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Indian J Surg Oncol ; 14(4): 949-955, 2023 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38187837


Most people throughout the world are still uninformed of the problem of breast cancer in men. Despite increasing awareness programs targeting women, most people are unaware that breast cancer can also affect men. Our purpose is to assess the knowledge, perception, and awareness of male breast cancer among the adult male population. A descriptive cross-sectional survey included 128 male employees who agreed to participate in our study. We distributed pre-validated questionnaires to participants and gathered data following the one-on-one interview. The mean age of the participants was 37.71 years with a standard deviation of 7.65. About 55.5% of the participants were unaware that changes in the nipple position could be a sign of breast cancer. Majority of the participants, i.e., 60.9% believe positive family history will not increase the risk of breast cancer and 93% of participants have no idea about self-breast examination to detect lumps. On the other hand, 33.6% of participants stated that diagnosis and treatment of male breast cancer is embarrassing. Majority of the participants have no idea about the screening methods, 59.4% of participants have not heard about mammography, which is considered a modality of choice for early detection of breast cancer. The male university staff were lacking in knowledge and awareness about male breast cancer. In Indian community, because of shyness, they feel very embarrassed when it comes to openly discussing breast cancer. Because of this, it needs to receive more attention and to educate the male population about male breast cancer.

J Radiol Nurs ; 41(4): 334-338, 2022 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36211628


Background: Professional quality of life is one of the growing concerns among healthcare workers especially during COVID-19 pandemic. Presence and work of radiologist and medical imaging technologist for prolonged hours with patients could be stressful and painful. Objectives: This study aimed to assess the professional quality of life among the radiologist and medical imaging technologist by analyzing professional satisfaction, compassion, and burnout during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: An online, cross-sectional, self-reported, and internet-based survey was carried out among 153 radiologists and medical imaging technologists. Descriptive statistics were used to summarize the sociodemographic variables and domains of professional quality of life scale. Cronbach's alpha was used to check internal consistency. Independent sample t-test (two-tailed) was used to compare the demographic variables and compassion satisfaction, burnout, and secondary traumatic stress. Results: Most participants reported moderate and higher level of compassion satisfaction, whereas moderate burnout and secondary traumatic stress was reported by most participants during COVID-19 pandemic. There was negative correlation between compassion satisfaction and burnout and secondary traumatic stress. Conclusion: The findings of this study are vital to understand the work-related quality of life among healthcare professionals not only during COVID-19 pandemic but also after the pandemic situation. There is a need to conduct qualitative evaluation to ascertain the risk factors associated with professional quality of life. The study also reflects the need to focus more on the mental health of healthcare professionals not only during and after pandemic situation.

J Eur CME ; 10(1): 1993428, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34868733


The outbreak of COVID-19 has caused sensation and fear among the world population. Globally, the teaching and learning process has been greatly impacted by the pandemic. University and teaching institutes adopted the online mode for the continuation of the teaching-learning process. This research aims to evaluate the current online education practice, its effectiveness, and future prospects in various medical and allied health education in India. A standard self-administered questionnaire was prepared and circulated among the medical and allied health care students from different parts of India via the online platform. A total of 1042 participants submitted their responses. About 77% of students stated that they have attended online classes conducted by their respective educational institutes. The majority of the students were enthusiastic about online learning (via Google platform, Zoom, etc.), yet they all agreed that their practical knowledge was insufficient. Online education can be a good approach to learning, but it may not be as effective as traditional education in Medical and Allied Health students. Beyond pandemic lockdown, online learning may be implemented in conjunction with traditional methods.

J Radiol Nurs ; 40(2): 167-171, 2021 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33390860


Ever since the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has emerged, the number of affected individuals has been increasing exponentially. The frontline health workers are in constant risk because of the etiology and mode of transmission of the disease. Thus, the proper use of personal protective equipment (PPE) is very crucial during this pandemic. This study is to assess the knowledge regarding the handling of PPE among frontline allied health professionals who are directly in contact with patients with COVID-19. A standard questionnaire was prepared in Google Forms and circulated within the network of health-care workers via online platforms. A total of 143 frontline health workers participated in the questionnaire survey. It was found that only 44.1% of the total participants had previously undergone training regarding the handling of PPE. About 86.0% of participants gave correct response to the safety etiquette questions. For another knowledge-based question about using the N95 respirator in conjunction with a face shield, 86.7% of participants responded correctly. Only 67.8% of participants gave the right response to the question regarding the sequence of donning and doffing of PPE. The last question was regarding knowledge about the disposal of PPE, where 95.8% of participants responded correctly. Despite the safety precautions and procedures set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for handling patients with COVID-19, the health-care workers are still prone to occupational hazards. The only barrier standing between the health-care workers and COVID-19 is the PPE. Thus, in-depth training and education should be imparted on the health-care workers in the present pandemic situation.