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Phys Rev E ; 109(4-2): 045204, 2024 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38755888


We report on experiments where solid-density Mg plasmas are created by heating with the focused output of the Linac Coherent Light Source x-ray free-electron laser. We study the K-shell emission from the helium- and lithium-like ions using Bragg crystal spectroscopy. Observation of the dielectronic satellites in lithium-like ions confirms that the M-shell electrons appear bound for these high charge states. An analysis of the intensity of these satellites indicates that when modeled with an atomic-kinetics code, the ionization potential depression model employed needs to produce depressions for these ions which lie between those predicted by the well known Stewart-Pyatt and Ecker-Kroll models. These results are largely consistent with recent density functional theory calculations.

Opt Express ; 31(12): 19703-19721, 2023 Jun 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37381380


Methods of ablation imprints in solid targets are widely used to characterize focused X-ray laser beams due to a remarkable dynamic range and resolving power. A detailed description of intense beam profiles is especially important in high-energy-density physics aiming at nonlinear phenomena. Complex interaction experiments require an enormous number of imprints to be created under all desired conditions making the analysis demanding and requiring a huge amount of human work. Here, for the first time, we present ablation imprinting methods assisted by deep learning approaches. Employing a multi-layer convolutional neural network (U-Net) trained on thousands of manually annotated ablation imprints in poly(methyl methacrylate), we characterize a focused beam of beamline FL24/FLASH2 at the Free-electron laser in Hamburg. The performance of the neural network is subject to a thorough benchmark test and comparison with experienced human analysts. Methods presented in this Paper pave the way towards a virtual analyst automatically processing experimental data from start to end.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 23(30): 16193-16205, 2021 Aug 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34302160


Polyethylene (PE) irradiated with femtosecond extreme ultraviolet or X-ray laser pulses in a single-shot damage regime is studied theoretically. The employed microscopic simulation tool XTANT-3 traces nonequilibrium electron kinetics, energy exchange between electrons and atoms, nonthermal modification of interatomic potential, and the induced atomic response. It is found that the nonthermal detachment of hydrogen atoms in bulk PE starts at the threshold deposited dose of ∼0.05 eV per atom. With an increase in the dose, more hydrogen atoms detach from the carbon backbone. At a dose of ∼0.3 eV per atom, hydrogen behaves like a liquid flowing around carbon chains. It is accompanied by the appearance of defect energy levels within the band gap. At a dose of ∼0.5 eV per atom, carbon chains actively bend and cross-link. In the range of doses from ∼0.5 eV per atom to ∼0.9 eV per atom, the electronic excitation induces formation of new carbon structures embedded in the hydrogen liquid, such as benzene-like rings. The band gap collapses at such doses, merging the valence and the conduction bands. Finally, at doses above ∼0.9 eV per atom, the carbon subsystem also melts into liquid. All of these damage mechanisms are mainly nonthermal, triggered by promotion of electrons from the valence into the conduction band of PE. At high doses, however, thermal electron-ion coupling is extremely fast causing equilibration of the electronic and the ionic temperatures within a hundred femtoseconds.

Phys Rev Lett ; 124(22): 225002, 2020 Jun 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32567902


The free-free opacity in plasmas is fundamental to our understanding of energy transport in stellar interiors and for inertial confinement fusion research. However, theoretical predictions in the challenging dense plasma regime are conflicting and there is a dearth of accurate experimental data to allow for direct model validation. Here we present time-resolved transmission measurements in solid-density Al heated by an XUV free-electron laser. We use a novel functional optimization approach to extract the temperature-dependent absorption coefficient directly from an oversampled pool of single-shot measurements, and find a pronounced enhancement of the opacity as the plasma is heated to temperatures of order of the Fermi energy. Plasma heating and opacity enhancement are observed on ultrafast timescales, within the duration of the femtosecond XUV pulse. We attribute further rises in the opacity on ps timescales to melt and the formation of warm dense matter.

