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Conserv Biol ; 38(4): e14233, 2024 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38155511


Conservation translocations are becoming common conservation practice, so there is an increasing need to understand the drivers of plant translocation performance through reviews of cases at global and regional levels. The establishment of the Italian Database of Plant Translocation (IDPlanT) provides the opportunity to review the techniques used in 186 plant translocation cases performed in the last 50 years in the heart of the Mediterranean Biodiversity Hotspot. We described techniques and information available in IDPlanT and used these data to identify drivers of translocation outcomes. We tested the effect of 15 variables on survival of translocated propagules as of the last monitoring date with binomial logistic mixed-effect models. Eleven variables significantly affected survival of transplants: life form, site protection, material source, number of source populations, propagation methods, propagule life stage, planting methods, habitat suitability assessment, site preparation, aftercare, and costs. The integration of vegetation studies in the selection of suitable planting sites significantly increased the success of translocation efforts. Although posttranslocation watering had a generally positive effect on translocation outcome, other aftercare techniques did not always increase transplant survival. Finally, we found that how funds were spent appeared to be more important than the actual amount spent. Plant translocations in Italy and in the Mediterranean area should account for the complexity of speciation, gene flow, and plant migrations that has led to local adaptations and has important implications for the choice and constitution of source material.

Mejores prácticas, errores y perspectivas tras medio siglo de reubicaciones botánicas en Italia Resumen Las reubicaciones son una práctica cada vez más común en la conservación, por lo que hay una necesidad creciente por entender los factores del desempeño de las reubicaciones botánicas por medio de la revisión de casos regionales y globales. La creación de la Italian Database of Plant Translocation (IDPlanT) proporciona una oportunidad para revisar las técnicas usadas para los casos de reubicación de 186 plantas realizados durante los últimos cincuenta años en el centro del punto caliente de biodiversidad mediterránea. Describimos las técnicas y la información disponible en IDPlanT y usamos estos datos para identificar los factores involucrados en los resultados de las reubicaciones. Usamos modelos logísticos binomiales de efectos mixtos para analizar el efecto de 15 variables sobre la supervivencia de los propágulos reubicados a partir de la última fecha de monitoreo. Once de las variables afectaron de manera significativa la supervivencia de las plantas: forma de vida, protección del sitio, fuente de materiales, cantidad de poblaciones originarias, método de propagación, etapa de vida del propágulo, método de siembra, evaluación de idoneidad del hábitat, preparación del sitio, cuidados posteriores y costos. La integración de los estudios botánicos a la selección de los sitios idóneos para plantar aumentó el éxito de los esfuerzos de reubicación. Aunque el riego posterior a la reubicación tuvo un efecto positivo general sobre el resultado, las otras técnicas de cuidado posterior no siempre incrementaron la supervivencia de la planta reubicada. Por último, descubrimos que parece ser más importante cómo se utilizan los fondos que la cantidad actual empleada. Las reubicaciones botánicas en Italia y en el área del Mediterráneo deben considerar lo complejo de la especiación, el flujo génico y la migración botánica que han derivado en adaptaciones locales y que han tenido implicaciones importantes para la elección y constitución del material de origen.

Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Itália , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais/métodos , Plantas/genética , Biodiversidade , Ecossistema
Zootaxa ; 5301(2): 257-268, 2023 Jun 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37518562


Contarinia ampelitsiae n. sp. Dorchin & Fazan is described as a newly discovered gall-midge species (Diptera: Cecidoymiidae) forming galls in flowers of Zelkova abelicea (Ulmaceae), a tree species endemic to the Mediterranean island of Crete (Greece). Larvae develop within modified filaments of male flowers, contrary to many Contarinia species that develop freely in flowers or in simple flower galls. The species has one generation per year, and its galls are sometimes found in great numbers on individual trees, thus affecting both fruit quantity and weight. This is the first report of a gall midge from Zelkova and the first record of Contarinia from Ulmaceae. Based on its host-plant association and on the barcoding section of the mtCOI gene, this species has no obvious relatives within Contarinia.

