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Phys Rev Lett ; 132(24): 241402, 2024 Jun 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38949358


We compute the fifth post-Minkowskian (5PM) order contributions to the scattering angle and impulse of classical black hole scattering in the conservative sector at first self-force order using the worldline quantum field theory formalism. This challenging four-loop computation required the use of advanced integration-by-parts and differential equation technology implemented on high-performance computing systems. Use of partial fraction identities allowed us to render the complete integrand in a fully planar form. The resulting function space is simpler than expected: In the scattering angle, we see only multiple polylogarithms up to weight three and a total absence of the elliptic integrals that appeared at 4PM order. All checks on our result, both internal-cancellation of dimensional regularization poles and preservation of the on-shell condition-and external-matching the slow-velocity limit with the post-Newtonian (PN) literature up to 5PN order and matching the tail terms to the 4PM loss of energy-are passed.

Nat Commun ; 14(1): 8258, 2023 Dec 13.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38086872


Ultrafast laser excitation provides a means to transiently realize long-range ordered electronic states of matter that are hidden in thermal equilibrium. Recently, this approach has unveiled a variety of thermally inaccessible ordered states in strongly correlated materials, including charge density wave, ferroelectric, magnetic, and intertwined charge-orbital ordered states. However, more exotic hidden states exhibiting higher multipolar ordering remain elusive owing to the challenge of directly manipulating and detecting them with light. Here we demonstrate a method to induce a dynamical transition from a thermally allowed to a thermally forbidden spin-orbit entangled quadrupolar ordered state in Ca2RuO4 by coherently exciting a phonon that is strongly coupled to the order parameter. Combining probe photon energy-resolved coherent phonon spectroscopy measurements with model Hamiltonian calculations, we show that the dynamical transition is manifested through anomalies in the temperature, pump excitation fluence, and probe photon energy dependence of the strongly coupled phonon. With this procedure, we introduce a general pathway to uncover hidden multipolar ordered states and to control their re-orientation on ultrashort timescales.