Phys Rev Lett ; 120(5): 055002, 2018 Feb 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29481207


Electron-ion collisional dynamics is of fundamental importance in determining plasma transport properties, nonequilibrium plasma evolution, and electron damage in diffraction imaging applications using bright x-ray free-electron lasers (FELs). Here we describe the first experimental measurements of ultrafast electron impact collisional ionization dynamics using resonant core-hole spectroscopy in a solid-density magnesium plasma, created and diagnosed with the Linac Coherent Light Source x-ray FEL. By resonantly pumping the 1s→2p transition in highly charged ions within an optically thin plasma, we have measured how off-resonance charge states are populated via collisional processes on femtosecond time scales. We present a collisional cross section model that matches our results and demonstrates how the cross sections are enhanced by dense-plasma effects including continuum lowering. Nonlocal thermodynamic equilibrium collisional radiative simulations show excellent agreement with the experimental results and provide new insight on collisional ionization and three-body-recombination processes in the dense-plasma regime.

Phys Rev Lett ; 119(7): 075002, 2017 Aug 18.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28949680


A nonlinear absorber in which the excited state absorption is larger than the ground state can undergo a process called reverse saturable absorption. It is a well-known phenomenon in laser physics in the optical regime, but is more difficult to generate in the x-ray regime, where fast nonradiative core electron transitions typically dominate the population kinetics during light matter interactions. Here, we report the first observation of decreasing x-ray transmission in a solid target pumped by intense x-ray free electron laser pulses. The measurement has been made below the K-absorption edge of aluminum, and the x-ray intensity ranges are 10^{16} -10^{17} W/cm^{2}. It has been confirmed by collisional radiative population kinetic calculations, underscoring the fast spectral modulation of the x-ray pulses and charge states relevant to the absorption and transmission of x-ray photons. The processes shown through detailed simulations are consistent with reverse saturable absorption, which would be the first observation of this phenomena in the x-ray regime. These light matter interactions provide a unique opportunity to investigate optical transport properties in the extreme state of matters, as well as affording the potential to regulate ultrafast x-ray free-electron laser pulses.

Phys Rev Lett ; 119(8): 085001, 2017 Aug 25.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28952743


We present measurements of the spectrally resolved x rays emitted from solid-density magnesium targets of varying sub-µm thicknesses isochorically heated by an x-ray laser. The data exhibit a largely thickness-independent source function, allowing the extraction of a measure of the opacity to K-shell x rays within well-defined regimes of electron density and temperature, extremely close to local thermodynamic equilibrium conditions. The deduced opacities at the peak of the Kα transitions of the ions are consistent with those predicted by detailed atomic-kinetics calculations.

Nat Commun ; 7: 11713, 2016 05 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27210741


The effect of a dense plasma environment on the energy levels of an embedded ion is usually described in terms of the lowering of its continuum level. For strongly coupled plasmas, the phenomenon is intimately related to the equation of state; hence, an accurate treatment is crucial for most astrophysical and inertial-fusion applications, where the case of plasma mixtures is of particular interest. Here we present an experiment showing that the standard density-dependent analytical models are inadequate to describe solid-density plasmas at the temperatures studied, where the reduction of the binding energies for a given species is unaffected by the different plasma environment (ion density) in either the element or compounds of that species, and can be accurately estimated by calculations only involving the energy levels of an isolated neutral atom. The results have implications for the standard approaches to the equation of state calculations.

Nat Commun ; 6: 6397, 2015 Mar 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25731816


The rate at which atoms and ions within a plasma are further ionized by collisions with the free electrons is a fundamental parameter that dictates the dynamics of plasma systems at intermediate and high densities. While collision rates are well known experimentally in a few dilute systems, similar measurements for nonideal plasmas at densities approaching or exceeding those of solids remain elusive. Here we describe a spectroscopic method to study collision rates in solid-density aluminium plasmas created and diagnosed using the Linac Coherent light Source free-electron X-ray laser, tuned to specific interaction pathways around the absorption edges of ionic charge states. We estimate the rate of collisional ionization in solid-density aluminium plasmas at temperatures ~30 eV to be several times higher than that predicted by standard semiempirical models.

