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Acta Crystallogr B Struct Sci Cryst Eng Mater ; 78(Pt 3 Pt 2): 546-556, 2022 Jun 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35702971


The crystal structure of samarium iron borate was analyzed with regard to growth conditions and temperature. The inclusion of about 7% Bi atoms in the crystals grown using the Bi2Mo3O12-based flux was discovered and there were no impurities in the crystals grown using the Li2WO4-based flux. No pronounced structural features associated with Bi inclusion were observed. The different absolute configurations of the samples grown using both fluxes were demonstrated. Below 80 K, a negative thermal expansion of the c unit-cell parameter was found. The structure of (Sm0.93Bi0.07)Fe3(BO3)4 belongs to the trigonal space group R32 in the temperature range 90-400 K. A decrease in the (Sm,Bi)-O, Sm-B, Sm-Fe, Fe-O, Fe-B and Fe-Fe distances is observed with a lowering of the temperature, B1-O does not change, B2-O increases slightly and the B2O3 triangles deviate from the ab plane. The strongest decrease in the equivalent isotropic atomic displacement parameters (Ueq) with decreasing temperature is observed for atoms Sm and O2, and the weakest is observed for B1. The O2 atoms have the highest Ueq values, the most elongated atomic displacement ellipsoids of all the atoms and the smallest number of allowed vibrational modes of all the O atoms. The largest number of allowed vibrational modes and the strongest interactions with neighbouring atoms is seen for the B atoms, and the opposite is seen for the Sm atoms. The quadrupole splitting Δ(T) of the paramagnetic Mössbauer spectra increases linearly with cooling. The Néel temperature [TN = 31.93 (5) K] was determined from the temperature dependence of the hyperfine magnetic field Bhf(T), which has a non-Brillouin character. The easy-plane long-range magnetic ordering below TN was confirmed.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35129115


Neodymium iron borate NdFe3(BO3)4 is an intensively studied multiferroic with high electric polarization values controlled by a magnetic field. It is characterized by a large quadratic magnetoelectric effect, rigidity in the base plane and a rather strong piezoelectric effect. In this work, the atomic structure of (Nd0.91Bi0.09)Fe3(BO3)4 was studied by single-crystal X-ray diffraction in the temperature range 20-500 K (space group R32, Z = 3). The Bi atoms found in the composition partially substitute the Nd atoms in the 3a position; they entered the structure due to the growth conditions in the presence of Bi2Mo3O12. It was shown that in the temperature range 20-500 K there is no structural phase transition R32→P3121, which occurs in rare-earth iron borates (RE = Eu-Er, Y) with an effective rare-earth cation radius smaller than that of Nd. The temperature dependence of the unit-cell c parameter reveals a slight increase on cooling below 90 K, which is similar to the results obtained previously for iron borates of Gd, Y and Ho. The atomic distances (Nd,Bi)-O, (Nd,Bi)-B, (Nd,Bi)-Fe, Fe-O, Fe-B and Fe-Fe in the iron chains and between chains decrease steadily with decreasing temperature from 500 to 90 K, whereas the B1(3b)-O distance does not change and the average B2(9e)-O distance increases slightly. There is a uniform decrease in the atomic displacement parameters with decreasing temperature, with a more pronounced decrease for the Nd(3a) and O2(9e) atoms. The O2(9e) atoms are characterized by the maximum atomic displacement parameters and the most elongated atomic displacement ellipsoids. The characteristic Debye and Einstein temperatures, and the static component in the atomic displacements were determined for cations using multi-temperature diffraction data. It was shown that the Nd cations have the weakest bonds with the surrounding atoms and the B cations have the strongest.

Bismuto , Ferro , Cristalografia por Raios X , Neodímio , Temperatura
Acta Crystallogr B Struct Sci Cryst Eng Mater ; 76(Pt 5): 839-849, 2020 Oct 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33017317


Single crystals of Tl4.86Fe0.82Hf1.18(MoO4)6 [a = b = 10.5550 (3), c = 37.7824 (9) Å, γ = 120°] are obtained by the self-flux method in the Tl2MoO4-Fe2(MoO4)3-Hf(MoO4)2 system. On the differential scanning calorimetry curve in the temperature range 320-350 K and at T ∼ 690 K, endothermic peaks are observed. The second harmonic generation test shows an excess of the signal of the quartz standard by almost three times at room temperature. In the range 320-340 K its intensity decreases by almost three times and at T ∼ 700 K it drops to zero. In the same interval, the temperature dependences of the unit-cell parameters and volume show stepwise changes. According to the X-ray diffraction data, the crystal structure consists of nonpolar and polar domains with different local symmetries. The structure is a three-dimensional framework consisting of alternating (Hf,Fe)O6 octahedra connected by MoO4 tetrahedra. Hf and Fe atoms occupy mixed Hf/Fe positions with different probabilities: 0.77:0.23, 0.50:0.50 and 0.32:0.68. Tl cations are located inside the framework in zigzag channels extended along the a and b axes. The thallium arrangement is disordered, i.e. it involves additional positions and vacancies. The complex crystal structure has been solved using the nonstandard space group R1, taking into account the local symmetry R3c for the Mo atoms and mixed Hf/Fe positions mainly occupied by Hf atoms. The possible paths of ion transport are analyzed. The energy required to overcome the potential barrier between sites of Tl cations to migrate, which corresponds to the activation energy of conductivity, is estimated. The ion current is shown to be most probable in the ab plane.

