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Biophys Rev ; 10(5): 1443-1463, 2018 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30242555


Considerable debate surrounds the question of whether or not quantum mechanics plays a significant, non-trivial role in photosynthetic light harvesting. Many have proposed that quantum superpositions and/or quantum transport phenomena may be responsible for the efficiency and robustness of energy transport present in biological systems. The critical experimental observations comprise the observation of coherent oscillations or "quantum beats" via femtosecond laser spectroscopy, which have been observed in many different light harvesting systems. Part Two of this review aims to provide an overview of experimental observations of energy transfer in the most studied light harvesting systems. Length scales, derived from crystallographic studies, are combined with energy and time scales of the beats observed via spectroscopy. A consensus is emerging that most long-lived (hundreds of femtoseconds) coherent phenomena are of vibrational or vibronic origin, where the latter may result in coherent excitation transport within a protein complex. In contrast, energy transport between proteins is likely to be incoherent in nature. The question of whether evolution has selected for these non-trivial quantum phenomena may be an unanswerable question, as dense packings of chromophores will lead to strong coupling and hence non-trivial quantum phenomena. As such, one cannot discern whether evolution has optimised light harvesting systems for high chromophore density or for the ensuing quantum effects as these are inextricably linked and cannot be switched off.

Biophys Rev ; 10(5): 1427-1441, 2018 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30215194


The role of non-trivial quantum mechanical effects in biology has been the subject of intense scrutiny over the past decade. Much of the focus on potential "quantum biology" has been on energy transfer processes in photosynthetic light harvesting systems. Ultrafast laser spectroscopy of several light harvesting proteins has uncovered coherent oscillations dubbed "quantum beats" that persist for hundreds of femtoseconds and are putative signatures for quantum transport phenomena. This review describes the language and basic quantum mechanical phenomena that underpin quantum transport in open systems such as light harvesting and photosynthetic proteins, including the photosystem reaction centre. Coherent effects are discussed in detail, separating various meanings of the term, from delocalized excitations, or excitons, to entangled states and coherent transport. In particular, we focus on the time, energy and length scales of energy transport processes, as these are critical in understanding whether or not coherent processes are important. The role played by the protein in maintaining chromophore systems is analysed. Finally, the spectroscopic techniques that are used to probe energy transfer dynamics and that have uncovered the quantum beats are described with reference to coherent phenomena in light harvesting.