Dípteros , Animais , Árvores , Grécia , Ulmaceae , Nematóceros , Flores
Plants (Basel) ; 13(1)2023 Dec 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38202368


The possible differential response to the climatic fluctuations of co-occurring trees of different ages is still poorly known and rather controversial. Moreover, in managed forests, such a picture is further complicated by the impact of silvicultural practices. With this concern, in a multi-aged umbrella pine stand in the Maremma Regional Park (Tuscany, Italy), the spatial patterns and tree-ring response to the climate were investigated by differentiating trees into three classes, i.e., young, mature, and old. The aim was to assess the role of past management in shaping the current stand structure and affecting the growth dynamics at different ages, as well as to evaluate the possible shifting of tree adaptation to the climatic variables throughout plant aging. Our outcomes proved that the current mosaic of even-aged small patches results from a multifaceted forest management history. Until the 1960s, silvicultural treatments seemed more suitable in promoting tree growth and regeneration. Later on, inappropriate and/or untimely thinning probably triggered excessive competition from the top canopy trees, involving reduced stem and root system development in the younger plants living in the understory. Also, the intra-annual growth response to the climate showed some dependence on age. Younger trees are assumed not to be able to efficiently exploit water resources from the deep aquifer during the dry season, probably due to an insufficiently developed taproot, differently than older trees. Accordingly, appropriate and timely thinning, simulating frequent natural disturbances on small areas, could be a suitable management approach to promote sustained growth rates and regeneration processes, as well as healthy and vital trees at all life stages.

Ecol Evol ; 12(11): e9477, 2022 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36349254


Extremely narrow endemic plant species (ENEs) are generally connected with microrefugia characterized by particular environmental conditions. In-depth knowledge of the ecological requirements of ENEs is fundamental to plan appropriate conservation measures. Using cross-cutting technology, this paper gives a multifaceted approach to collect on-site data on the ecology of ENEs, defines the protocols for a correct sampling design and describes the type of equipment, the time and expenditure needed. Our sampling approach is based on two orthogonal transects, long enough to extrapolate the whole ecological gradient across the area of occupancy of the target species. Microclimatic data are recorded all along the transects through iButton technology, plus a weather station installed at the intersection of the transects. Microtopographic data are recorded with high-resolution digital elevation model and sub-metric GPS. Edaphic data are recorded along the transects through standard soil analyses and on-site evaluation of the seasonal decomposition rate of organic matter. Additionally, vegetation sampling in 4 m2 plots and on-site germination tests allow to collect data on auto- and synecological factors that regulate the life cycle of the target species. Our approach has proved to be cost-effective and efficient in terms of time spent in the field against the data collected. The most demanding activities were the establishment of the transects and the vegetation sampling. The time spent downloading microclimatic data and testing seed germination was relatively short. Our sampling design allows: (i) to catch as much micro-topographic variability as possible, both within and out of the tolerance range of the target species, (ii) to minimize the risk of recording identical micro-topographic conditions compared with a random sampling scheme, and (iii) to ensure quick and relatively easy retrieval of the plots and the equipment both on a multi-seasonal and multi-annual basis.

Plants (Basel) ; 10(6)2021 May 31.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34072896


The elm family (Ulmaceae) is a woody plant group with important scientific, societal, and economic value. We aim to present the first biogeographic synthesis investigating the global diversity, distribution, ecological preferences, and the conservation status of Ulmaceae. A literature review was performed to explore the available data for all extant species. Our study made it possible to map the actual global distribution of Ulmaceae with high precision, and to elucidate the centers of diversity, located mainly in China and in the southeastern USA. A detailed comparative analysis of the macroclimatic niche for each species was produced, which shows the general biogeographic pattern of the family and pinpoints the outlier species. The results corroborate recent molecular analyses and support the division of Ulmaceae into two taxonomically, biogeographically, and ecologically well-differentiated groups: the so-called temperate clade with 4 genera and 43 species and the tropical clade with 3 genera and 13 species. The elm family is often described as a typical temperate plant group, however the diversity peak of all Ulmaceae is located in the subtropical zone, and a non-negligible part of the family is exclusively distributed in the tropics. We also noticed that a high proportion of Ulmaceae is linked to humid macro- or microhabitats. Finally, we highlighted that nearly 25% of all Ulmaceae are threatened. Fieldwork, conservation efforts, and research activities are still necessary for this family, particularly for the tropical members and the most endangered species.

