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Sci Total Environ ; 806(Pt 3): 150690, 2022 Feb 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34600980


The last few years have seen the proliferation of anaerobic digestion plants to produce biomethane. Oxygen (O2) traces added to biogas during the desulfurization process are co-injected in the gas network and can be stored in Underground Gas Storage (UGS). However, there are no data available for the undesirable effects of O2 on these anoxic environments, especially on deep aquifers. In addition to mineral alteration, O2 can have an impact on the anaerobic autochthonous microbial life. In our study, the storage conditions of an UGS aquifer were reproduced in a high-pressure reactor and bio-geo-chemical interactions between the aqueous, gas and solid phases were studied. Sulfate was depleted from the liquid phase for three consecutive times during the first 130 days of incubation reproducing the storage conditions (36 °C, 60 bar, methane with 1% CO2). Sulfate-reducers, such as Desulfovibrionaceae, were identified from the high-pressure system. Simulations with PHREEQC were used to determine the thermodynamic equilibrium to confirm any gas consumption. CO2 quantities decreased in the gas phase, suggesting its use as carbon source by microbial life. Benzene and toluene, hydrocarbons found in traces and known to be biodegradable in storages, were monitored and a decrease of toluene was revealed and associated to the Peptococcaceae family. Afterwards, O2 was added as 1% of the gas phase, corresponding to the maximum quantity found in biomethane after desulfurization process. Re-oxidation of sulfide to sulfate was observed along with the end of sulfate reducing activity and toluene biodegradation and the disappearance of most of the community. H2 surprisingly appeared and accumulated as soon as hydrogenotrophic sulfate-reducers decreased. H2 would be produced via the necromass fermentation accomplished by microorganisms able to resist the oxic conditions of 4.42·10-4 mol.Kgw-1 of O2. The solid phase composed essentially of quartz, presented no remarkable changes.

Água Subterrânea , Oxigênio , Geologia , Metano , Sulfatos
Front Microbiol ; 12: 688929, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34721313


Deep aquifers (up to 2km deep) contain massive volumes of water harboring large and diverse microbial communities at high pressure. Aquifers are home to microbial ecosystems that participate in physicochemical balances. These microorganisms can positively or negatively interfere with subsurface (i) energy storage (CH4 and H2), (ii) CO2 sequestration; and (iii) resource (water, rare metals) exploitation. The aquifer studied here (720m deep, 37°C, 88bar) is naturally oligotrophic, with a total organic carbon content of <1mg.L-1 and a phosphate content of 0.02mg.L-1. The influence of natural gas storage locally generates different pressures and formation water displacements, but it also releases organic molecules such as monoaromatic hydrocarbons at the gas/water interface. The hydrocarbon biodegradation ability of the indigenous microbial community was evaluated in this work. The in situ microbial community was dominated by sulfate-reducing (e.g., Sva0485 lineage, Thermodesulfovibriona, Desulfotomaculum, Desulfomonile, and Desulfovibrio), fermentative (e.g., Peptococcaceae SCADC1_2_3, Anaerolineae lineage and Pelotomaculum), and homoacetogenic bacteria ("Candidatus Acetothermia") with a few archaeal representatives (e.g., Methanomassiliicoccaceae, Methanobacteriaceae, and members of the Bathyarcheia class), suggesting a role of H2 in microenvironment functioning. Monoaromatic hydrocarbon biodegradation is carried out by sulfate reducers and favored by concentrated biomass and slightly acidic conditions, which suggests that biodegradation should preferably occur in biofilms present on the surfaces of aquifer rock, rather than by planktonic bacteria. A simplified bacterial community, which was able to degrade monoaromatic hydrocarbons at atmospheric pressure over several months, was selected for incubation experiments at in situ pressure (i.e., 90bar). These showed that the abundance of various bacterial genera was altered, while taxonomic diversity was mostly unchanged. The candidate phylum Acetothermia was characteristic of the community incubated at 90bar. This work suggests that even if pressures on the order of 90bar do not seem to select for obligate piezophilic organisms, modifications of the thermodynamic equilibria could favor different microbial assemblages from those observed at atmospheric pressure.