 10, or 20 s, depending on the scan rate. The four imagers provide narrow-field (1.28° × 1.59°) and wide-field (10.5° × 13.1°) viewing. Each imager has a six-position filter wheel that selects various spectral regimes and neutral densities. The nine sensors ut lize intensified CCD detectors that have an intrascene dynamic range of ~ 10(3) and an interscene dynamic range of ~ 10(5); neutral-density filters provide an additional dynamic range of ~ 10(2-3). The detector uses an automatic gain control that permits the sensors to adjust to scenes of varying intensity. The sensors have common boresights and can operate separately, simultaneously, or synchronously. To be launched aboard the Midcourse Space Experiment spacecraft in the mid-1990's, the ultraviolet and visible imaging and spectrographic imaging instrument will investigate a multitude of celestial, atmospheric, and point sources during its planned 4-yr life.

Science ; 215(4532): 571-7, 1982 Jan 29.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17771280


The low-energy charged particle instrument on Voyager 2 measured low-energy electrons and ions (energies greater, similar 22 and greater, similar 28 kiloelectron volts, respectively) in Saturn's magnetosphere. The magnetosphere structure and particle population were modified from those observed during the Voyager 1 encounter in November 1980 but in a manner consistent with the same global morphology. Major results include the following. (i) A region containing an extremely hot ( approximately 30 to 50 kiloelectron volts) plasma was identified and extends from the orbit of Tethys outward past the orbit of Rhea. (ii) The low-energy ion mantle found by Voyager 1 to extend approximately 7 Saturn radii inside the dayside magnetosphere was again observed on Voyager 2, but it was considerably hotter ( approximately 30 kiloelectron volts), and there was an indication of a cooler ( < 20 kiloelectron volts) ion mantle on the nightside. (iii) At energies greater, similar 200 kiloelectron volts per nucleon, H(1), H(2), and H(3) (molecular hydrogen), helium, carbon, and oxygen are important constituents in the Saturnian magnetosphere. The presence of both H(2) and H(3) suggests that the Saturnian ionosphere feeds plasma into the magnetosphere, but relative abundances of the energetic helium, carbon, and oxygen ions are consistent with a solar wind origin. (iv) Low-energy ( approximately 22 to approximately 60 kiloelectron volts) electron flux enhancements observed between the L shells of Rhea and Tethys by Voyager 2 on the dayside were absent during the Voyager 1 encounter. (v) Persistent asymmetric pitch-angle distributions of electrons of 60 to 200 kiloelectron volts occur in the outer magnetosphere in conjunction with the hot ion plasma torus. (vi) The spacecraft passed within approximately 1.1 degrees in longitude of the Tethys flux tube outbound and observed it to be empty of energetic ions and electrons; the microsignature of Enceladus inbound was also observed. (vii) There are large fluxes of electrons of approximately 1.5 million electron volts and smaller fluxes of electrons of approximately 10 million electron volts and of protons greater, similar 54 million electron volts inside the orbits of Enceladus and Mimas; all were sharply peaked perpendicular to the local magnetic field. (viii) In general, observed satellite absorption signatures were not located at positions predicted on the basis of dipole magnetic field models.

Science ; 212(4491): 225-31, 1981 Apr 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17783834