Phys Rev Lett ; 114(1): 015003, 2015 Jan 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25615475


High-intensity x-ray pulses from an x-ray free-electron laser are used to heat and probe a solid-density aluminum sample. The photon-energy-dependent transmission of the heating beam is studied through the use of a photodiode. Saturable absorption is observed, with the resulting transmission differing significantly from the cold case, in good agreement with atomic-kinetics simulations.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 84(6): 065104, 2013 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23822375


In situ focus characterization is demonstrated by working at an extreme ultraviolet (XUV) free-electron laser source using ablation technique. Design of the instrument reported here allows reaching a few micrometres resolution along with keeping the ultrahigh vacuum conditions and ensures high-contrast visibility of ablative imprints on optically transparent samples, e.g., PMMA. This enables on-line monitoring of the beam profile changes and thus makes possible in situ alignment of the XUV focusing optics. A good agreement between focal characterizations retrieved from in situ inspection of ablative imprints contours and from well-established accurate ex situ analysis with Nomarski microscope has been observed for a typical micro-focus experiment.

Phys Rev Lett ; 109(6): 065002, 2012 Aug 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23006275


We have used the Linac Coherent Light Source to generate solid-density aluminum plasmas at temperatures of up to 180 eV. By varying the photon energy of the x rays that both create and probe the plasma, and observing the K-α fluorescence, we can directly measure the position of the K edge of the highly charged ions within the system. The results are found to disagree with the predictions of the extensively used Stewart-Pyatt model, but are consistent with the earlier model of Ecker and Kröll, which predicts significantly greater depression of the ionization potential.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 83(4): 043107, 2012 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22559515


The soft x-ray materials science instrument is the second operational beamline at the linac coherent light source x-ray free electron laser. The instrument operates with a photon energy range of 480-2000 eV and features a grating monochromator as well as bendable refocusing mirrors. A broad range of experimental stations may be installed to study diverse scientific topics such as: ultrafast chemistry, surface science, highly correlated electron systems, matter under extreme conditions, and laboratory astrophysics. Preliminary commissioning results are presented including the first soft x-ray single-shot energy spectrum from a free electron laser.

Nature ; 482(7383): 59-62, 2012 Jan 25.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22278059


Matter with a high energy density (>10(5) joules per cm(3)) is prevalent throughout the Universe, being present in all types of stars and towards the centre of the giant planets; it is also relevant for inertial confinement fusion. Its thermodynamic and transport properties are challenging to measure, requiring the creation of sufficiently long-lived samples at homogeneous temperatures and densities. With the advent of the Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) X-ray laser, high-intensity radiation (>10(17) watts per cm(2), previously the domain of optical lasers) can be produced at X-ray wavelengths. The interaction of single atoms with such intense X-rays has recently been investigated. An understanding of the contrasting case of intense X-ray interaction with dense systems is important from a fundamental viewpoint and for applications. Here we report the experimental creation of a solid-density plasma at temperatures in excess of 10(6) kelvin on inertial-confinement timescales using an X-ray free-electron laser. We discuss the pertinent physics of the intense X-ray-matter interactions, and illustrate the importance of electron-ion collisions. Detailed simulations of the interaction process conducted with a radiative-collisional code show good qualitative agreement with the experimental results. We obtain insights into the evolution of the charge state distribution of the system, the electron density and temperature, and the timescales of collisional processes. Our results should inform future high-intensity X-ray experiments involving dense samples, such as X-ray diffractive imaging of biological systems, material science investigations, and the study of matter in extreme conditions.

Phys Rev Lett ; 109(24): 245003, 2012 Dec 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23368333


The x-ray intensities made available by x-ray free electron lasers (FEL) open up new x-ray matter interaction channels not accessible with previous sources. We report here on the resonant generation of Kα emission, that is to say the production of copious Kα radiation by tuning the x-ray FEL pulse to photon energies below that of the K edge of a solid aluminum sample. The sequential absorption of multiple photons in the same atom during the 80 fs pulse, with photons creating L-shell holes and then one resonantly exciting a K-shell electron into one of these holes, opens up a channel for the Kα production, as well as the absorption of further photons. We demonstrate rich spectra of such channels, and investigate the emission produced by tuning the FEL energy to the K-L transitions of those highly charged ions that have transition energies below the K edge of the cold material. The spectra are sensitive to x-ray intensity dependent opacity effects, with ions containing L-shell holes readily reabsorbing the Kα radiation.

