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Sci Rep ; 10(1): 6373, 2020 Apr 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32286441


Magmatic intrusions, eruptions and flank collapses are frequent processes of volcano dynamics, inter-connected at different space and time scales. The December 2018 recrudescent episode at Mt. Etna is an exemplary case where a sudden intrusive event culminated with a short eruption, intense seismicity and a shallow large strike-slip earthquake at the edge of the eastern sliding flank. Here, we show that high resolution velocity models and transient changes of VP and VP/VS resolve the magma intrusion through a dyke and local stress increase at the base of the unstable flank, inducing the collapse. Episodic brittle faulting occurs at the edge of the sliding sector, locally contributed by high fluid pressure. The feedback between magma ascent, stress changes and flank collapse is driving the volcano dynamics, with processes ranging from long term to transient episodes.

Surv Geophys ; 39(1): 57-97, 2018.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31997846


In the Central Mediterranean region, the production of chemically diverse volcanic products (e.g., those from Mt. Etna and the Aeolian Islands archipelago) testifies to the complexity of the tectonic and geodynamic setting. Despite the large number of studies that have focused on this area, the relationships among volcanism, tectonics, magma ascent, and geodynamic processes remain poorly understood. We present a tomographic inversion of P-wave velocity using active and passive sources. Seismic signals were recorded using both temporary on-land and ocean bottom seismometers and data from a permanent local seismic network consisting of 267 seismic stations. Active seismic signals were generated using air gun shots mounted on the Spanish Oceanographic Vessel 'Sarmiento de Gamboa'. Passive seismic sources were obtained from 452 local earthquakes recorded over a 4-month period. In total, 184,797 active P-phase and 11,802 passive P-phase first arrivals were inverted to provide three different velocity models. Our results include the first crustal seismic active tomography for the northern Sicily area, including the Peloritan-southern Calabria region and both the Mt. Etna and Aeolian volcanic environments. The tomographic images provide a detailed and complete regional seismotectonic framework and highlight a spatially heterogeneous tectonic regime, which is consistent with and extends the findings of previous models. One of our most significant results was a tomographic map extending to 14 km depth showing a discontinuity striking roughly NW-SE, extending from the Gulf of Patti to the Ionian Sea, south-east of Capo Taormina, corresponding to the Aeolian-Tindari-Letojanni fault system, a regional deformation belt. Moreover, for the first time, we observed a high-velocity anomaly located in the south-eastern sector of the Mt. Etna region, offshore of the Timpe area, which is compatible with the plumbing system of an ancient shield volcano located offshore of Mt. Etna.

Science ; 313(5788): 821-3, 2006 Aug 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16902133


The continuous volcanic and seismic activity at Mount Etna makes this volcano an important laboratory for seismological and geophysical studies. We used repeated three-dimensional tomography to detect variations in elastic parameters during different volcanic cycles, before and during the October 2002-January 2003 flank eruption. Well-defined anomalous low P- to S-wave velocity ratio volumes were revealed. Absent during the pre-eruptive period, the anomalies trace the intrusion of volatile-rich (>/=4 weight percent) basaltic magma, most of which rose up only a few months before the onset of eruption. The observed time changes of velocity anomalies suggest that four-dimensional tomography provides a basis for more efficient volcano monitoring and short- and midterm eruption forecasting of explosive activity.