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Rev Sci Instrum ; 91(2): 023906, 2020 Feb 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32113453


Implanted positive muons with low energies (in the range 1-30 keV) are extremely useful local probes in the study of thin films and multi-layer structures. The average muon stopping depth, typically in the order of tens of nanometers, is a function of the muon implantation energy and of the density of the material, but the stopping range extends over a broad region, which is also in the order of tens of nanometers. Therefore, an adequate simulation procedure is required in order to extract the depth dependence of the experimental parameters. Here, we present a method to extract depth-resolved information from the implantation energy dependence of the experimental parameters in a low-energy muon spin spectroscopy experiment. The method and corresponding results are exemplified for a semiconductor film, Cu(In,Ga)Se2, covered with a thin layer of Al2O3, but can be applied to any heterostructure studied with low-energy muons. It is shown that if an effect is present in the experimental data, this method is an important tool to identify its location and depth extent.

Enferm. glob ; 11(25): 59-74, ene. 2012.
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-100455


Introducción: El dolor forma parte de la condición humana y es inalienable de su existencia. Es entendido como una experiencia universal con inicio precoz en cada individuo y gana heterogeneidad de configuraciones sociales y variabilidad de grados de intensidad. Como experiencia intransmisible, marcará, de diversas formas, la construcción psicológica y social de la persona. En el niño es una experiencia común y perturbadora, muchas veces subestimada y subintervencionada en contextos de salud. Metodología: Con este estudio exploratorio de naturaleza mixta, basado en la teoría de las representaciones sociales, pretendemos dar voz a los niños sometidos a punción venosa. Los objetivos de este trabajo son identificar las representaciones asociadas a la experiencia de punción venosa y evaluar el grado de dolor asociado a esta experiencia, en niños en edad escolar. Se aplicó la asociación libre de palabras con dos cuestiones estímulo: «El dolor me hece pensar en…», «El pinchazo de la aguja me hace sentir…» y la escala numérica de evaluación del dolor, a 43 niños con edades comprendidas entre 6 y 12 años ingresados en un hospital de la Sub-región de Salud de Lisboa. Los datos se analizaron con recurso del software SPAD-T (análisis factorial de correspondencias simples) y SPSS (estadística descrpitiva). Resultados: Los datos obtenidos permiten decir que los niños que participaron en este estudio consideraron que el dolor funciona como factor desencadenante de sufrimiento y está asociado a manifestaciones físicas como el llanto y a sentimentos expresados ante el dolor, como el miedo y la ansiedad. El grado de dolor está asociado a la punción venosa y presenta variabilidad con factores como la edad y las experiencias anteriores. Conclusión: La punción venosa es un procedimiento doloroso y, según los niños que participaron en el estudio, provoca miedo y ansiedad. Sin embargo, muchos evitaron tener comportamientos sugestivos de dolor por vergüenza de ser considerados más flojos o por entender que es un dolor necesario. De ahí el hecho de que algunos niños, asociaran al dolor la valentía que se necesita tener para soportarla (AU)

Introduction: Pain is a part ofhuman nature and is an unalienable part of our existence. It is understood as a universal experience, with an early beginning, in each person, and it gans heterogeneity from social configurations and varying intensity. As an untransferrableexperience, it marks the construction of the psychological and social person in various ways. For children, pain is a common and disturbing experience that is sometimes underestimated in health contexts. Methodology: This exploratory study is of a mixed nature, which was based on the theory of social representations, aims to dentify the representation associated to pain, in school age children submitted to venous puncture and to the degree ofpain associated to venous puncture. Therefore, the free association of words technique was applied using two stimulus questions: «Pain makes me think about…», the needle prick makes me feel…», and the numerical scale of pain evaluation, to forty three children with ages between six and twelve years old, who were hospitalized in Lisbon’s Health Sub-region. The data have been analyzed using SPAD-T (factorial analysis of simple correspondence) and SPSS (descriptive statistics) software. The Results show that for those children pain is a factor which arouses suffering and is associated, by children, to physical manifestations, such as crying and to feelings expressed in the presence of pain, like fear. This procedure provokes fear and anxiety in hospitalized children. The degree of pain associated to venous puncture changes with factors like age and mainly with previous experience. In Conclusion, venipuncture is a painful procedure and according to the children who participated in the study, it causes fear and anxiety. However, many avoided suggestive feelings of pain, because they were ashamed to be considered weaker or deem it a necessary pain; hence the fact that some children associate pain and the need to have the necessary courage to support it (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Criança , Punções/enfermagem , Punções/psicologia , Ferimentos Penetrantes Produzidos por Agulha/enfermagem , Ferimentos Penetrantes Produzidos por Agulha/psicologia , Dor/enfermagem , Dor/psicologia , Ansiedade/enfermagem , Ansiedade/psicologia , Transtornos de Ansiedade/enfermagem , Transtornos Fóbicos/enfermagem , Análise Fatorial , Coleta de Dados , Ferimentos Penetrantes Produzidos por Agulha/epidemiologia