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Health Sociol Rev ; 28(2): 209-227, 2019.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32982579


This study compared the mental and self-rated health of monoracial and multiracial young adults using data from Wave 3 of the National Longitudinal Adolescent to Adult study. Our analytic sample consisted of 10,535 men and women ages 18-25 that self-identified as monoracial (Asian, Black, Native American, and White) or multiracial (White-Nonwhite and Nonwhite-Nonwhite). We find that when comparing aggregated racial groups, multiracials have poorer mental health than monoracials. However, differences emerge when multiracials are disaggregated into their two primary pairings of White-Nonwhite and Nonwhite-Nonwhite and compared to monoracials collectively and individually. We find that White-Nonwhites have poorer mental and self-rated health relative to monoracials generally and Whites specifically. In contrast, Nonwhite-Nonwhites have greater self-esteem and self-rated health than Whites as well as the aggregated monoracial group. Our findings highlight the complexities of examining multiracial health without researchers using consistent multiracial categories and reference groups. The results are discussed using three new perspectives that are introduced to explain health disparities between monoracial and multiracial persons.