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Res Psychother ; 26(1)2023 Feb 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36786228


In order to prevent the spread of the coronavirus in Argentina, quarantine and distancing measures were adopted. This has led to a large increase in the use of online psychotherapy. Several international studies have already examined the transition from face-to-face therapy to telepsychotherapy during the COVID-19 pandemic from a therapist perspective, but within these studies, the Latin American context is not represented. To fill this research gap, this qualitative study explored the Argentinean psychotherapists' experiences with online psychotherapy during the COVID-19 pandemic by means of in-depth interviews and content analysis. Based on the international literature, an interview guideline was created which covered three main topics: setting, therapeutic relationship, and burden among therapists. For the analysis of the therapists' answers, a detailed codebook was developed. Effects were identified in all three areas investigated. The nine interviewed psychotherapists described unfavorable therapy conditions which affected the therapeutic setting, the psychotherapeutic methods and contents. Positive effects in the therapeutic relationship included patients being more open, but also negative effects such as discontinuation of therapies were reported. Therapists experienced telepsychotherapy as more exhausting than in-person psychotherapy, but they considered it a valuable tool during the pandemic, and the transition an enriching experience. These results, which are partially consistent with international findings, have practical implications for the practice of telepsychotherapy in Argentina. Technical conditions should be improved and patients' privacy during the session should be ensured. Treatment techniques and diagnostics need to be adapted for their use in telepsychotherapy.

Psychol. av. discip ; 15(1): 13-30, ene.-jun. 2021. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1356668


Resumen El principal objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la validez y confiabilidad de la Escala Revisada de Ansiedad y Depresión Infantil (RCADS). Específicamente, se analizó la validez de contenido, la validez de constructo y la validez de criterio, además de reportar los índices de confiabilidad. La muestra estuvo conformada por 284 escolares, cuyas edades oscilaban entre 8 y 12 años, residentes de la provincia de Mendoza, Argentina. Se emplearon los siguientes instrumentos: Escala Revisada de Ansiedad y Depresión Infantil, el Cuestionario de Depresión Infantil (CDI), y el Cuestionario de Emociones Positivas (CIEP). Para evaluar la validez de contenido se convocaron a 10 jueces expertos, y se encontró un grado de acuerdo aceptable con respecto a la congruencia de los ítems a los factores evaluados. La validez de constructo fue evaluada comparando modelos alternativos de la RCADS, encontrando índices de ajuste adecuados para un modelo de cinco factores y 25 ítems, así como índices aceptables de confiablidad. Por último, se encontraron correlaciones significativas positivas entre las dimensiones del RCADS con el CDI y correlaciones significativas negativas con los factores del CIEP. Se discuten los resultados en función de los antecedentes, y se señalan limitaciones de la presente investigación.

Abstract The main objective of this study was to evaluate the validity and reliability of the Revised Child Anxiety and Depression Scale (RCADS). Specifically, content validity, construct validity and criterion validity were assessed, in addition to reporting the reliability index. The sample was composed of 284 schoolchildren whose ages ranged from 8 to 12 years. All of them were from the state of Mendoza, Argentina. The following instruments were used: Revised Child Anxiety and Depression Scale, the Child Depression Questionnaire (CDI), and the Positive Emotions Questionnaire (CIEP). To evaluate content validity, 10 expert judges were summoned, and an acceptable degree of agreement was found regarding the congruence of the items to the evaluated factors. The construct validity was evaluated by comparing alternative models of the RCADS, finding adequate fit indices for a model of five factors and 25 items, as well as an acceptable index of reliability. Finally, significant positive correlations were found between the dimensions of the RCADS with the CDI and significant negative correlations with the factors of the CIEP. The results are discussed based on the previous research, and the weakness of this research are pointed out.

Ansiedade , Psicometria , Comportamento Infantil , Depressão , Cuidado da Criança
Summa psicol. UST ; 18(1): 15-22, 2021. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1401083


En los últimos años, se ha formado un cuerpo creciente de investigación sobre el estilo personal del terapeuta, entendido como un modo propio y personal de ejercer en la clínica (Fernández-Álvarez & García, 1998). Su profundización ha permitido conocer cómo se asocia con el ámbito de trabajo, la línea teórica y la personalidad. No obstante, pocos son los estudios que han investigado este constructo en estudiantes. Por tanto, se pretende evaluar si existen modificaciones en el estilo y en la personalidad tras el entrenamiento clínico en la carrera de grado, y analizar las relaciones entre ambos aspectos. Se trabajó con 77 estudiantes del último año de psicología, que fueron evaluados antes y después de sus prácticas pre-profesionales clínicas con el Cuestionario de Estilo Personal del Terapeuta (Fernández-Álvarez et al., 2003) y el Big Five Inventory (John, 1990). Los resultados apuntan a un aumento de la cercanía emocional y una menor rigidez en el encuadre terapéutico, así como un incremento de la sociabilidad y de la estabilidad emocional luego de las prácticas. El modo en que se relacionan estos factores presenta variaciones respecto estudios con terapeutas en ejercicio, lo que da cuenta de que existen importantes diferencias entre ambos grupos

