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Rev. latinoam. cienc. soc. niñez juv ; 20(2): 295-324, mayo-ago. 2022. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1409606


Resumen (analítico) Las ideas parentales sobre el desarrollo infantil pueden guiarse por falsas creencias e influir en las interacciones tempranas. En este trabajo se estudian las ideas e interacciones en la relación mamá adolescente-bebé. La maternidad adolescente implica riesgos vinculares, llegando incluso hasta el maltrato. Se clasificó a las madres en modernas (activas) o tradicionales (pasivas), según la estimulación y acompañamiento del niño/a. Se evaluaron 145 díadas en los primeros dos años de vida. Los resultados indican peores interacciones en las madres tradicionales, siendo significativos en los contactos cara a cara, las interacciones táctiles y la función de sostén materna. El patrón de apego también se presenta más inseguro. Estos resultados permiten organizar programas de capacitación parental apuntando a la deconstrucción de ideas erróneas sobre el desarrollo y orientando interacciones saludables.

Abstract (analytical) Parental ideas about child development can be guided by false beliefs and influence early interactions. Adolescent mother and baby bonding ideas and interactions are related in this study. Adolescent motherhood implies additional risks, which even include abuse. Mothers are classified as modern -active- or traditional -passive-, based on the stimulation and accompaniment they provide to their child. 145 dyads are evaluated in the first two years of life. The results indicate worse interactions among traditional mothers, based on face-to-face contact, tactile interactions and the maternal support function. The attachment pattern is also more insecure. These results make it possible to organize parental training programs aimed at the deconstruction of erroneous ideas about development and guiding healthy interactions.

Resumo (analítico) As ideias dos pais sobre o desenvolvimento infantil podem ser guiadas por falsas crenças e influenciar as interações iniciais. As idéias e interações do vínculo mãe-bebê adolescente estão relacionados aqui. A maternidade na adolescência implica riscos relacionados, chegando mesmo ao abuso. As mães são classificadas em modernas -ativas- ou tradicionais -passivas-, de acordo com o estímulo e o acompanhamento do filho. 145 díades são avaliadas nos primeiros dois anos de vida. Os resultados indicam piores interações nas mães tradicionais, sendo significativos nos contatos face a face, nas interações táteis e na função de apoio materno. O padrão de apego também é mais inseguro. Esses resultados possibilitam a organização de programas de treinamento parental com o objetivo de desconstruir ideias errôneas sobre o desenvolvimento e orientar interações saudáveis.

Desenvolvimento Infantil , Mães Adolescentes , Mães , Cultura
Arch Argent Pediatr ; 111(2): 105-9, 2013 04.
Artigo em Inglês, Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23568065


This study evaluated the neonatal responsiveness to the odor of amniotic fluid during the first hours of life. Twenty five newborn infants born by C-section at 36-40 weeks of gestation were evaluated with 1; 5 or 25 drops of amniotic fluid at 1 hour, 3.5 hours and 6 hours of life. A five stimuli habituation plan was used and global motor activity was recorded. Mixed-design ANOVAs for repeated measures demonstrated time differences and showed the highest reactivity at 1 hour, a reduction at 3.5 hours and a recovery at 6 hours (p < 0.0000). Maximum response was observed at the beginning, with a subsequent reduction (p < 0.0088). T tests were used to compare mean differences from baseline to the stimulation period. It was observed that one drop was enough to trigger a response, even at 6 hours of life (p = 0.045). Apparently, babies are able to detect minimum amounts of amniotic fluid and habituate the response with repeated exposure during their first hours of life.

Líquido Amniótico , Odorantes , Olfato/fisiologia , Feminino , Humanos , Recém-Nascido , Masculino
Arch. argent. pediatr ; 111(2): 0-0, Apr. 2013. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | BINACIS | ID: bin-131151


This study evaluated the neonatal responsiveness to the odor of amniotic fluid during the first hours of life. Twenty five newborn infants born by C-section at 36-40 weeks of gestation were evaluated with 1; 5 or 25 drops of amniotic fluid at 1 hour, 3.5 hours and 6 hours of life. A five stimuli habituation plan was used and global motor activity was recorded. Mixed-design ANOVAs for repeated measures demonstrated time differences and showed the highest reactivity at 1 hour, a reduction at 3.5 hours and a recovery at 6 hours (p < 0.0000). Maximum response was observed at the beginning, with a subsequent reduction (p < 0.0088). T tests were used to compare mean differences from baseline to the stimulation period. It was observed that one drop was enough to trigger a response, even at 6 hours of life (p = 0.045). Apparently, babies are able to detect minimum amounts of amniotic fluid and habituate the response with repeated exposure during their first hours of life.(AU)

