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Preprint em Inglês | bioRxiv | ID: ppbiorxiv-473620


The recently reported B.1.1.529 Omicron variant of SARS-CoV-2 includes 34 mutations in the spike protein relative to the Wuhan strain that initiated the COVID-19 pandemic, including 15 mutations in the receptor binding domain (RBD). Functional studies have shown omicron to substantially escape the activity of many SARS-CoV-2-neutralizing antibodies. Here we report a 3.1 [A] resolution cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) structure of the Omicron spike protein ectodomain. The structure depicts a spike that is exclusively in the 1-RBD-up conformation with increased mobility and inter-protomer asymmetry. Many mutations cause steric clashes and/or altered interactions at antibody binding surfaces, whereas others mediate changes of the spike structure in local regions to interfere with antibody recognition. Overall, the structure of the omicron spike reveals how mutations alter its conformation and explains its extraordinary ability to evade neutralizing antibodies. HighlightsO_LISARS-CoV-2 omicron spike exclusively adopts 1-RBD-up conformation C_LIO_LIOmicron substitutions alter conformation and mobility of RBD C_LIO_LIA subset of omicron mutations change the local conformation of spike C_LIO_LIThe structure reveals the basis of antibody neutralization escape C_LI

Preprint em Inglês | bioRxiv | ID: ppbiorxiv-472236


The devastation caused by SARS-CoV-2 has made clear the importance of pandemic preparedness. To address future zoonotic outbreaks due to related viruses in the sarbecovirus subgenus, we identified a human monoclonal antibody, 10-40, that neutralized or bound all sarbecoviruses tested in vitro and protected against SARS-CoV-2 and SARS-CoV in vivo. Comparative studies with other receptor-binding domain (RBD)-directed antibodies showed 10-40 to have the greatest breadth against sarbecoviruses and thus its promise as an agent for pandemic preparedness. Moreover, structural analyses on 10-40 and similar antibodies not only defined an epitope cluster in the inner face of the RBD that is well conserved among sarbecoviruses, but also uncovered a new antibody class with a common CDRH3 motif. Our analyses also suggested that elicitation of this class of antibodies may not be overly difficult, an observation that bodes well for the development of a pan-sarbecovirus vaccine. One sentence summaryA monoclonal antibody that neutralizes or binds all sarbecoviruses tested and represents a reproducible antibody class.

Preprint em Inglês | bioRxiv | ID: ppbiorxiv-464307


The repeated emergence of highly pathogenic human coronaviruses as well as their evolving variants highlight the need to develop potent and broad-spectrum antiviral therapeutics and vaccines. By screening monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) isolated from COVID-19-convalescent patients, we found one mAb, 2-36, with cross-neutralizing activity against SARS-CoV. We solved the cryo-EM structure of 2-36 in complex with SARS-CoV-2 or SARS-CoV spike, revealing a highly conserved epitope in the receptor-binding domain (RBD). Antibody 2-36 neutralized not only all current circulating SARS-CoV-2 variants and SARS-COV, but also a panel of bat and pangolin sarbecoviruses that can use human angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) as a receptor. We selected 2-36-escape viruses in vitro and confirmed that K378T in SARS-CoV-2 RBD led to viral resistance. Taken together, 2-36 represents a strategic reserve drug candidate for the prevention and treatment of possible diseases caused by pre-emergent SARS-related coronaviruses. Its epitope defines a promising target for the development of a pan-sarbecovirus vaccine.

Preprint em Inglês | bioRxiv | ID: ppbiorxiv-450397


Antibodies that potently neutralize SARS-CoV-2 target mainly the receptor-binding domain or the N-terminal domain (NTD). Over a dozen potently neutralizing NTD-directed antibodies have been studied structurally, and all target a single antigenic supersite in NTD (site 1). Here we report the 3.7 [A] resolution cryo-EM structure of a potent NTD-directed neutralizing antibody 5-7, which recognizes a site distinct from other potently neutralizing antibodies, inserting a binding loop into an exposed hydrophobic pocket between the two sheets of the NTD {beta}-sandwich. Interestingly, this pocket has been previously identified as the binding site for hydrophobic molecules including heme metabolites, but we observe their presence to not substantially impede 5-7 recognition. Mirroring its distinctive binding, antibody 5-7 retains a distinctive neutralization potency with variants of concern (VOC). Overall, we reveal a hydrophobic pocket in NTD proposed for immune evasion can actually be used by the immune system for recognition. HighlightsO_LICryo-EM structure of neutralizing antibody 5-7 in complex with SARS CoV-2 spike C_LIO_LI5-7 recognizes NTD outside of the previously identified antigenic supersite C_LIO_LI5-7 binds to a site known to accommodate numerous hydrophobic ligands C_LIO_LIStructural basis of 5-7 neutralization tolerance to some variants of concern C_LI

Preprint em Inglês | bioRxiv | ID: ppbiorxiv-433466


The relative resistance of SARS-CoV-2 variants B.1.1.7 and B.1.351 to antibody neutralization has been described recently. We now report that another emergent variant from Brazil, P.1, is not only refractory to multiple neutralizing monoclonal antibodies, but also more resistant to neutralization by convalescent plasma (3.4 fold) and vaccinee sera (3.8-4.8 fold). The cryo-electron microscopy structure of a soluble prefusion-stabilized spike reveals the P.1 trimer to adopt exclusively a conformation in which one of the receptor-binding domains is in the "up" position, with the functional impact of mutations appearing to arise from local changes instead of global conformational alterations. The P.1 variant threatens current antibody therapies but less so the protective efficacy of our vaccines.

