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HU rev ; 4920230000.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1562825


Introduction: Visceral leishmaniasis (VL) is a serious endemic disease in many tropical and subtropical countries, with a strong incidence in Brazil. The disease is transmitted by the bite of infected female phlebotomine sandflies, with dogs being the main urban reservoirs of the parasite. The diverse clinical profile and the long incubation period are challenges for the diagnosis of canine visceral leishmaniasis (CVL). Recombinant proteins from Leishmania spp. have been studied as antigens that can increase the accuracy of serological tests. Objective: To evaluate the diagnostic performance of the recombinant protein rLb6H, from Leishmania braziliensis, in comparison to the reference antigens rK39 and rK28, from L. donovani, prioritizing the identification of subclinical infected dogs. Material and Methods: Serum IgG reactivity to rLb6H, rK28, and rK39 recombinant proteins was assessed in dogs with previously parasitological confirmation of CVL, subdivided according to their clinical status, using immunoenzymatic assay (ELISA). Diagnostic accuracy of each ELISA was evaluated by receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis. Results: While all antigens showed a better performance in detecting CVL in symptomatic dogs (SD), detection of CVL in the oligosymptomatic (OD) and asymptomatic (AD) groups was lower, but rLb6H achieved high sensitivity for asymptomatic CVL. Interestingly, the most reactive CVL samples to rK28 were barely detected by rLb6H, while the less reactive to rK28, mostly from the AD group, presented higher reactivity to rLb6H. Conclusion: The recombinant protein rLb6H showed utility in the detection of asymptomatic CVL, displaying a complementary reactivity to rK39 and rK28. Thus, these results suggest that rLb6H could be incorporated into multi-antigen strategies, to increase diagnostic accuracy of CVL.

Introdução: A leishmaniose visceral (LV) é uma doença endêmica grave em muitos países tropicais e subtropicais, tendo forte incidência no Brasil. A doença é transmitida pela picada de flebotomíneos fêmeas infectadas, sendo os cães os principais reservatórios urbanos do parasito. O perfil clínico diversificado e o longo período de incubação são desafios para o diagnóstico da leishmaniose visceral canina (LVC). Proteínas recombinantes de Leishmania spp. têm sido estudadas como antígenos que podem aumentar a precisão de testes sorológicos. Objetivo: Avaliar o desempenho diagnóstico da proteína recombinante rLb6H, de Leishmania braziliensis, em comparação com os antígenos de referência rK39 e rK28, de L. donovani, priorizando a identificação de cães com infecção subclínica. Material e Métodos: A reatividade de anticorpos IgG séricos às proteínas recombinantes rLb6H, rK28 e rK39 foi avaliada em cães com confirmação parasitológica prévia de LVC, subdivididos de acordo com seu quadro clínico, utilizando ensaio imunoenzimático (ELISA). A precisão diagnóstica de cada ELISA foi avaliada pela análise da curva ROC (receiver operating characteristic curve). Resultados: Enquanto todos os antígenos mostraram um melhor desempenho na detecção de CVL em cães sintomáticos (SD), a detecção de CVL nos grupos oligossintomáticos (OD) e assintomáticos (AD) foi menor, mas rLb6H alcançou alta sensibilidade para CVL assintomática. Curiosamente, as amostras de CVL mais reativas a rK28 foram pouco detectadas por rLb6H, enquanto as menos reativas a rK28, principalmente do grupo AD, apresentaram maior reatividade a rLb6H. Conclusão: A proteína recombinante rLb6H mostrou utilidade na detecção de CVL assintomática, apresentando uma reatividade complementar a rK39 e rK28. Assim, estes resultados sugerem que o rLb6H pode ser incorporado em estratégias multi-antígeno para aumentar a acurácia diagnóstica da leishmaniose visceral.

Front Med (Lausanne) ; 8: 698495, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34447763


Leprosy remains endemic in several developing countries, such as India and Brazil, in part due to delayed diagnosis that facilitates ongoing transmission. Although immunoglobulins against several Mycobacterium leprae antigens have been indicated for the early diagnosis, and IgA participates in the early stages of leprosy and in subclinical infection, relatively little research has examined anti-M. leprae IgA responses. Here, we investigated serum IgA reactivity against NDO-HSA, LID-1 and NDO-LID, in paucibacillary (PB) and multibacillary (MB) patients and their household contacts, using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Diagnostic accuracy of each ELISA was evaluated by receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis. Our data reveal elevated IgA serum levels against the three M. leprae specific antigens in MB patients, whereas IgA reactivity in PB patients was increased only to NDO-HSA. Further, MB and PB household contacts displayed higher IgA reactivity to NDO-HSA than non-endemic controls. Our data suggest measurement of serum IgA against NDO-HSA as an additional tool in the diagnosis and classification of the disease, with potential utility for household contact follow-up.