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IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell ; 46(6): 4504-4518, 2024 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38231801


We present a new direction for increasing the interpretability of deep neural networks (DNNs) by promoting weight-input alignment during training. For this, we propose to replace the linear transformations in DNNs by our novel B-cos transformation. As we show, a sequence (network) of such transformations induces a single linear transformation that faithfully summarises the full model computations. Moreover, the B-cos transformation is designed such that the weights align with relevant signals during optimisation. As a result, those induced linear transformations become highly interpretable and highlight task-relevant features. Importantly, the B-cos transformation is designed to be compatible with existing architectures and we show that it can easily be integrated into virtually all of the latest state of the art models for computer vision-e.g. ResNets, DenseNets, ConvNext models, as well as Vision Transformers-by combining the B-cos-based explanations with normalisation and attention layers, all whilst maintaining similar accuracy on ImageNet. Finally, we show that the resulting explanations are of high visual quality and perform well under quantitative interpretability metrics.

IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell ; 45(6): 7625-7638, 2023 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36455090


We introduce a new family of neural network models called Convolutional Dynamic Alignment Networks (CoDA Nets), which are performant classifiers with a high degree of inherent interpretability. Their core building blocks are Dynamic Alignment Units (DAUs), which are optimised to transform their inputs with dynamically computed weight vectors that align with task-relevant patterns. As a result, CoDA Nets model the classification prediction through a series of input-dependent linear transformations, allowing for linear decomposition of the output into individual input contributions. Given the alignment of the DAUs, the resulting contribution maps align with discriminative input patterns. These model-inherent decompositions are of high visual quality and outperform existing attribution methods under quantitative metrics. Further, CoDA Nets constitute performant classifiers, achieving on par results to ResNet and VGG models on e.g. CIFAR-10 and TinyImagenet. Lastly, CoDA Nets can be combined with conventional neural network models to yield powerful classifiers that more easily scale to complex datasets such as Imagenet whilst exhibiting an increased interpretable depth, i.e., the output can be explained well in terms of contributions from intermediate layers within the network.

EXCLI J ; 20: 1243-1260, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34345236


An increasing amount of attention has been geared towards understanding the privacy risks that arise from sharing genomic data of human origin. Most of these efforts have focused on issues in the context of genomic sequence data, but the popularity of techniques for collecting other types of genome-related data has prompted researchers to investigate privacy concerns in a broader genomic context. In this review, we give an overview of different types of genome-associated data, their individual ways of revealing sensitive information, the motivation to share them as well as established and upcoming methods to minimize information leakage. We further discuss the concise threats that are being posed, who is at risk, and how the risk level compares to potential benefits, all while addressing the topic in the context of modern technology, methodology, and information sharing culture. Additionally, we will discuss the current legal situation regarding the sharing of genomic data in a selection of countries, evaluating the scope of their applicability as well as their limitations. We will finalize this review by evaluating the development that is required in the scientific field in the near future in order to improve and develop privacy-preserving data sharing techniques for the genomic context.

IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell ; 41(1): 162-175, 2019 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29990057


Learning-based methods are believed to work well for unconstrained gaze estimation, i.e. gaze estimation from a monocular RGB camera without assumptions regarding user, environment, or camera. However, current gaze datasets were collected under laboratory conditions and methods were not evaluated across multiple datasets. Our work makes three contributions towards addressing these limitations. First, we present the MPIIGaze dataset, which contains 213,659 full face images and corresponding ground-truth gaze positions collected from 15 users during everyday laptop use over several months. An experience sampling approach ensured continuous gaze and head poses and realistic variation in eye appearance and illumination. To facilitate cross-dataset evaluations, 37,667 images were manually annotated with eye corners, mouth corners, and pupil centres. Second, we present an extensive evaluation of state-of-the-art gaze estimation methods on three current datasets, including MPIIGaze. We study key challenges including target gaze range, illumination conditions, and facial appearance variation. We show that image resolution and the use of both eyes affect gaze estimation performance, while head pose and pupil centre information are less informative. Finally, we propose GazeNet, the first deep appearance-based gaze estimation method. GazeNet improves on the state of the art by 22 percent (from a mean error of 13.9 degrees to 10.8 degrees) for the most challenging cross-dataset evaluation.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30387721