Acta Crystallogr B Struct Sci Cryst Eng Mater ; 75(Pt 6): 954-968, 2019 Dec 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32830675


An accurate single-crystal X-ray diffraction study of bismuth-containing HoFe3(BO3)4 between 11 and 500 K has revealed structural phase transition at Tstr = 365 K. The Bi atoms enter the composition from Bi2Mo3O12-based flux during crystal growth and significantly affect Tstr. The content of Bi was estimated by two independent methods, establishing the composition as (Ho0.96Bi0.04)Fe3(BO3)4. In the low-temperature (LT) phase below Tstr the (Ho0.96Bi0.04)Fe3(BO3)4 crystal symmetry is trigonal, of space group P3121, whereas at high temperature (HT) above 365 K the symmetry increases to space group R32. There is a sharp jump of oxygen O1 (LT) and O2 (LT) atomic displacement parameters (ADP) at Tstr. O1 and O2 ADP ellipsoids are the most elongated over 90-500 K. In space group R32 specific distances decrease steadily or do not change with decreasing temperature. In space group P3121 the distortion of the polyhedra Ho(Bi)O6, Fe1O6 and Fe2O6, B2O3 and B3O3 increases with decreasing temperature, whereas the triangles B1O3 remain almost equilateral. All BO3 triangles deviate from the ab plane with decreasing temperature. Fe-Fe distances in Fe1 chains decrease, while distances in Fe2 chains increase with decreasing temperature. The Mössbauer study confirms that the FeO6 octahedra undergo complex dynamic distortions. However, all observed distortions are rather small, and the general change in symmetry during the structural phase transition has very little influence on the local environment of iron in oxygen octahedra. The Mössbauer spectra do not distinguish two structurally different Fe1 and Fe2 positions in the LT phase. The characteristic temperatures of cation thermal vibrations were calculated using X-ray diffraction and Mössbauer data.

Acta Crystallogr B Struct Sci Cryst Eng Mater ; 75(Pt 4): 634-642, 2019 Aug 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32830720


The structure of synthetic tennantite Cu12As4S13 was investigated at various temperatures in the 90-293 K range. It crystallizes in space group I{\overline 4}3m. No structural transformation was observed in this temperature range. The structures were refined in anharmonic approximation for atomic displacements and electron density maps were refined using the maximum entropy method. Both approaches indicate a noticeable static disorder of the copper atoms in the triangular sulfur coordination and neighbouring site at high temperatures, whereas these split copper sites are well defined at lower temperatures. One particle potential is used to describe the behaviour of atoms at these copper sites. Such behaviour may be the structural reason for changes in magnetic properties.

J Phys Condens Matter ; 30(26): 265402, 2018 Jul 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29790852


High-quality single crystals of LuB12 are grown using the induction zone melting method. The x-ray data are collected at temperatures 293, 135, 95, 50 K. The crystal structure of LuB12 can be refined with record low R-factor in the cubic Fm [Formula: see text] m symmetry group despite reiterated observations of the cubic symmetry distortions both in the unit-cell values and in the physical properties. A peculiar computing strategy is developed to resolve this contradiction. True symmetry of the electron-density distribution in LuB12 is proved to be much lower than cubic as a result, which correlates very accurately with anisotropy of transport properties of LuB12.

Acta Crystallogr B Struct Sci Cryst Eng Mater ; 74(Pt 2): 226-238, 2018 Apr 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29616996


An accurate X-ray diffraction study of (Y0.95Bi0.05)Fe3(BO3)4 single crystals in the temperature range 90-500 K was performed on a laboratory diffractometer and used synchrotron radiation. It was established that the crystal undergoes a diffuse structural phase transition in the temperature range 350-380 K. The complexity of localization of such a transition over temperature was overcome by means of special analysis of systematic extinction reflections by symmetry. The transition temperature can be considered to be Tstr ≃ 370 K. The crystal has a trigonal structure in the space group P3121 at temperatures of 90-370 K, and it has a trigonal structure in the space group R32 at 375-500 K. There is one type of chain formed by the FeO6 octahedra along the c axis in the R32 phase. When going into the P3121 phase, two types of nonequivalent chains arise, in which Fe atoms are separated from the Y atoms by a different distance. Upon lowering the temperature from 500 to 90 K, a distortion of the Y(Bi)O6, FeO6, B(2,3)O3 coordination polyhedra is observed. The distances between atoms in helical Fe chains and Fe-O-Fe angles change non-uniformly. A sharp jump in the equivalent isotropic displacement parameters of O1 and O2 atoms within the Fe-Fe chains and fluctuations of the equivalent isotropic displacement parameters of B2 and B3 atoms were observed in the region of structural transition as well as noticeable elongation of O1, O2, B2, B3, Fe1, Fe2 atomic displacement ellipsoids. It was established that the helices of electron density formed by Fe, O1 and O2 atoms may be structural elements determining chirality, optical activity and multiferroicity of rare-earth iron borates. Compression and stretching of these helices account for the symmetry change and for the manifestation of a number of properties, whose geometry is controlled by an indirect exchange interaction between iron cations that compete with the thermal motion of atoms in the structure. Structural analysis detected these changes as variations of a number of structural characteristics in the c unit-cell direction, that is, the direction of the helices. Structural results for the local surrounding of the atoms in (Y0.95Bi0.05)Fe3(BO3)4 were confirmed by EXAFS and Mössbauer spectroscopies.