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Biodivers Data J ; 12: e118576, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38510815


Background: In Mexico, there are six scientific collections of polychaetous annelids. The "Colección Poliquetológica" from the Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León houses one of the three most important collections of annelids in the country, based on a number of lots and number of type materials deposited, as well as geographical coverage. New information: A catalogue of type materials of polychaete annelids housed at the "Colección Poliquetológica" from the Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León (México) is presented for the first time. The Collection contains 37 holotypes, 174 paratypes and one syntype. These type materials are grouped in 15 families, 35 genera and 54 species of marine worms. Types were described mostly from the Mexican waters, with a low number of types from Ecuador, El Salvador, Argentina, USA, Philippines, New Caledonia and Japan.

Biodivers Data J ; 8: e57471, 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33117079


BACKGROUND: The sabellid genera Anamobaea Krøyer, 1856 and Notaulax Tauber, 1879 are two of the most attractive polychaete worms in coral reefs. Anamobaea is represented by two Caribbean species and Notaulax with 24 species from around the world, six of them previously known to tropical America. During examination of fouling biota and sclerozoans from Mexico, Anamobaea orstedii Krøyer, 1856 was found in coral reefs from the southern Gulf of Mexico and three species of Notaulax were identified to the Mexican Pacific, two of them being new species to science. NEW INFORMATION: Anamobaea orstedii Krøyer, 1856 is first reported as sclerozoan of dead coral from the southern Gulf of Mexico. An amendment to the generic diagnosis of Anamobaea is provided, based on the presence of a higher number of skeletal cells than previously recorded; height, shape and exposition of the anterior peristomial ring; the non-fusion of dorsal collar margins to faecal groove; shape of collar chaetiger and abdominal chaetae and distribution and shape of radiolar ocelli. Notaulax californica (Treadwell, 1906) is reported as fouling in buoys and docks from the Gulf of California. Two new species of Notaulax are described: the former was found in hull and dock fouling from La Paz (Gulf of California) and the second one as sclerozoan of oysters from a dock fouling in Acapulco (south Mexican Pacific). In addition, reproductive features are described for the first time for A. orstedii which is a simultaneous hermaphrodite with female and males gametes found within the same segments of abdominal region. Oocytes develop synchronously and sperm morphology (spherical nucleus and rounded acrosome, four spherical mitochondria and a long free flagellum) suggest an adaptation to broadcast spawning and external fertilisation. Species of Notaulax here examined were gonochoric, with gametes distributed in abdominal segments.

PeerJ ; 8: e9692, 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32879795


The Indonesian archipelago is one of the most diverse regions in the marine World. Many contributions on polychaete worms have been published since the Dutch Siboga Expedition to the Indonesian archipelago at the end of the 19th century. In this study, we examined specimens of Sabellidae Latreille, 1825 collected during the Snellius II Expedition (1984) to Indonesia, carried out by the Dutch Research Vessel (RV) "Tyro" and the Indonesian RV "Samudera". The results include reports of Acromegalomma acrophthalmos, A. interruptum, A. sp., Bispira manicata, B. porifera, B. secusoluta, Branchiomma boholense, Notaulax pyrrohogaster, N. tenuitorques, N. sp. 3, Parasabella crassichaetae, Perkinsiana anodina, and Sabellastarte spectabilis. In addition, three new species are described: Acromegalomma sumbense sp. nov., Claviramus olivager sp. nov., and Notaulax montiporicola sp. nov., the latter in living coral (Montipora nodosa). Further, Sabella (Potamilla) polyophthalmos Grube is transferred to Pseudopotamilla. Additional histological accounts of B. porifera and tube microstructure of A. acrophthalmos, B. porifera, P. anodina, Pseudopotamilla polyophthalmos and Sabellastarte spectabilis are also included.

Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;67oct. 2019.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1507480


Introduction: Glycerides, commonly called "blood worms", are relatively thin polychaetes that reach considerable sizes. They have been reported for all the seas of the world from the intertidal zone to abyssal depths. Objective: Evidence the presence of two species of Glycera for the littorals of the Mexican Pacific. Methods: An analysis of the glycerides of the Pacific coast of Mexico was carried out, finding two species that were collected, one of shrimp trawl at a depth of 18 meters off Puertecitos, Baja California, as well as by manual sampling in the intertidal zone of Concepción Bay, Baja California Sur in the Gulf of California. For their taxonomic determination, morphological characters of greater relevance for their identification were examined, such as jaws, aileron shape, parapodia, chaetae, and the type of pharyngeal papillae. Results: We diagnosed and schematized Glycera guatemalensis Böggemann & Fiege, 2001 and Glycera sphyrabrancha Schmarda, 1861. Conclusions: Glycera guatemalensis described for Guatemala and Glycera sphyrabrancha described for Jamaica, are recorded for the first time for the Gulf of California.

Introducción: Los Glicéridos son llamados comúnmente "gusanos de sangre", son poliquetos relativamente delgados que alcanzan tallas considerables. Han sido reportados para todos los mares del mundo desde la zona de entremareas hasta profundidades abisales. Objetivo: Evidenciar la presencia de dos especies de Glycera para los litorales del Pacífico mexicano. Métodos: Se realizó un análisis de los glicéridos de la costa del pacífico de México, encontrando dos especies que fueron recolectadas, una de arrastre camaronero a una profundidad de 18 metros frente a Puertecitos, Baja California, así como mediante muestreo manual en la zona de entremareas de bahía Concepción, Baja California Sur en el golfo de California. Para su determinación taxonómica se examinaron los caracteres morfológicos de mayor relevancia para su determinación, como mandíbulas, forma del aileron, parapodios, setas, branquia, y tipo de papilas faríngeas. Resultados: En este trabajo se diagnostican y esquematizan Glycera guatemalensis Böggemann & Fiege, 2001 y Glycera sphyrabrancha Schmarda, 1861. Conclusión: Glycera guatemalensis descrita para Guatemala y Glycera sphyrabrancha descrita para Jamaica, se registran por primera vez para el golfo de California.