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Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1551101


Calcium is the third most crucial nutrient for andean blackberry; however, its absorption is limited in acid soils, and its low mobility in the plant decreases its effects on fruits. Therefore, the effect of foliar fertilizers with calcium on andean blackberry fruits was estimated. In three locations, experiments were established with five calcium sources (Ca chelate, CaB nitrate, Ca oxide, CaB and CaBZn gluconate) and a control without calcium, applied in three phenological stages and recording: weight, diameters, firmness, color, juice, pulp, pH, soluble solids, acidity, dehydration, and damage. Soil and tissue analysis was performed to identify the relationship between the plant's nutritional conditions and its fertilization response. For the statistical analysis were used mixed models, tests of means, and principal components. Foliar fertilization with chelate, nitrate, and calcium oxide in andean blackberry crops with thorns, in production, with pruning management, and in the phenological stages of flower bud, fruit set, and red fruit, is a viable alternative to improve firmness, weight, and diameter of the fruits. In contrast, the chemical and color parameters in andean blackberry fruits depend on the edaphoclimatic conditions of each zone. This fertilization should be considered as a complement in soils without acidity problems and with balanced cationic saturations.

El calcio es el tercer nutriente más importante para la mora; sin embargo, su absorción se ve limitada en suelos ácidos y su baja movilidad en planta disminuye su efecto en frutos. Por tanto, se estimó el efecto de fertilizantes foliares con calcio en frutos de mora. En tres localidades, se establecieron experimentos con cinco recursos de Ca (quelato de Ca, nitrato de CaB, óxido de Ca, KCaB y gluconato de CaBZn) y un control sin calcio, aplicados en tres etapas fenológicas y registrándose: peso, diámetros, firmeza, color, jugo, pulpa, pH, sólidos solubles, acidez, deshidratación y daños. Se realizó análisis de suelo y tejido, para identificar la relación entre las condiciones nutricionales de la planta y su respuesta a la fertilización. Para el análisis estadístico, se utilizaron modelos mixtos, pruebas de medias y componentes principales. La fertilización foliar con quelato, nitrato y óxido de calcio en cultivos de mora andina con espinas, en producción, con manejo de podas y en las etapas fenológicas de botón floral, cuajado y fruto rojo, es una alternativa viable para mejorar la firmeza, peso y diámetro de los frutos. En contraste, los parámetros químicos y de color en frutos de mora andina dependen de las condiciones edafoclimáticas propias de cada zona. Esta fertilización, se debe considerar como complemento en suelos sin problemas de acidez y con saturaciones catiónicas equilibradas.

Sci Rep ; 11(1): 16746, 2021 08 18.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34408194


Several research efforts on cocoa have been focused on parameters for controlling the transformation process to guarantee homogeneity and quality of cocoa beans, the main raw material in the chocolate industry. The main changes that determine the final quality of cocoa-and also the product's homogeneity-occur during fermentation, given the great number of factors that affect the process. This research seeks to identify the most relevant factors affecting quality in order to offer higher-quality and more homogeneous cocoa for the chocolate industry. The dynamics of the fermentation process were observed in three contrasting locations, monitoring different variables and evaluating the final quality of the cocoa. Results show that temperature and pH profile are the key factors to be monitored and controlled in order to achieve high-quality cocoa beans.

Heliyon ; 6(10): e05300, 2020 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33117903


Andean blackberry is a fruit recognized by its health benefits associated with its high content of bioactive compounds. However, it is also one of the most perishable fruits because it does not have a protective cuticle, and it shows high respiration and ethylene production rates. Furthermore, it is susceptible to microbiological attacks. During harvest and commercialization, the highest percentage of losses is caused by factors such as the maturity stage, harvest practices and containers, and marketing packages. The current work aims at studying the effect of the package on fruit quality, for which the harvested fruits were placed in clamshells, traditional wooden and plastic crates with a capacity of 7 kg. The quality of the fruit was evaluated by counting in situ, damage by bruising, cuts, deformations, microbiological attacks, missing of the peduncle, and non-uniform pollination. Damage analysis included the evaluation of different regression models considering information criteria and significant parameters (P ≤ 0.05). The use of traditional packages led to higher damage from cuts and bruises. Although in clamshells there was a higher probability of finding healthy fruits, a proposal for its redesign is proposed to guarantee a better quality and shelf life of the Andean blackberry fruits.