Ecol Evol ; 11(6): 2919-2936, 2021 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33767847


With only two tiny populations, the climate relict Zelkova sicula (Sicily, Italy) is one of the rarest trees in the world. It also represents the most marginal member of genus Zelkova that was widespread in the broadleaved forests thriving in warm-temperate climates throughout Eurasia until the Last Glacial Age. Occurring at the westernmost range of the genus under typical Mediterranean climate, the micro-topographic settings have always appeared crucial for the survival of this relict. However, the factors and processes actually involved in its persistence in the current refugia, as well as the response of similar relict trees in arid environments, are poorly understood worldwide. In the aim to elucidate these aspects, in the two sites hosting Z. sicula analyses of topographical attributes were combined with investigations on soil moisture dynamics. Additionally, plants' growth and spatial distribution patterns were analyzed to detect fine-scale differences between populations and assess the possible ecological amplitude of the species. Results revealed that convergent topographies are basic determinants of microrefugia in arid environments. Within the investigated sites, underground moisture never decreases below 25%, buffering seasonal rainfall fluctuations. Therefore, hydrological microrefugia play a key role in decoupling from regional climate, supporting the target species in coping with an unsuitable climatic envelope. Additionally, the inter-population variability of biometric attributes showed that individual growth is site-dependent and the species retains a relative ecological plasticity, whereas the strongly clumped spatial patterns confirmed the common clonal growth. On one hand, deeply incised landforms have acted as effective hydrologic microrefugia, on the other clonality coupled with triploidy supposedly improved the resistance of Z. sicula to harsh environments, though entailing inability to reproduce sexually. Most likely, sterility and environmental/physical barriers that have existed for millennia have prevented this relict from leaving the last suitable microrefugia, resulting in the two current rear edge populations.

Front Plant Sci ; 11: 388, 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32411152


The traditional use of native wild food plants (NWFP) may represent a valuable supplementary food source for the present and future generations. In Sicily, the use of wild plants in the human diet dates back to very ancient times and still plays an important role in some rural communities. Moreover, in this regard, the natural and cultural inheritance of this island is wealthy and diversified for several reasons. First, Sicily hosts a rich vascular flora, with 3,000 native and 350 endemic plants. Second, due to its central position in the Mediterranean, the island has acted as a veritable melting pot for the ethnobotanical knowledge of the rural communities of the entire basin. We reviewed all the available literature and, starting from such omnicomprehensive checklist, partially improved thanks to the data issuing from recent field investigations, we critically revised the whole species list, basing our review on field data issuing from interviews and on our expert knowledge. As a result, we provide a substantially updated list of 292 NWFP growing on the island. Further 34 species, reported as NWFP on previous papers were discarded because they are not native to Sicily, while 45 species were listed separately because their identity, occurrence and local use as food is doubtful and needs to be further investigated. Moreover, we tried to shed light on the ecology (growth form and preferential habitat) of the Sicilian NWFP, with special focus on crop wild relatives (CWR). Our preliminary ecological analyses point out that a high percentage of these plants are linked with the so-called 'cultural' landscapes, patchy semi-natural environments rich in ecotones, leading to the conclusion that the maintenance of century-old agro-pastoral practices may represent an effective way to preserve the local heritage of edible plants. Our study allowed to identify as much as 102 taxa of agronomic interest which could be tested as novel crops in order to face ongoing global changes and to comply with sustainable agriculture policies. Among them, 39 taxa show promising traits in terms of tolerance to one or more environmental stress factors, while 55 more are considered CWR and/or can be easily cultivated and/or show high productivity/yield potential.

