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J Monet Econ ; 71: 50-66, 2015 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28936027


Although government banks are frequently associated with political capture and resource misallocation, they may be well-positioned during times of crisis to provide countercyclical support. Following the collapse of Lehman Brothers in September 2008, Brazil's government banks substantially increased lending. Localities in Brazil with a high share of government banks received more loans and experienced better employment outcomes relative to localities with a low share of government banks. While increased government bank lending mitigated an economic downturn, we find that this lending was politically targeted, inefficiently allocated, and reduced productivity growth.

J Urban Econ ; 69(3): 253-272, 2011 May 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22707807


Localities in developed countries often enact regulations to deter low-income households from moving in. In developing countries, such restrictions lead to the emergence of informal housing sectors. To deter low-income migrants, localities in developing countries withhold public services to the informal housing sector. Using a large sample of Brazilian localities, we examine migration and exclusion, focusing on the public provision of water to small houses where low-income migrants are likely to live. Withholding water connections reduces the locality growth rate, particularly of low-education households. In terms of service provision, during dictatorship in Brazil, we find evidence of strategic exclusion, where localities appear to withhold services to deter in-migration. We also find evidence of strategic interactions among localities within metro areas in their setting of service levels: if one locality provides more services to migrant households, other localities respond by withholding service.
