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Can J Nurs Res ; 55(2): 216-229, 2023 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35876326


BACKGROUND: Caring for older adults is among the most challenging issue of public health and social care systems in modern societies. By enhancing the nursing curriculum, nursing students will be qualified to provide gerontology care, and they will be acknowledging and working to eliminate ageism from the health care system. PURPOSE: This study explores nurses' and nursing students' knowledge and attitudes in caring for older adults and addresses the factors contributing to nurses' perspectives. It also examines the nursing curriculum's contributions to nurses' knowledge and attitudes and provides suggestions aimed at reconfiguring the nursing curriculum for comprehensive gerontology nursing care. METHODS: A mixed-method research design was utilized, and quantitative and qualitative data were collected from 90 nurses and nursing students through an online questionnaire. Data were analyzed via SPSS and NVivo 12 software programs. RESULTS: The results revealed that most nurses possess neutral attitudes toward caring for older patients, and their knowledge ranged from average to above-average levels. Statistical analysis revealed no statistically significant difference between gender and nurses' attitudes or between gender and knowledge. Similarly, there was no statistically significant difference between work status and nurses' attitudes. Results showed a statistically significant positive correlation between nurses' attitudes and knowledge level. This study demonstrated the positive impact of the Canadian nursing curriculum on nurses' knowledge and attitudes. CONCLUSION: The current study recommends providing gerontology nursing courses as a mandatory separate course in nursing education to enhance nursing students' knowledge and skills for high-quality gerontology nursing care.

Enfermeiras e Enfermeiros , Estudantes de Enfermagem , Humanos , Idoso , Competência Clínica , Canadá , Currículo , Inquéritos e Questionários , Atitude do Pessoal de Saúde
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38625201


Differentiated instruction (DI) is an inclusive method of instruction by which teachers provide multiple possibilities for learning based on students' backgrounds, readiness, interests, and profiles. Acknowledging student diversity in Canadian classrooms, this study explores STEM teacher candidates' (TCs') preparation to implement DI in a STEM curriculum and pedagogy course in a teacher education program. The course is enriched with DI resources and training focused on equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI). The course efficacy in enhancing TCs' implementation of DI is explored through the following research questions: (1) What is the impact of the course on TCs' implementation of DI, (2) How do TCs develop curricula to be inclusive of DI strategies, and (3) What successes and challenges do TCs encounter when developing DI-focused curricula? The study adopts a mixed-method approach, in which data sources include pre-post questionnaires and semi-structured interviews. Participants are 19 TCs enrolled in the second year of the teacher education program at a Canadian university. Findings suggest that the course empowered TCs to integrate DI principles and strategies in their coursework. This success reiterates the importance of opportunities aimed at enhancing teachers' preparation to incorporate DI in their practices. The findings call for adopting similar approaches in pre-service and in-service teachers' training to ensure that DI principles and strategies are deeply rooted in teachers' practices. The study informs teacher educators about integrating EDI in teacher education programs' curriculum and overall planning.

La différenciation pédagogique (DP) est une méthode d'enseignement inclusive selon laquelle les enseignants offrent plusieurs possibilités d'apprentissage en fonction du milieu dont sont issus les élèves, de leur réceptivité, leurs champs d'intérêts et de leurs profils. S'appuyant sur le fait qu'il existe une diversité d'élèves dans les salles de classe canadiennes, cette étude explore la préparation des aspirants enseignants (AE) des STIM à la mise en application de la DP dans un cours du curriculum et de la pédagogie des STIM au programme de formation des enseignants. Le cours est rehaussé par le biais de ressources en DP et d'une formation axée sur l'équité, la diversité et l'inclusion (EDI). On explore comment l'efficacité du cours peut servir à améliorer la mise en pratique de la DP par les AE à l'aide des questions de recherche suivantes: 1) Quel est l'impact du cours sur la mise en œuvre de la DP par les AE, 2) Comment les AE élaborent-ils des programmes qui intègrent les stratégies de DP, et 3) À quelles réussites et difficultés les AE font-ils face lorsqu'ils élaborent des programmes axés sur la DP ? L'étude adopte une approche méthodologique mixte, dans laquelle les sources de données comprennent des questionnaires « avant-après¼ et des entrevues semi-structurées. 19 AE inscrits en deuxième année du programme de formation des enseignants d'une université canadienne participent à l'étude. Les résultats indiquent que le cours a doté les AE de moyens d'intégrer les principes et les stratégies de la DP dans leurs travaux de cours. Cette réussite réitère l'importance d'avoir des occasions qui contribuent à améliorer la préparation des enseignants pour intégrer la DP dans leurs pratiques. Les résultats appellent à l'adoption d'approches similaires dans la formation initiale des enseignants et celle des enseignants sur place afin de s'assurer que les principes et les stratégies de la DP sont profondément enracinés dans les pratiques des enseignants. L'étude renseigne les formateurs d'enseignants sur l'intégration de l'EDI dans les programmes d'éducation des enseignants et dans la planification générale.

