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J Homosex ; 71(4): 934-957, 2024 Mar 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36625558


LGBTQ+ people tend to experience prejudice, stigma, and discrimination, which increases their risk of developing mental health difficulties. Support networks, including companion animals, can be used to cope with these challenges. We performed a systematic review of studies related to the effects of human-animal interactions on the LGBTQ+ population. The review included 18 empirical studies; the findings showed that participants tended to view companion animals as family members, as well as providers of love, acceptance, and social support. Thus, companion animals could alleviate stress and increase resilience. However, certain costs were also cited and, under some circumstances, poorer health was observed. The results are discussed considering three unique aspects of the "LGBTQ+ people-animal bond": (1) it promotes self-acceptance, (2) provides a sense of protection against sexuality-based stigma and social acts of aggression based on sex or gender, and (3) exposes animal guardians requesting animal care services to potential discrimination. By characterizing the LGBTQ+ people-animal bond, more effective responses to meet their needs and promote inclusion may be achieved.

Minorias Sexuais e de Gênero , Humanos , Animais , Animais de Estimação , Comportamento Sexual/psicologia , Sexualidade/psicologia , Identidade de Gênero
Arch. med ; 21(2): 548-555, 2021-04-25.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1291870


Objetivos: tras la declaración de la pandemia del COVID-19 y el consecuente confinamiento y el teletrabajo, se propuso investigar la adaptación de los profesionales de la salud mental a la atención online. Materiales y métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal mediante la distribución online de encuestas, compuestas por un cuestionario sociodemográfico y preguntas de opción múltiple que permitieran caracterizar las particularidades encontradas en la atención online. La muestra incidental estuvo conformada por 491 trabajadores de la salud mental. Resultados: el 50% indicó una adaptación muy alta o alta, y solo el 11% baja adaptación. El 92,87% realizaba atención online y el 91,45% trabajaba desde su hogar, total o parcialmente. Las dificultades principales se dieron en torno a aspectos tecnológicos y a interrupciones domésticas, mientras que las ventajas principales fueron ahorro de tiempo y gastos, más allá de los aspectos preventivos. Conclusiones: dada la buena adaptación de los terapeutas y la rentabilidad de esta modalidad de atención, es posible que la misma persista aun cuando la presencialidad vuelva a habilitarse. De este modo, se destaca la importancia de incorporar la atención online con sus particularidades en la formación de los psicoterapeutas..(Au)

Objective: after the declaration of the COVID-19 pandemic, the consequent confinement and teleworking, this research aimed to investigate the adaptation of mental health professionals to online care. Materials and methods: a descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out through the online distribution of surveys, made up of a sociodemographic questionnaire and multiple-choice questions that allowed characterizing the particularities found in online care. The incidental sample consisted of 491 mental health workers. Results: 50% indicated a very high or high adaptation, and only 11% low adaptation. 92.87% performed online care and 91.45% worked from home, totally or partially. The main difficulties were related to technological aspects and domestic interruptions, while the main advantages were related to saving time and expenses, beyond the preventive aspects. Conclusions: given the good adaptation of the therapists and the profitability of this care modality, it is possible that it persists even when face-to-face is re-enabled. In this way, the importance of incorporating online care with its particularities in the training of psychotherapists..(Au)

Interdisciplinaria ; 34(1): 73-90, June 2017. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-893319


El perro (Canis familiaris) ha sido la primera especie domesticada por el hombre como resultado de un proceso interactivo de miles de años, el cual produjo relaciones de competencia, cooperación y coevolución. Durante este proceso, los perros han adquirido habilidades comunicativas que favorecieron su relación con los humanos, la cual representa una expresión de apego. El rol de la oxitocina ha sido destacado en la formación de los vínculos de apego y en los comportamientos prosociales que facilitan las relaciones intraespecies. Se realizó una revisión sistemática de las investigaciones focalizadas en los efectos de la oxitocina sobre las interacciones entre humanos y perros. Se discuten los resultados en función de hallazgos de investigaciones referidas a la oxitocina y sus efectos intraespecies, así como en función de desarrollos en Antrozoología en general. Se destaca el posible rol de la oxitocina en distintos aspectos del vínculo humano-perro, como el efecto mascota, la cercanía emocional, el antropomorfismo y las respuestas a las características neoténicas. Finalmente, se describen posibles campos de investigación.

Dog (Canis familiaris) has been the first species to be domesticated by humans. This was the result of an interactive process that took place throughout thousands of years and led to competence, cooperation and coevolution relationships. Through a convergent evolution process, dogs have been able to acquire social abilities, similar to those of humans, which enabled particular communication ways between the two species. Dogs' remarkable ability to understand human social and communicative behaviors (even better than genetically related species, such as primates) favored their relationship with humans. Although some debate arose about the accuracy of the concept attachment, evidence of the most recent investigations on behavioral and endocrine responses in human-dog interactions have supported the idea that this relationship represents an expression of attachment. The oxytocin role has stood out in the formation of attachment bonds and in prosocial behavior that encourages intraspecies relationships. It achieves this by inducing maternal behaviors in a persistent fashion, influencing on pairing and increasing interpersonal trust through eye contact, empathy, etc. Moreover, the participation of oxytocin in the social bond processes is complex, as it has shown to play multiple roles. Oxytocin influences on the stress by reducing the cortisol levels, modulates the amygdala activity linked to fear, and increases the pain threshold, among other actions. Research in the human-animal interaction field, or Anthrozoology, has highlighted the companion animals' contribution to people wellbeing and particularly the buffering effect on daily life stress. The idea that living with an animal can have a positive influence on human health has been called pet effect and has been studied understanding physiological, psychosocial and therapeutic aspects. We carried out a systematic bibliographic review of the empiric studies about human-dog interactions in which oxytocin levels were assessed or oxytocin was administered, in dogs and / or humans. We present the employed procedures and the main results, and analyze the limitations and relevance of the investigations' findings, as well as their consistencies and contradictions. The results are discussed in function of the findings related to oxytocin and its intraspecies effects, and also in function of the development in Anthrozoology in general. The possible role of the oxytocin in the different aspects of the human-dog relationship is analyzed. Among these aspects we highlight: the pet effect, and the reported benefits of the relationship human-companion dog, mainly related to a decrease in stress symptoms; anthropomorphism and the mental states attribution necessary so that pet keeping makes sense; and the cute response, which implies an instinctive reaction to give parental care as a response to the infantile scheme, thought to be involved in the origin of pet keeping. The oxytocin role as an underlying neuroendocrine substrate that explains the benefits of the positive social experience that implies the human-dog bond and promotes the strengthening of this reciprocate and shared bond is emphasized. Finally, new lines of investigation are considered, such as the empiric study of the relationship of this neurohormone with the anthropomorphism and the response to the infantile scheme. We lay stress on the importance of developing studies with samples that include humans and dogs of different ages, with the object of assessing the influence of age on the response to oxytocin. We also make a point of the relevance of carrying out comparisons in relation to the human and dog gender, which has been usually controlled rather that investigated. Furthermore, we discuss the validity of the techniques employed to measure and administer the oxytocin. We make recommendations about these techniques and their use for considering the investigations goals. We highlight the least invasive methods such as the urine oxytocin measure, which are related to a more spontaneous behaviors and are more in agreement with animal welfare.