Front Plant Sci ; 10: 1506, 2019.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31850016


Grapevine (Vitis vinifera ssp. sativa) is a perennial crop especially important for wine and fruit production. The species is highly polymorphic with thousands of different varieties selected by farmers and clonally propagated. However, it is still debated whether grapevine domestication from its wild ancestor (V. vinifera ssp. sylvestris) has been a single event or rather it occurred on multiple occasions during the diffusion of its cultivation across the Mediterranean. Located in the center of the Basin, Sicily is its largest island and has served as a hotspot for all civilizations that have crossed the Mediterranean throughout history. Hundreds of unique grapevine cultivars are still cultivated in Sicily and its surrounding minor islands, though most of them are menaced by extinction. Wild grapevine is also present with isolated populations thriving along riverbanks. With the aim to evaluate the phylogenetic relationships among Sicilian varieties, and to assess the possible contribution of indigenous wild populations to the genetic makeup of cultivated grapevine, we analyzed 170 domestic cultivars and 125 wild plants, collected from 10 different populations, with 23 SSR markers. We also compared our data with published dataset from Eurasia. Results show that Sicilian wild populations are related to the cultivated Sicilian and Italian germplasm, suggesting events of introgression and/or domestication of local varieties.

Mol Phylogenet Evol ; 134: 172-185, 2019 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30769098


Zelkova species, trees of the elm family (Ulmaceae), are part of the Cenozoic relict flora. In western Eurasia, the genus comprises three species that are restricted to disjunct areas (Z. sicula on Sicily, Z. abelicea on Crete and Z. carpinifolia in Transcaucasia). The situation is different in East Asia, where three species (Z. serrata, Z. schneideriana and Z. sinica) have at least partly overlapping distributions. The phylogenetic and phylogeographic status of these East Asian species is still not well understood, mainly since all previous studies used almost exclusively plant material collected in botanical gardens and were based on very small numbers of individuals. Our study is the first based on 33 natural populations covering all important areas with Zelkova species in the Sino-Japanese Floristic Region. Chloroplast and microsatellite markers were used, and Bayesian analyses were run for both types of markers. East Asian Zelkova species cluster into two groups that partially overlap when comparing the two types of markers. For chloroplast markers, the two groups coincide with all Japanese, some Korean and northern Chinese Z. serrata in one group and all other individuals in the other group, regardless of whether they are attributed to Z. serrata, Z. sinica or Z. schneideriana from Korea, mainland China and Taiwan. At the nuclear level, however, the clustering clearly groups all the Z. serrata individuals together, regardless of whether they are from Japan, Korea or China, and the two other species in a second group. This complex genetic pattern in East Asian Zelkova species is most likely due to a combination of ancient diversification and speciation events and more recent hybridization during the last glacial/interglacial retractions and recolonizations. One of the surprising results of our study concerns the populations from Taiwan, which are genetically similar to Z. schneideriana. Thus, their assignation to a separate taxon (Z. tarokoensis) or to a variety of Z. serrata (Z. serrata var. tarokoensis), as currently reported in all local and national floras, might be in need of revision. Furthermore, our results indicate that the East Asian species are more closely related to Z. carpinifolia than to any other Western European species. Haplotypes of Z. sicula and Z. abelicea (Mediterranean region) as well as those of Z. sinica and Z. schneideriana (East Asia) seem to have diversified more recently. The most ancient haplotypes are found among the western Eurasian Z. carpinifolia and the East Asian Z. serrata. This result is in agreement with the carpinifolia and serrata-like morphotypes commonly found in the fossil record.

Pool Gênico , Variação Genética , Ulmaceae/classificação , Teorema de Bayes , Núcleo Celular/genética , Cloroplastos/genética , Haplótipos/genética , Repetições de Microssatélites/genética , Filogenia , Filogeografia , Especificidade da Espécie