People nowadays share large parts of their personal lives through social media. Being able to automatically recognise people in personal photos may greatly enhance user convenience by easing photo album organisation. For human identification task, however, traditional focus of computer vision has been face recognition and pedestrian re-identification. Person recognition in social media photos sets new challenges for computer vision, including non-cooperative subjects (e.g. backward viewpoints, unusual poses) and great changes in appearance. To tackle this problem, we build a simple person recognition framework that leverages convnet features from multiple image regions (head, body, etc.). We propose new recognition scenarios that focus on the time and appearance gap between training and testing samples. We present an in-depth analysis of the importance of different features according to time and viewpoint generalisability. In the process, we verify that our simple approach achieves the state of the art result on the PIPA [1] benchmark, arguably the largest social media based benchmark for person recognition to date with diverse poses, viewpoints, social groups, and events. Compared the conference version of the paper [2], this paper additionally presents (1) analysis of a face recogniser (DeepID2+ [3]), (2) new method naeil2 that combines the conference version method naeil and DeepID2+ to achieve state of the art results even compared to post-conference works, (3) discussion of related work since the conference version, (4) additional analysis including the head viewpoint-wise breakdown of performance, and (5) results on the open-world setup.

Sci Rep ; 8(1): 2128, 2018 02 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29391406


The inner structure of a material is called microstructure. It stores the genesis of a material and determines all its physical and chemical properties. While microstructural characterization is widely spread and well known, the microstructural classification is mostly done manually by human experts, which gives rise to uncertainties due to subjectivity. Since the microstructure could be a combination of different phases or constituents with complex substructures its automatic classification is very challenging and only a few prior studies exist. Prior works focused on designed and engineered features by experts and classified microstructures separately from the feature extraction step. Recently, Deep Learning methods have shown strong performance in vision applications by learning the features from data together with the classification step. In this work, we propose a Deep Learning method for microstructural classification in the examples of certain microstructural constituents of low carbon steel. This novel method employs pixel-wise segmentation via Fully Convolutional Neural Network (FCNN) accompanied by a max-voting scheme. Our system achieves 93.94% classification accuracy, drastically outperforming the state-of-the-art method of 48.89% accuracy. Beyond the strong performance of our method, this line of research offers a more robust and first of all objective way for the difficult task of steel quality appreciation.

IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell ; 40(8): 1932-1947, 2018 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28841552


In this paper, we present a method that estimates reflectance and illumination information from a single image depicting a single-material specular object from a given class under natural illumination. We follow a data-driven, learning-based approach trained on a very large dataset, but in contrast to earlier work we do not assume one or more components (shape, reflectance, or illumination) to be known. We propose a two-step approach, where we first estimate the object's reflectance map, and then further decompose it into reflectance and illumination. For the first step, we introduce a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) that directly predicts a reflectance map from the input image itself, as well as an indirect scheme that uses additional supervision, first estimating surface orientation and afterwards inferring the reflectance map using a learning-based sparse data interpolation technique. For the second step, we suggest a CNN architecture to reconstruct both Phong reflectance parameters and high-resolution spherical illumination maps from the reflectance map. We also propose new datasets to train these CNNs. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach for both steps by extensive quantitative and qualitative evaluation in both synthetic and real data as well as through numerous applications, that show improvements over the state-of-the-art.

IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell ; 39(8): 1576-1590, 2017 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27541489


Taking an image of an object is at its core a lossy process. The rich information about the three-dimensional structure of the world is flattened to an image plane and decisions such as viewpoint and camera parameters are final and not easily revertible. As a consequence, possibilities of changing viewpoint are limited. Given a single image depicting an object, novel-view synthesis is the task of generating new images that render the object from a different viewpoint than the one given. The main difficulty is to synthesize the parts that are disoccluded; disocclusion occurs when parts of an object are hidden by the object itself under a specific viewpoint. In this work, we show how to improve novel-view synthesis by making use of the correlations observed in 3D models and applying them to new image instances. We propose a technique to use the structural information extracted from a 3D model that matches the image object in terms of viewpoint and shape. For the latter part, we propose an efficient 2D-to-3D alignment method that associates precisely the image appearance with the 3D model geometry with minimal user interaction. Our technique is able to simulate plausible viewpoint changes for a variety of object classes within seconds. Additionally, we show that our synthesized images can be used as additional training data that improves the performance of standard object detectors.
