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Phys Rev E ; 101(2-1): 022206, 2020 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32168557


The geomagnetic field's dipole undergoes polarity reversals in irregular time intervals. Particularly long periods without reversals (of the order of 10^{7} yr), called superchrons, have occurred at least three times in the Phanerozoic (since 541 million years ago). We provide observational evidence for high non-Gaussianity in the vicinity of a transition to and from a geomagnetic superchron, consisting of a sharp increase in high-order moments (skewness and kurtosis) of the dipole's distribution. Such an increase in the moments is a universal feature of crisis-induced intermittency in low-dimensional dynamical systems undergoing global bifurcations. This implies a temporal variation of the underlying parameters of the physical system. Through a low-dimensional system that models the geomagnetic reversals, we show that the increase in the high-order moments during transitions to geomagnetic superchrons is caused by the progressive destruction of global periodic orbits exhibiting both polarities as the system approaches a merging bifurcation. We argue that the non-Gaussianity in this system is caused by the redistribution of the attractor around local cycles as global ones are destroyed.

Chaos ; 29(10): 103122, 2019 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31675813


Numerical experiments of the statistical evolution of an ensemble of noninteracting particles in a time-dependent billiard with inelastic collisions reveals the existence of three statistical regimes for the evolution of the speed ensemble, namely, diffusion plateau, normal growth/exponential decay, and stagnation. These regimes are linked numerically to the transition from Gauss-like to Boltzmann-like speed distributions. Furthermore, the different evolution regimes are obtained analytically through velocity-space diffusion analysis. From these calculations, the asymptotic root mean square of speed, initial plateau, and the growth/decay rates for an intermediate number of collisions are determined in terms of the system parameters. The analytical calculations match the numerical experiments and point to a dynamical mechanism for "thermalization," where inelastic collisions and a high-dimensional phase space lead to a bounded diffusion in the velocity space toward a stationary distribution function with a kind of "reservoir temperature" determined by the boundary oscillation amplitude and the restitution coefficient.

Chaos ; 28(9): 093106, 2018 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30278620


In this work, we introduce an exact calculation method and an approximation technique for tracing the invariant manifolds of unstable periodic orbits of planar maps. The exact method relies on an adaptive refinement procedure that prevents redundant calculations occurring in other approaches, and the approximated method relies on a novel interpolation approach based on normal displacement functions. The resulting approximated manifold is precise when compared to the exact one, and its relative computational cost falls like the inverse of the manifold length. To present the tracing method, we obtain the invariant manifolds of the Chirikov-Taylor map, and as an application we illustrate the transition from homoclinic to heteroclinic chaos in the Duffing oscillator that leads from localized chaos to global chaotic motion.