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PLoS One ; 17(4): e0265821, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35417480


Artificial feeding of young infants is considered a modern phenomenon. However, historical sources note its practice in some past European populations. This research explores factors that contributed to a short to absent period of breastfeeding in pre-modern Netherlands. Stable nitrogen and carbon isotope analysis is undertaken on 277 19th century individuals from Beemster, a, rural, mainly Protestant, dairy farming community. An intra-individual sampling approach for ≤6 year-olds compares newer metaphyseal to older diaphyseal long bone collagen to classify feeding status at death. Archivally identified individuals permit analyses of sex and year-of-death. Few infants have isotopic evidence for breastfeeding and, if present, it was likely of short duration or a minor source of dietary protein. From only a few weeks to months of age infants were fed cow's milk and paps with sugar. There is broad dietary homogeneity with no sex or temporal isotopic differences, but young infants (1-11 months) have the most ẟ15N and ẟ13C variation highlighting the effect of multiple dietary and physiological processes. Beemster had many factors associated with high rates of breastfeeding in other Dutch communities, yet, most mothers did not breastfeed, or not for long, showing that regional variation in infant feeding is influenced by community values and traditions. On top of child rearing and domestic chores, female dairy farmers were in charge of milking cattle and dairy production, an important income source, suggesting high workload was also a factor in short or absent breastfeeding periods, aided by the constant supply of fresh milk that could be fed to an infant by an older sibling.

Aleitamento Materno , Leite , Alérgenos , Animais , Bovinos , Dieta , Feminino , Humanos , Lactente , Mães , População Rural
Soc Compass ; 64(2): 194-205, 2017 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28919650


What place is there for holy play in experience-oriented society? Is it possible and useful to make analytic distinctions between the liturgical quality of events? I explored these questions by doing research on the boundaries between the religious field and the field of leisure. Fifty site visits to public events in the Netherlands (2006-2014) resulted in a collection of ethnographic data. I used the concept of play as introduced by the Dutch historian Johan Huizinga and the tools of ritual studies to explore whether these could help to produce an account of the liturgical quality of ritualized meetings. Holy play might be found in unexpected places, such as in a bingo hall. Huizinga's broad diagnosis of modernity may be outdated, but the tools he introduced remain useful to distinguish the elements that constitute late-modern meetings as more or less playful - even when this involves combinations that seem contradictory from Huizinga's own point of view.

Quelle est la place du « jeu sacré ¼ dans la culture contemporaine? Est-il possible et utile de faire des distinctions analytiques entre la qualité liturgique des événements? J'ai exploré cette question en faisant des recherches anthropologiques sur les frontières entre le champ religieux et le champ du loisir. Cinquante visites d'événements publics aux Pays-Bas (2006­2014) ont abouti à une collecte de données ethnographiques. J'ai utilisé le concept de jeu tel que présenté par l'historien néerlandais Johan Huizinga et les outils d'études rituelles pour déterminer si ceux-ci pouvaient aider à produire un décompte de la qualité liturgique des réunions ritualisées. Le jeu sacré peut être trouvé dans des lieux inattendus, comme dans une salle de bingo. La définition de la modernité d'Huizinga peut sembler obsolète, mais les outils qu'il a introduit restent utiles pour distinguer les éléments, plus ou moins ludiques, qui constituent le lien dans la modernité avancée, même quand les résultats opposent les propres opinons d'Huizinga sur la modernité.