En este trabajo se evaluó la respuesta neonatal al olor del líquido amniótico durante las primeras horas de vida. Veinticinco recién nacidos por cesárea entre las 36 y 40 semanas gestacionales fueron evaluados con 1; 5 o 25 gotas a la hora, a las tres horas y media, y a las seis horas de vida. Se utilizó un esquema habituacional de cinco estímulos y se registró la actividad motora global. Los ANOVA mixtos para medidas repetidas reflejaron las diferencias en los tiempos y mostraron la mayor reactividad en la primera hora, la disminución de ésta a las tres horas y media, y la recuperación a la sexta hora (p <0,0000). La máxima respuesta se observaba al comienzo y luego disminuía (p <0,0088). Con las pruebas T se compararon las medias entre el basal previo y el período de estimulación. Pudo observarse que una gota era suficiente para generar una respuesta, aun a la sexta hora de vida (p = 0,045). Aparentemente, durante las primeras horas los bebés pueden detectar mínimas cantidades de líquido amniótico y habitúan su respuesta con la exposición repetida.(AU)

Feminino , Humanos , Recém-Nascido , Masculino , Líquido Amniótico , Odorantes , Olfato/fisiologia
Arch. argent. pediatr ; 111(2): 0-0, Apr. 2013. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-671992


This study evaluated the neonatal responsiveness to the odor of amniotic fluid during the first hours of life. Twenty five newborn infants born by C-section at 36-40 weeks of gestation were evaluated with 1; 5 or 25 drops of amniotic fluid at 1 hour, 3.5 hours and 6 hours of life. A five stimuli habituation plan was used and global motor activity was recorded. Mixed-design ANOVAs for repeated measures demonstrated time differences and showed the highest reactivity at 1 hour, a reduction at 3.5 hours and a recovery at 6 hours (p < 0.0000). Maximum response was observed at the beginning, with a subsequent reduction (p < 0.0088). T tests were used to compare mean differences from baseline to the stimulation period. It was observed that one drop was enough to trigger a response, even at 6 hours of life (p = 0.045). Apparently, babies are able to detect minimum amounts of amniotic fluid and habituate the response with repeated exposure during their first hours of life.

En este trabajo se evaluó la respuesta neonatal al olor del líquido amniótico durante las primeras horas de vida. Veinticinco recién nacidos por cesárea entre las 36 y 40 semanas gestacionales fueron evaluados con 1; 5 o 25 gotas a la hora, a las tres horas y media, y a las seis horas de vida. Se utilizó un esquema habituacional de cinco estímulos y se registró la actividad motora global. Los ANOVA mixtos para medidas repetidas reflejaron las diferencias en los tiempos y mostraron la mayor reactividad en la primera hora, la disminución de ésta a las tres horas y media, y la recuperación a la sexta hora (p <0,0000). La máxima respuesta se observaba al comienzo y luego disminuía (p <0,0088). Con las pruebas T se compararon las medias entre el basal previo y el período de estimulación. Pudo observarse que una gota era suficiente para generar una respuesta, aun a la sexta hora de vida (p = 0,045). Aparentemente, durante las primeras horas los bebés pueden detectar mínimas cantidades de líquido amniótico y habitúan su respuesta con la exposición repetida.

Feminino , Humanos , Recém-Nascido , Masculino , Líquido Amniótico , Odorantes , Olfato/fisiologia
Arch Argent Pediatr ; 111(2): 105-9, 2013 Apr.
Artigo em Espanhol | BINACIS | ID: bin-133171


This study evaluated the neonatal responsiveness to the odor of amniotic fluid during the first hours of life. Twenty five newborn infants born by C-section at 36-40 weeks of gestation were evaluated with 1; 5 or 25 drops of amniotic fluid at 1 hour, 3.5 hours and 6 hours of life. A five stimuli habituation plan was used and global motor activity was recorded. Mixed-design ANOVAs for repeated measures demonstrated time differences and showed the highest reactivity at 1 hour, a reduction at 3.5 hours and a recovery at 6 hours (p < 0.0000). Maximum response was observed at the beginning, with a subsequent reduction (p < 0.0088). T tests were used to compare mean differences from baseline to the stimulation period. It was observed that one drop was enough to trigger a response, even at 6 hours of life (p = 0.045). Apparently, babies are able to detect minimum amounts of amniotic fluid and habituate the response with repeated exposure during their first hours of life.

Líquido Amniótico , Odorantes , Olfato/fisiologia , Feminino , Humanos , Recém-Nascido , Masculino