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Langmuir ; 24(5): 1678-81, 2008 Mar 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18095726


A simple and reliable film-calliper method of measuring the particle contact angle at the water-air (oil) interface in real time has been developed. Its applicability to submicrometer and micrometer latex and silica particles is demonstrated.

Chem Commun (Camb) ; (33): 3531-3, 2006 Sep 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16921435


Water films stabilised by hydrophobic particles are found to spread rapidly up the inner walls of a glass vessel containing water and hydrophobic particles when it is shaken; shaking produces unstable particle-stabilised foam bubbles whose coalescence with the air/water interface drives film growth up the inner walls of the container.

Langmuir ; 21(18): 8319-25, 2005 Aug 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16114937


The properties of particle-stabilized emulsions, especially with regard to phase inversion, are very dependent on the contact angle that the particles experience at the oil-water interface. For the very small particles used for such emulsions (often a few tens of nm), it is impossible to measure this contact angle directly. Its value could be calculated if it were possible to determine the components of the solid surface free energy. To establish a method suitable for such particles, we have investigated the imbibition of five probe liquids into a porous bed of silica (commercial TLC plates) using the thin-layer wicking technique. For all liquids, the difference between wicking rate for bare plates and for those pre-contacted with the vapors is large but it is not due to an advancing angle effect on bare plates. Our analysis shows that it is due to the diversion of flowing liquid into blind pores which are already filled in the pre-contacted case. Thus a new model is proposed describing wicking in a porous medium with very small blind pores by introducing a parameter into the Washburn equation that corrects for this capillary condensation effect. The parameter needed is determined independently using gravimetric adsorption measurements. When this modified Washburn equation is used, the difference between advancing and receding contact angle is actually quite small. When the averages are used as the Young's contact angles, values for the surface energy components of silica are obtained that are completely consistent between the five liquids and have magnitudes expected for this type of silica surface.

Langmuir ; 21(16): 7405-12, 2005 Aug 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16042472


Monolayers of silica particles at horizontal and vertical octane-water interfaces have been studied by microscopy. It is found that their structure and stability depend strongly on the particle hydrophobicity. Very hydrophobic silica particles, with a contact angle of 152 degrees measured through the water, give well-ordered monolayers at interparticle distances larger than 5 particle diameters which are stable toward aggregation and sedimentation. In contrast, monolayers of less-hydrophobic particles are disordered and unstable. Two-dimensional particle sedimentation has been observed in the case of vertical monolayers. The results have been analyzed with a simple two-particle model considering the sedimentation equilibrium as a balance between the long-range electrostatic repulsion through the oil, the gravity force, and the capillary attraction due to deformation of the fluid interface around particles. The value of the charge density at the particle-octane interface, 14.1 muC/m(2), found for the most hydrophobic particles is reasonable. It drastically decreases for particles with lower hydrophobicity, which is consistent with the order-disorder transition in monolayer structure reported by us before. The pair interactions between particles at a horizontal octane-water interface have been analyzed including the capillary attraction due to undulated three-phase contact line caused by nonuniform wetting (the contact angle hysteresis). The results are in agreement with the great stability of very hydrophobic silica particle monolayers detected experimentally, even at low pH at the point of zero charge of the particle-water interface, and with the aggregated structure of hydrophilic particle monolayers.

Langmuir ; 21(12): 5307-16, 2005 Jun 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15924454


A study of the rheological behavior of water-in-oil emulsions stabilized by hydrophobic bentonite particles is described. Concentrated emulsions were prepared and diluted at constant particle concentration to investigate the effect of drop volume fraction on the viscosity and viscoelastic response of the emulsions. The influence of the structure of the hydrophobic clay particles in the oil has also been studied by using oils in which the clay swells to very different extents. Emulsions prepared from isopropyl myristate, in which the particles do not swell, are increasingly flocculated as the drop volume fraction increases and the viscosity of the emulsions increases accordingly. The concentrated emulsions are viscoelastic and the elastic storage and viscous loss moduli also increase with increasing drop volume fraction. Emulsions prepared from toluene, in which the clay particles swell to form tactoids, are highly structured due to the formation of an integrated network of clay tactoids and drops, and the moduli of the emulsions are significantly larger than those of the emulsions prepared from isopropyl myristate.

Langmuir ; 21(6): 2330-41, 2005 Mar 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15752023


Vertical emulsion films with particle monolayers at their surfaces have been studied by direct microscope observations. The effects of particle wettability and surface coverage on the structure and stability of water films in octane and octane films in water have been investigated. Monodisperse silica particles (3 microm in diameter) hydrophobized to different extents have been used. It is found that the structure and stability of emulsion films strongly depend on the film type (water-in-oil or oil-in-water), the particle contact angle, the interactions between particles from the same and the opposite monolayer, and the monolayer density. Stable films are observed only when the particle wettability fulfills the condition for stable particle bridges--in agreement with the concept that hydrophilic particles can give stable oil-in-water emulsions, whereas hydrophobic ones give water-in-oil emulsions. In the case of water films with dilute disordered monolayers at their surfaces, the hydrophilic particles are expelled from the film center toward its periphery, giving a dimple surrounded by a ring of particles bridging the film surfaces. In contrast, the thinning of octane films with dilute ordered monolayers at their surfaces finally leads to the spontaneous formation of a dense crystalline monolayer of hydrophobic particles bridging both surfaces at the center of the film. The behaviors of water and octane films with dense close-packed particle monolayers at their surfaces are very similar. In both cases, a transition from bilayer to bridging monolayer is observed at rather low capillary pressures. The implications of the above finding for particle stabilized emulsions are discussed.

Chem Commun (Camb) ; (20): 2538-9, 2003 Oct 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-14594269


The rate of evaporation of volatile oils from oil-in-water emulsions can be strongly retarded by using a polymeric emulsion stabiliser instead of a low molar mass surfactant.

Langmuir ; 19(21): 8888-8893, 2003 Oct 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27672718


Results are reported for ellipsometric measurements of hydrophobized monodisperse silica particles, with a diameter of about 25 nm, spread at the toluene-water interface. Theoretical values for the ellipsometric parameters are derived by treating the particles as a core-shell model and performing integrations of the refractive index profile through the interface using Drude's equations. With justifiable choices of the fixed parameters for the system, the agreement is good between measured and calculated values for the ellipsometric parameter Δ as a function of the amount of silica particles added to the interface. However, the results at high particle concentration at the interface are consistent either with coverage greater than a close-packed monolayer or with a monolayer with corrugations whose amplitude is less than the radius of the particles. The results show that this is not a suitable method for the determination of the contact angle of the particles at the oil-water interface.