In recent years, a growing body of research has been conducted on the personal style of the therapist, understood as a personal way of practising in the clinic (Fernández-Álvarez & García, 1998). Its deepening has allowed us to know how it is associated with the field of work, the theoretical line and personality. However, few studies have investigated this construct in students. Therefore, the aim was to assess whether there are modifications in style and personality after undergraduate clinical training and to analyse the relationships between both aspects. We worked with 77 final-year psychology students assessed before and after their pre-professional clinical practice with the Therapist Personal Style Questionnaire (Fernández-Álvarez et al., 2003) and the Big Five Inventory (John, 1990). The results point to an increase in emotional closeness and less rigidity in the therapeutic setting and an increase in sociability and emotional stability after the internship. The relations among these factors show variations regarding studies with practising therapists, which shows that there are essential differences between the two groups

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Adulto Jovem , Personalidade , Psicologia , Estudantes/psicologia , Universidades , Inquéritos e Questionários , Estágio Clínico , Distribuição por Idade e Sexo , Estilo de Vida
Subj. procesos cogn ; 25(1): 47-72, ene.-jun. 2021.
Artigo em Espanhol | BINACIS, UNISALUD, LILACS | ID: biblio-1283638


El propósito es relacionar descriptores epocales disruptivos de la pandemia, en términos de procesos de sumatoria de duelos, con vicisitudes del trabajo diagnóstico y psicoterapéutico con niños/as, en ámbitos públicos y privados del 2020. El psiquismo es una organización abierta, de dinámicas reorganizaciones de múltiples combinaciones conscientes e inconscientes de experiencias vividas. Los procesos de duelo y sus destinos son intra e intersubjetivos, implican intersecciones de mundos subjetivos en interacción. En la niñez las dimensiones intrapsíquicas se enlazan con la comprensión de la muerte y separaciones prolongadas, tramas familiares y redes sociales. El reporte de los primeros resultados descriptivos de una investigación cualitativa, refieren dificultades y fortalezas de los pasajes de la psicoterapia presencial a la mediada por tecnologías sincrónicas. La comprensión de expresiones sintomáticas y elaboraciones u obstrucciones del duelo, pretende constituir aportes para proceso diagnósticos y psicoterapéuticos que propicien reconstrucciones intra e intersubjetivas requeridas por nuevas normalidades en curso(AU)

The purpose is to relate disruptive epochal descriptors of the pandemic, in terms of processes of grief summation, with vicissitudes of diagnostic and psychotherapeutic work with children, in public and private settings in 2020. The psyche is an open organization, of dynamic reorganizations of multiple conscious and unconscious combinations of lived experiences. Mourning processes and their destinies are intra and intersubjective, involving intersections of interacting subjective worlds. In childhood, the intrapsychic dimensions are linked to the understanding of death and prolonged separations, family networks and social networks. The report of the first descriptive results of a qualitative research, refer to difficulties and strengths of the passages from face-to-face psychotherapy to that mediated by synchronous technologies. The understanding of symptomatic expressions and elaborations or obstructions of grief, intends to constitute contributions for diagnostic and psychotherapeutic processes that propitiate intra and inter-subjective reconstructions required by new normalities in progress(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Criança , Psicoterapia , Pesar , Diagnóstico , Pandemias , COVID-19
Rev. Costarric. psicol ; 38(1): 57-73, ene.-jun. 2019. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-1091954


Resumen Los objetivos de este artículo fueron: (a) describir el perfil de Estilo Personal del Terapeuta (EPT) en dos grupos de psicólogos clínicos: uno que trabaja en instituciones de tratamiento de adicciones y otro no abocado específicamente a este campo; (b) comparar el posible efecto del enfoque teórico y los años de experiencia profesional sobre el EPT en cada grupo. Para ello se trabajó con una muestra de 429 psicólogos clínicos de Argentina divididos en dos grupos: Grupo Adicciones (n = 102) y Grupo Clínico (n = 327). Como instrumento se empleó el Cuestionario de Estilo Personal del Terapeuta. A nivel de resultados se obtuvieron diferencias significativas en la función de Involucración (p < .05), donde los terapeutas de adicciones obtuvieron puntajes superiores. Asimismo, se observaron diferencias entre ambos grupos de terapeutas según el enfoque teórico y correlaciones significativas con los años de experiencia profesional.