Preprint em Inglês | bioRxiv | ID: ppbiorxiv-432168


Emerging SARS-CoV-2 strains, B.1.1.7 and B.1.351, from the UK and South Africa, respectively show decreased neutralization by monoclonal antibodies and convalescent or vaccinee sera raised against the original wild-type virus, and are thus of clinical concern. However, the neutralization potency of two antibodies, 1-57 and 2-7, which target the receptor-binding domain (RBD) of spike, was unaffected by these emerging strains. Here, we report cryo-EM structures of 1-57 and 2-7 in complex with spike, revealing each of these antibodies to utilize a distinct mechanism to bypass or accommodate RBD mutations. Notably, each antibody represented a response with recognition distinct from those of frequent antibody classes. Moreover, many epitope residues recognized by 1-57 and 2-7 were outside hotspots of evolutionary pressure for both ACE2 binding and neutralizing antibody escape. We suggest the therapeutic use of antibodies like 1-57 and 2-7, which target less prevalent epitopes, could ameliorate issues of monoclonal antibody escape.

Preprint em Inglês | bioRxiv | ID: ppbiorxiv-426120


Numerous antibodies that neutralize SARS-CoV-2 have been identified, and these generally target either the receptor-binding domain (RBD) or the N-terminal domain (NTD) of the viral spike. While RBD-directed antibodies have been extensively studied, far less is known about NTD-directed antibodies. Here we report cryo-EM and crystal structures for seven potent NTD-directed neutralizing antibodies in complex with spike or isolated NTD. These structures defined several antibody classes, with at least one observed in multiple convalescent donors. The structures revealed all seven antibodies to target a common surface, bordered by glycans N17, N74, N122, and N149. This site - formed primarily by a mobile {beta}-hairpin and several flexible loops - was highly electropositive, located at the periphery of the spike, and the largest glycan-free surface of NTD facing away from the viral membrane. Thus, in contrast to neutralizing RBD-directed antibodies that recognize multiple non-overlapping epitopes, potent NTD-directed neutralizing antibodies target a single supersite.

Preprint em Inglês | bioRxiv | ID: ppbiorxiv-426218


Antibodies with heavy chains that derive from the VH1-2 gene constitute some of the most potent SARS-CoV-2-neutralizing antibodies yet identified. To provide insight into whether these genetic similarities inform common modes of recognition, we determined structures of the SARS-CoV-2 spike in complex with three VH1-2-derived antibodies: 2-15, 2-43, and H4. All three utilized VH1-2-encoded motifs to recognize the receptor-binding domain (RBD), with heavy chain N53I enhancing binding and light chain tyrosines recognizing F486RBD. Despite these similarities, class members bound both RBD-up and -down conformations of the spike, with a subset of antibodies utilizing elongated CDRH3s to recognize glycan N343 on a neighboring RBD - a quaternary interaction accommodated by an increase in RBD separation of up to 12 [A]. The VH1-2-antibody class thus utilizes modular recognition encoded by modular genetic elements to effect potent neutralization, with VH-gene component specifying recognition of RBD and CDRH3 component specifying quaternary interactions. HighlightsO_LIDetermine structures of VH1-2-derived antibodies 2-43, 2-15, and H4 in complex with SARS-CoV-2 spike C_LIO_LIDefine a multi-donor VH1-2-antibody class with modular components for RBD and quaternary recognition C_LIO_LIReveal structural basis of RBD-up and RBD-down recognition within the class C_LIO_LIShow somatic hypermutations and avidity to be critical for potency C_LIO_LIDelineate changes in spike conformation induced by CDRH3-mediated quaternary recognition C_LI

Preprint em Inglês | bioRxiv | ID: ppbiorxiv-424987


Understanding protective mechanisms of antibody recognition can inform vaccine and therapeutic strategies against SARS-CoV-2. We discovered a new antibody, 910-30, that targets the SARS-CoV-2 ACE2 receptor binding site as a member of a public antibody response encoded by IGHV3-53/IGHV3-66 genes. We performed sequence and structural analyses to explore how antibody features correlate with SARS-CoV-2 neutralization. Cryo-EM structures of 910-30 bound to the SARS-CoV-2 spike trimer revealed its binding interactions and ability to disassemble spike. Despite heavy chain sequence similarity, biophysical analyses of IGHV3-53/3-66 antibodies highlighted the importance of native heavy:light pairings for ACE2 binding competition and for SARS-CoV-2 neutralization. We defined paired heavy:light sequence signatures and determined antibody precursor prevalence to be ~1 in 44,000 human B cells, consistent with public antibody identification in several convalescent COVID-19 patients. These data reveal key structural and functional neutralization features in the IGHV3-53/3-66 public antibody class to accelerate antibody-based medical interventions against SARS-CoV-2. HighlightsO_LIA molecular study of IGHV3-53/3-66 public antibody responses reveals critical heavy and light chain features for potent neutralization C_LIO_LICryo-EM analyses detail the structure of a novel public antibody class member, antibody 910-30, in complex with SARS-CoV-2 spike trimer C_LIO_LICryo-EM data reveal that 910-30 can both bind assembled trimer and can disassemble the SARS-CoV-2 spike C_LIO_LISequence-structure-function signatures defined for IGHV3-53/3-66 class antibodies including both heavy and light chains C_LIO_LIIGHV3-53/3-66 class precursors have a prevalence of 1:44,000 B cells in healthy human antibody repertoires C_LI