Phys Rev Lett ; 106(16): 164801, 2011 Apr 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21599370


We have studied a solid-to-plasma transition by irradiating Al foils with the FLASH free electron laser at intensities up to 10(16) W/cm(2). Intense XUV self-emission shows spectral features that are consistent with emission from regions of high density, which go beyond single inner-shell photoionization of solids. Characteristic features of intrashell transitions allowed us to identify Auger heating of the electrons in the conduction band occurring immediately after the absorption of the XUV laser energy as the dominant mechanism. A simple model of a multicharge state inverse Auger effect is proposed to explain the target emission when the conduction band at solid density becomes more atomiclike as energy is transferred from the electrons to the ions. This allows one to determine, independent of plasma simulations, the electron temperature and density just after the decay of crystalline order and to characterize the early time evolution.

Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys ; 83(1 Pt 2): 016403, 2011 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21405780


Studies of materials under extreme conditions have relevance to a broad area of research, including planetary physics, fusion research, materials science, and structural biology with x-ray lasers. We study such extreme conditions and experimentally probe the interaction between ultrashort soft x-ray pulses and solid targets (metals and their deuterides) at the FLASH free-electron laser where power densities exceeding 10(17) W/cm(2) were reached. Time-of-flight ion spectrometry and crater analysis were used to characterize the interaction. The results show the onset of saturation in the ablation process at power densities above 10(16) W/cm(2). This effect can be linked to a transiently induced x-ray transparency in the solid by the femtosecond x-ray pulse at high power densities. The measured kinetic energies of protons and deuterons ejected from the surface reach several keV and concur with predictions from plasma-expansion models. Simulations of the interactions were performed with a nonlocal thermodynamic equilibrium code with radiation transfer. These calculations return critical depths similar to the observed crater depths and capture the transient surface transparency at higher power densities.

Opt Express ; 19(1): 193-205, 2011 Jan 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21263557


We investigated the damage mechanism of MoN/SiN multilayer XUV optics under two extreme conditions: thermal annealing and irradiation with single shot intense XUV pulses from the free-electron laser facility in Hamburg - FLASH. The damage was studied "post-mortem" by means of X-ray diffraction, interference-polarizing optical microscopy, atomic force microscopy, and scanning transmission electron microscopy. Although the timescale of the damage processes and the damage threshold temperatures were different (in the case of annealing it was the dissociation temperature of Mo2N and in the case of XUV irradiation it was the melting temperature of MoN) the main damage mechanism is very similar: molecular dissociation and the formation of N2, leading to bubbles inside the multilayer structure.

Opt Express ; 18(23): 23933-8, 2010 Nov 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21164739


Materials used for hard x-ray-free-electron laser (XFEL) optics must withstand high-intensity x-ray pulses. The advent of the Linac Coherent Light Source has enabled us to expose candidate optical materials, such as bulk B4C and SiC films, to 0.83 keV XFEL pulses with pulse energies between 1 µJ and 2 mJ to determine short-pulse hard x-ray damage thresholds. The fluence required for the onset of damage for single pulses is around the melt fluence and slightly lower for multiple pulses. We observed strong mechanical cracking in the materials, which may be due to the larger penetration depths of the hard x-rays.

Phys Rev Lett ; 104(22): 225001, 2010 Jun 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20867176


By use of high intensity XUV radiation from the FLASH free-electron laser at DESY, we have created highly excited exotic states of matter in solid-density aluminum samples. The XUV intensity is sufficiently high to excite an inner-shell electron from a large fraction of the atoms in the focal region. We show that soft-x-ray emission spectroscopy measurements reveal the electronic temperature and density of this highly excited system immediately after the excitation pulse, with detailed calculations of the electronic structure, based on finite-temperature density functional theory, in good agreement with the experimental results.

Alumínio/química , Elétrons , Processos Fotoquímicos , Gases em Plasma/química , Raios Ultravioleta