Abstract: The objectives of this study were: (a) to describe the profile of the Therapist's Personal Style (TPS) in two groups of clinical psychologists: one group working in drug addict institutions and the other group dedicated to general clinical treatment; (b) to compare the possible effect of the theoretical framework and the years of experience on the TPS in each group. For this purpose, a sample of 429 clinical psychologists from Argentina was divided into two groups: Addictions Group (n = 102) and Clinical Group (n = 327). The Therapeutic Personal Style Questionnaire was used as instrument. As a result, there were significant differences in the Engagement function (p < .05), higher among the therapists of drug addict patients. Likewise, differences between both groups of therapists were observed according to the theoretical approach as well as significant correlations with years of professional experience.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Psicologia/tendências , Terapeutas Ocupacionais/psicologia , Testes de Personalidade , Argentina , Psicoterapia , Psicoterapia Interpessoal
Res Psychother ; 22(2): 362, 2019 Aug 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32913799


The Personal Style of the Therapist (PST) is an important aspect to assess in the therapeutic process. Previous research has explored therapist's profiles and their differences according to a variety of theoretical orientations, as well as the association between these profiles and personality traits. This study aims to put together these lines of research through a cluster analysis. The specific goals were to describe the profiles of therapists with respect to the functions of the PST and personality traits; and to analyze whether the professionals' profiles and their theoretical orientations were related. The sample was comprised of 546 Argentinian therapists. The Personal Style of the Therapist Questionnaire (PST-Q) and the Big Five Inventory (BFI) were used as measuring instruments. Using the methodology of hierarchical analysis based on a cluster analysis integrating the five factors of the PST, a four-cluster solution was confirmed to be the most satisfactory. Subsequently, a cluster analysis of k-means based on the five factors of each test (PST-Q and BFI) was performed. Finally, the relationship between the clusters and theoretical orientation and years of clinical practice was assessed, rendering positive outcomes. The results are discussed based on previous research studies and the significance of studying the therapist's personal variables and their connection with psychotherapy efficacy.

Psychol. av. discip ; 11(2): 69-84, jul.-dic. 2017. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-895996


Resumen El objetivo fue evaluar las propiedades psicométricas de cinco versiones distintas del Cuestionario de Estilo Personal del Terapeuta (ETP-C), el cual indaga cinco funciones de la actividad terapéutica: Atencional (búsqueda de información), Operativa (intervenciones terapéuticas), Instruccional (establecimiento del encuadre terapéutico), Expresiva (grado de expresividad emocional) y de Involucración (compromiso). Para este estudio participaron 471 terapeutas de Argentina, quienes completaron la versión original del ETP-C, compuesta por 36 ítems. Luego se compararon los indicadores de ajuste de los cinco modelos disponibles del cuestionario. Se obtuvo que la versión portuguesa del EPT-C compuesto por 20 ítems, es el que mejores indicadores de ajuste presenta a pesar de que la confiabilidad del mismo no fue satisfactoria. Se discuten implicaciones teóricas y prácticas para la investigación en psicoterapia.

Abstract The objective was to evaluate the psychometric properties of five different versions of the Personal Style Therapist Questionnaire (PST-Q), which evaluate five functions of therapeutic activity: Attentional (seeking information), Operational (therapeutic interventions), Instructional (establishment of the therapeutic setting), Expressive (degree of emotional expressiveness) and Involvement (commitment).471 therapist participate in this study, who completed the original version of the PST-Q, consisting of 36 items. Adjustment indicators of the five models PST-Q available were then compared. As a result, the version of the PST-Q with best adjustment indicator was the Portuguese one made of 20 items, although the reliability was not satisfactory. Theoretical and practical implications were discussed for psychotherapy research.

Psicometria , Psicoterapia , Adaptação Psicológica , Análise Fatorial , Questionário de Saúde do Paciente/classificação , Psicoterapeutas , Terapêutica , Inquéritos e Questionários , Indicadores e Reagentes , Categorias de Trabalhadores
DiáLogos ; 4(2): 75-82, 2014. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, MOSAICO - Saúde integrativa | ID: biblio-877579


La Musicoterapia es el uso de la música o de los elementos musicales por un musicoterapeuta con un paciente o grupo de pacientes. Tiene como objeto atender necesidades físicas, emocionales, mentales, sociales y cognitivas. La musicoterapia apunta a desarrollar potenciales y/o restablecer funciones del individuo para que este pueda emprender una mejor integración intrapersonal e interpersonal y, en consecuencia, alcanzar una mejor calidad de vida (Federación Mundial de Musicoterapia, 1996). El propósito de esta investigación es explorar las características emocionales de un grupo de adultos mayores en los encuentros de musicoterapia llevados a cabo en una institución residencial de Mendoza, Argentina; y explicar, en base a las sesiones, los beneficios que la música tiene en su salud mental. El diseño de esta investigación corresponde a un estudio Teórico-empírico, de índole cualitativa con alcance exploratorio. Para evaluar los resultados se utilizó la observación participante, y se tomaron entrevistas al personal de la residencia y a la musicoterapeuta a cargo de las sesiones. Como resultado se puede observar que la Musicoterapia es de gran ayuda como complemento del abordaje psicológico en el adulto mayor, por su contribución en el bienestar emocional del mismo.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Idoso , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Idoso/psicologia , Musicoterapia , Satisfação do Paciente , Argentina