J Sci Educ Technol ; 31(3): 340-356, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35369535


Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, school closures were mandated by governments across the globe. This necessitated an abrupt shift to online/distance teaching. Through a mixed-methods study, the authors explored STEM teachers' transition to online teaching and learning in a Canadian context. This subset of the larger study investigated (i) teachers' views of and attitude toward online teaching and (ii) successes and challenges encountered with online teaching. Data were collected through an online questionnaire administered to 70 Grade 1-12 science/STEM subject teachers in a Canadian province between May and July 2020. Findings are discussed through the lens of self-efficacy theory and the technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) framework. Results indicate that despite few successes, teachers faced a wide array of challenges that negatively affected their attitudes and views toward online teaching, and that the support received did not parallel their expectations. Teachers' experiences, self-efficacy, and technological competency slightly enhanced their views of online teaching but were not sufficient to shift their mindset. Recommendations include effective professional development initiatives and support for teachers to facilitate teachers' transition and enhance their personal views toward online teaching.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37520635


The COVID-19 pandemic necessitated school closures globally, resulting in an abrupt move to online/distance teaching or emergency remote teaching (ERT). Teachers and students pivoted from face-to-face engagement to online environments, thus impacting curriculum, pedagogy, and student outcomes across a variety of disciplines. In this paper, the authors focus on science/STEM teachers' experiences with online teaching and learning in a Canadian context during the pandemic. Qualitative and quantitative data were collected through an online questionnaire administered to 75 Grade 1-12 science/STEM teachers in a Canadian province in May-July 2020. Through the TPACK framework and self-efficacy theory, the authors explore i) curriculum planning and implementation in online settings, ii) assessment practices and their effectiveness, and iii) student outcomes, as observed by the teachers. Results indicate that teachers used a variety of platforms, and choice of platform was mainly due to user-friendliness and interactivity, or administrative decision making. Despite teachers organizing online lessons during ERT, gaps were identified in teachers' TPACK framework and self-efficacy, thus impacting their curriculum development, pedagogical approaches, and assessment practices. In general, teaching strategies included pre-recorded videos and self-directed learning in which teachers assigned specific tasks for students to perform independently. Teachers prioritized subject content and covering curriculum objectives over creative and student-centered pedagogical approaches. Assessment techniques employed were viewed by teachers as unauthentic and generally ineffective. Moreover, teachers reported difficulties addressing student needs and abilities, resulting in challenges providing equitable and inclusive online teaching. Finally, online teaching was viewed negatively by most teachers, in terms of student engagement and outcomes.

Can J Sci Math and Technol Educ ; 22(2): 301-304, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38625200


In this commentary, I reflect on the state of science and science education in a changing world. Drawing on my experiences and as someone who worked with CJSTME at the inception of the journal, to my return in the role of science editor, and on a UNESCO report - I comment on the inequities present in science education.

Dans ce commentaire, je réfléchis sur l'état actuel de la science ainsi que sur celui de son enseignement dans un monde en évolution. Puisant dans mon expérience en enseignement des STIM et des sciences, et en tant que personne qui a travaillé avec la RCESMT aux tout premiers débuts de la revue, jusqu'à mon retour dans le rôle de rédacteur en chef scientifique, je livre mon opinion sur les iniquités dans l'enseignement de la science dans l'optique du rapport de l'UNESCO sur Les futurs de l'éducation.
