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Sci Rep ; 9(1): 1547, 2019 Feb 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30733483


Entangled photon pair generation is a crucial task for development of quantum information based technologies, and production of entangled pairs by biexciton cascade decays in semiconductor quantum dots is so far one of the most advanced techniques to achieve it. However, its scalability toward massive implementation requires further understanding and better tuning mechanisms to suppress the fine structure splitting between polarized exciton states, which persists as a major obstacle for entanglement generation from most quantum dot samples. In this work, the influence of electrostatic environment arising from electrically biased electrodes and/or charged impurities on the fine structure splitting of GaAs/AlGaAs droplet epitaxial quantum dots is studied, by means of numerical simulations considering a realistic quantum dot confining potential and electron-hole exchange interaction within a multiband k · p framework. We find that reduction of the fine structure splitting can be substantially optimized by tilting the field and seeding impurities along the droplet elongation axis. Furthermore, our results provide evidence of how the presence of charged impurities and in-plane bias components, may account for different degrees of splitting manipulation in dots with similar shape, size and growth conditions.