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Environ Pollut ; 318: 120821, 2023 Feb 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36509349


Anthropogenic activities contribute to nearly half of current Hg emissions to the atmosphere. In the marine habitat, oceanic predator fishes bioaccumulate Hg throughout their lives, making their consumption the main route of Hg exposure in humans. In this context, several publications, between 1973 and 2022, were selected, analyzed, and duly compiled, with the objective to investigate Hg contamination in nine species of bony fish: Thunnus thynnus (8 publications), Thunnus albacares (19), Thunnus obesus (7), Thunnus atlanticus (5), Thunnus alalunga (4), Katsuwonus pelamis (8), Xiphias gladius (18), Coryphaena hippurus (7) and Euthynnus alletteratus (4), as well as two species of cartilaginous fishes Prionace glauca (13 publications) and Isurus oxyrinchus (8). These studies totaled 5973 individuals. We classified species according to taxonomic groups and region of capture and found a significant difference between sharks and bony fishes, with higher Hg concentrations in sharks. The regions of occurrence were divided into 4 large areas (North Atlantic - NAO, South Atlantic - SAO, Equatorial Atlantic Ocean - EAO, and Mediterranean - MED), but no significant differences were observed when comparing the overall Hg concentrations in fish among regions (including all species). Additionally, a thorough discussion of the risks associated with human consumption of these species was conducted, as nine of the selected species presented individuals with Hg concentration values that exceeded the safety limits (1 ppm) set by health agencies worldwide.

Mercúrio , Tubarões , Animais , Humanos , Mercúrio/análise , Atum , Oceanos e Mares , Peixes
J Oral Biol Craniofac Res ; 12(5): 529-541, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35859613


This article reviews the design of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) prostheses used for TMJ joint replacement from 2000 to 2020. The TMJ is a complex joint, with distinct anatomical and functional characteristics making it challenging to maintain. Many authors from the early 20th century reported techniques for TMJ reconstruction, with the goal of restoring its shape and ideal function. Many prototypes have been developed in pursuit of an ideal prosthesis that adheres to the principles of biomechanics and biocompatibility, with good long-term performance and lower cost. The TMJ prosthesis is divided in two parts: the glenoid fossa and the mandibular ramus component. These two parts are fixed with metal screws in the glenoid fossa and fixed in the zygomatic arch with 4 or 5 screws. The mandibular part is fixed to the mandible ramus with 8 or 9 titanium screws. In our review, since 2000 to 2020, little has changed to improve the design and allow for natural mandible movement. From 2000 to 2006, 48 TMJ surgeries were performed using UHMWPE with this design. All patients had good results, preserving opening mouth and lateral movements. All the designs are similar in principle. The glenoid fossa, which resembles a box, limiting the rotation and translation movement. It is known that lateral movements are lost in function as the lateral pterygoid muscle is detached.

Braz. j. morphol. sci ; 29(3): 125-128, jul.-sept. 2012.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-665190


Cerebral Palsy presents itself in a clinical form of spastic diplegia, where neurological sequels are predominant in the lower limbs and substantially affects the capacity to walk. Traditional methods of physiotherapy intervention emphasize the techniques of neurological rehabilitation at the expense of progressive resistance exercises.The goal of the present research is to fulfill a bibliographic review concerning the period of 1985 to 2012 about studies that investigated the effect of resistance exercises applied to cerebral palsy children carrying spastics’ diplegia. The Scielo, MEDLINE, PubMed, EMBASE, CINAHL, Sports Discus, DARE, PsychInfo, ERIC, Ausport-Med, AMI, Cochrane and PEDro databases were used to conduct a literature search using keywords without restrictions. In this systematization, a search was conducted using the keywords: cerebral palsy, progressive resistance exercise, diplegia, gross motor function measure (GMFM). Literature have shown that the restrict capacity to generate force is as debilitating or more than it is the muscle spasticity, potentially causing more restriction to the movement than the spasticity itself. Children with normal motor development, as well as carrying spastic diplegia increase their capacity to generate strength when submitted to a resistive training, not only on lower limbs, but also on upper limbs. Furthermore, several studies have shown that diplegic cerebral palsy children improve their motor ability due to strength training, thought it still remains to be proved that strength training leads to a substantial change for the better allowing that there is ascension of category for functional capacity.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Criança , Paralisia Cerebral , Destreza Motora , Transtornos das Habilidades Motoras , Doenças do Sistema Nervoso
Fisioter. Bras ; 5(2): 131-135, mar-.abr. 2004. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-364568


O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar a imagem corporal e esquema corporal das crianças portadoras de paralisia cerebral (PC) do tipo tetraparetica espastica do Setor de neurologia infantil da UNIVAP, pela analise do desenho de si mesma. Metodologia: Foi pedido a cinco crianças com PC do tipo tetraparetica espatica que fizessem um desenho de si mesmas, e em seguida foi feita uma analise do desenho da figura humana, baseado em F Goodenoughi. Resultados: Conseguiu-se detectar provaveis disturbios de esquema corporal, tendo em vista que, todas as crianças testadas nao apresentaram a Imagem Corporal correspondente á idade cronologica adequada. Conclusao: As crianças portadoras de paralisia cerebral do tipo tetraparewtica espastica do Setor de Neurologia infantil da UNIVAP apresentaram alteraçao na sua imagem e esquema corporal, ou seja, um atraso na relaçao da imagem que possuem de si mesmas.

Humanos , Criança , Paralisia Cerebral