Preprint em Inglês | bioRxiv | ID: ppbiorxiv-187989


The SARS-CoV-2 spike employs mobile receptor-binding domains (RBDs) to engage the ACE2 receptor and to facilitate virus entry. Antibodies can engage RBD but some, such as CR3022, fail to inhibit entry despite nanomolar spike affinity. Here we show the SARS-CoV-2 spike to have low unfolding enthalpy at serological pH and up to 10-times more unfolding enthalpy at endosomal pH, where we observe significantly reduced CR3022 affinity. Cryo-EM structures -at serological and endosomal pH- delineated spike recognition of up to three ACE2 molecules, revealing RBD to freely adopt the up conformation. In the absence of ACE2, single-RBD-up conformations dominated at pH 5.5, resolving into a locked all-down conformation at lower pH. Notably, a pH-dependent refolding region (residues 824-858) at the spike-interdomain interface displayed dramatic structural rearrangements and mediated RBD positioning and spike shedding of antibodies like CR3022. An endosomal mechanism involving spike-conformational change can thus facilitate immune evasion from RBD- up-recognizing antibody. HighlightsO_LIReveal spike at serological pH to have only ~10% the unfolding enthalpy of a typical globular protein, explaining how antibodies like CR3022 can bind with avidity C_LIO_LIDefine an endosomal mechanism whereby spike binds ACE2, but sheds CR3022, enabling immune evasion from potentially neutralizing antibody C_LIO_LIDetermine cryo-EM structures of the SARS-CoV-2 spike along its endosomal entry pathway-at pH 5.5, 4.5, and 4.0, and in complexes with ACE2 receptor at pH 7.4 and 5.5 C_LIO_LIShow spike to exclusively adopt an all RBD-down conformation at the low pH of the late endosome-early lysosome C_LIO_LIReveal structural basis by which a switch domain mediates RBD position in response to pH C_LI

Preprint em Inglês | bioRxiv | ID: ppbiorxiv-166033


Biotin-labeled molecular probes, comprising specific regions of the SARS-CoV-2 spike, would be helpful in the isolation and characterization of antibodies targeting this recently emerged pathogen. To develop such probes, we designed constructs incorporating an N-terminal purification tag, a site-specific protease-cleavage site, the probe region of interest, and a C-terminal sequence targeted by biotin ligase. Probe regions included full-length spike ectodomain as well as various subregions, and we also designed mutants to eliminate recognition of the ACE2 receptor. Yields of biotin-labeled probes from transient transfection ranged from [~]0.5 mg/L for the complete ectodomain to >5 mg/L for several subregions. Probes were characterized for antigenicity and ACE2 recognition, and the structure of the spike ectodomain probe was determined by cryo-electron microscopy. We also characterized antibody-binding specificities and cell-sorting capabilities of the biotinylated probes. Altogether, structure-based design coupled to efficient purification and biotinylation processes can thus enable streamlined development of SARS-CoV-2 spike-ectodomain probes.

Preprint em Inglês | bioRxiv | ID: ppbiorxiv-153486


The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic rages on with devasting consequences on human lives and the global economy1,2. The discovery and development of virus-neutralizing monoclonal antibodies could be one approach to treat or prevent infection by this novel coronavirus. Here we report the isolation of 61 SARS-CoV-2-neutralizing monoclonal antibodies from 5 infected patients hospitalized with severe disease. Among these are 19 antibodies that potently neutralized the authentic SARS-CoV-2 in vitro, 9 of which exhibited exquisite potency, with 50% virus-inhibitory concentrations of 0.7 to 9 ng/mL. Epitope mapping showed this collection of 19 antibodies to be about equally divided between those directed to the receptor-binding domain (RBD) and those to the N-terminal domain (NTD), indicating that both of these regions at the top of the viral spike are immunogenic. In addition, two other powerful neutralizing antibodies recognized quaternary epitopes that are overlapping with the domains at the top of the spike. Cryo-electron microscopy reconstructions of one antibody targeting RBD, a second targeting NTD, and a third bridging two separate RBDs revealed recognition of the closed, "all RBD-down" conformation of the spike. Several of these monoclonal antibodies are promising candidates for clinical development as potential therapeutic and/or prophylactic agents against SARS-CoV-2.