Rev. colomb. ciencias quim. farm ; 48(1): 61-79, jan.-abr. 2019. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1042799


RESUMEN Se realizó el estudio fitoquímico de hojas de Cavendishia compacta. La separación de extractos y fracciones por cromatografías en columna, capa delgada y capa delgada preparativa, permitieron obtener una mezcla de diterpenos conformada por kaurano, rimuneno y biformeno; una mezcla de compuestos aromáticos constituida por acetofenona y benzaldehído; una mezcla de triterpenos constituida por α-amirina y β-amirina y el aislamiento de morina y miricetina. La actividad antiinflamatoria se evaluó al extracto etanólico y las fracciones de hexano, dicolorometano y acetato de etilo, utilizando el modelo de edema auricular inducido por TPA, siendo el extracto etanólico y la fracción de dicolorometano los que presentaron un efecto antiinflamatorio moderado de 49,3% y 39,8% respectivamente.

Summary The phytochemical study of leaves of Cavendishia compacta was carried out. The separation of extracts and fractions by column chromatography, thin layer and preparative thin layer allowed to obtain a mixture of diterpenes consisting of kaurane, rimunene and biformene; a mixture of aromatic compounds constituted by acetophenone and benzaldehyde; a mixture of triterpenes constituted by α -amirine and β-amirin and the isolation of morine and myricetin. The anti-inflammatory activity was evaluated to the ethanolic extract and fractions of hexane, dichloromethane and ethyl acetate using the model of atrial edema induced by TPA, being the etha-nolic extract and the fraction of dicholoromethane those that presented a moderate anti-inflammatory effect of 49.3 % and 39.8% respectivel.

Rev. biol. trop ; 62(supl.1): 221-241, feb. 2014. graf, mapas, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: lil-753735


Gorgona is a Colombian continental island that biogeographically belongs in the Choco region. This work constitutes a first approximation to the aquatic insects, with emphasis in Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera: distribution, ecology, and associations to the continental mainland. Between October 2010 and June 2011, immature and adult specimens were collected in five streams of the island´s Western sector using entomological nets, Malaise traps, and light traps. A total of nine orders, 28 families, 39 genera and 16 species of aquatic insects were found. New geographical records for Gorgona include: Dytiscidae (Coleoptera), Zelusia, Farrodes and Terpides (Ephemeroptera), Leucotrichia and Wormaldia (Trichoptera), Laccodytes, Neoelmis and Pheneps (Coleoptera), Maruina and Limonia (Diptera). As part of this study, four new species for each, Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera, were found. Leptohyphes jodiannae, L. maculatus and Hagenulopsis esmeralda are recorded for the first time for Colombia. Farrodes caribbianus, F. roundsi, Hagenulopsis zunigae, Zelusia principalis and Anacroneuria choco are reported for the first time for the National Park. The high abundance of families, genera, and species is similar to that of low order streams in the tropic mainland, particularly those associated to the Choco bio-geographical province. Rev. Biol. Trop. 62 (Suppl. 1): 221-241. Epub 2014 February 01.

Este trabajo constituye la primera aproximación al conocimiento de las especies que caracterizan la entomofauna acuática del PNN Gorgona, con énfasis en Ephemeroptera y Plecoptera, su distribución, ecología y relación con la parte continental. Entre Octubre de 2010 y Junio de 2011 se realizaron recolectas de estados inmaduros y adultos en cinco quebradas del sector oriental de la isla, con ayuda de redes entomológicas, trampas Malaise y de luz blanca y negra. Se registran nueve órdenes, 28 familias, 39 géneros y 16 especies. Por primera vez se reportan la familia Dytiscidae (Coleoptera) y los géneros: Zelusia, Farrodes y Terpides (Ephemeroptera), Leucotrichia y Wormaldia (Trichoptera), Laccodytes, Neoelmis y Pheneps (Coleoptera), Maruina y Limonia (Diptera). Se encontraron cuatro especies nuevas de Ephemeroptera y cuatro de Plecoptera, en proceso de descripción. Además, Leptohyphes jodiannae, L. maculatus y Hagenulopsis esmeralda son primeras citas para Colombia. Farrodes caribbianus, F. roundsi, Hagenulopsis zunigae, Zelusia principalis y Anacroneuria choco, reportadas para el país, amplían su rango de distribución para el PNN Gorgona. La riqueza de familias, géneros y especies es alta y se considera una extensión de la fauna de corrientes hídricas de bajo y mediano orden del trópico continental, particularmente en la provincia del Chocó biogeográfico.

Fauna Aquática , Entomologia , Biota , Colômbia , Insetos/classificação