The low-energy charged particle instrument on Voyager 1 measured low-energy electrons and ions (energies >/= 26 and >/= 40 kiloelectron volts, respectively) in Saturn's magnetosphere. The first-order ion anisotropies on the dayside are generally in the corotation direction with the amplitude decreasing with decreasing distance to the planet. The ion pitch-angle distributions generally peak at 90 degrees , whereas the electron distributions tend to have field-aligned bidirectional maxima outside the L shell of Rhea. A large decrease in particle fluxes is seen near the L shell of Titan, while selective particle absorption (least affecting the lowest energy ions) is observed at the L shells of Rhea, Dione, and Tethys. The phase space density of ions with values of the first invariant in the range approximately 300 to 1000 million electron volts per gauss is consistent with a source in the outer magnetosphere. The ion population at higher energies (>/= 200 kiloelectron volts per nucleon) consists primarily of protons, molecular hydrogen, and helium. Spectra of all ion species exhibit an energy cutoff at energies >/= 2 million electron volts. The proton-to-helium ratio at equal energy per nucleon is larger (up to approximately 5 x 10(3)) than seen in other magnetospheres and is consistent with a local (nonsolar wind) proton source. In contrast to the magnetospheres of Jupiter and Earth, there are no lobe regions essentially devoid of particles in Saturn's nighttime magnetosphere. Electron pitch-angle distributions are generally bidirectional andfield-aligned, indicating closed field lines at high latitudes. Ions in this region are generally moving toward Saturn, while in the magnetosheath they exhibit strong antisunward streaming which is inconsistent with purely convective flows. Fluxes of magnetospheric ions downstream from the bow shock are present over distances >/= 200 Saturn radii from the planet. Novel features identified in the Saturnian magnetosphere include a mantle of low-energy particles extending inward from the dayside magnetopause to approximately 17 Saturn radii, at least two intensity dropouts occurring approximately 11 hours apart in the nighttime magnetosphere, and a pervasive population of energetic molecular hydrogen.

Science ; 206(4421): 977-84, 1979 Nov 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17733918


Measurements of the hot (electron and ion energies >/=20 and >/= 28 kiloelectron volts, respectively) plasma environment at Jupiter by the low-energy charged particle (LECP) instrument on Voyager 2 have revealed several new and unusual aspects of the Jovian magnetosphere. The magnetosphere is populated from its outer edge into a distance of at least approximately 30 Jupiter radii (R(J)) by a hot (3 x 10(8) to 5 x 10(8) K) multicomponent plasma consisting primarily of hydrogen, oxygen, and sulfur ions. Outside approximately 30 R(J) the hot plasma exhibits ion densities from approximately 10(-1) to approximately 10(-6) per cubic centimeter and energy densities from approximately 10(-8) to 10(-13) erg per cubic centimeter, suggesting a high beta plasma throughout the region. The plasma is flowing in the corotation direction to the edge of the magnetosphere on the dayside, where it is confined by solar wind pressure, and to a distance of approximately 140 to 160 R(J) on the nightside at approximately 0300 local time. Beyond approximately 150 R(J) the hot plasma flow changes into a "magnetospheric wind" blowing away from Jupiter at an angle of approximately 20 degrees west of the sun-Jupiter line, characterized by a temperature of approximately 3 x 10(8) K (26 kiloelectron volts), velocities ranging from approximately 300 to > 1000 kilometers per second, and composition similar to that observed in the inner magnetosphere. The radial profiles of the ratios of oxygen to helium and sulfur to helium (

Science ; 204(4396): 998-1003, 1979 Jun 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17800439


The low-energy charged particle instrument on Voyager was designed to measure the hot plasma (electron and ion energies greater, similar 15 and greater, similar 30 kiloelectron volts, respectively) component of the Jovian magnetosphere. Protons, heavier ions, and electrons at these energies were detected nearly a third of an astronomical unit before encounter with the planet. The hot plasma near the magnetosphere boundary is predominantly composed of protons, oxygen, and sulfur in comparable proportions and a nonthermal power-law tail; its temperature is about 3 x 10(8) K, density about 5 x 10(-3) per cubic centimeter, and energy density comparable to that of the magnetic field. The plasma appears to be corotating throughout the magnetosphere; no hot plasma outflow, as suggested by planetary wind theories, is observed. The main constituents of the energetic particle population ( greater, similar200 kiloelectron volts per nucleon) are protons, helium, oxygen, sulfur, and some sodium observed throughout the outer magnetosphere; it is probable that the sulfur, sodium, and possibly oxygen originate at 1o. Fluxes in the outbound trajectory appear to be enhancedfrom approximately 90 degrees to approximately 130 degrees longitude (System III). Consistent low-energy particle flux periodicities were not observed on the inbound trajectory; both 5-and 10-hour periodicities were observed on the outbound trajectory. Partial absorption of > 10 million electron volts electrons is observed in the vicinity of the Io flux tube.
