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PeerJ ; 6: e5466, 2018.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30155363


BACKGROUND: Invasive alien plants with long-lived dormant seed banks and fast growth rates are difficult to manage. Acacia mearnsii and Acacia melanoxylon are two such invaders in the southern Cape of South Africa which occasionally co-occur with a native, ecologically analogous species, Virgilia divaricata. We compared the performance of these three species to determine potential for the native species to be used in management of the invasives. METHODS: We compared the study species in terms of (i) soil seed bank densities, their vertical distribution, and the viability of seeds underneath the canopies of mature trees; (ii) seedling growth from planted seeds over a period of three months; and (iii) growth rates of saplings over a period of 10 months in stands that have naturally regenerated in the field (these stands were dominated by A. mearnsii) and where saplings have been exposed to varying levels of competition from surrounding saplings. RESULTS: Seed bank densities differed significantly among species but not among soil depth classes. Acacia mearnsii had the highest seed bank densities (mean of 7,596 seeds m-2), followed by V. divaricata (938 seeds m-2) and A. melanoxylon (274 seeds m-2). Seed viability was high (87-91%) in all three study species and did not differ significantly among species or soil depth classes. As seedlings, V. divaricata significantly outgrew A. mearnsii in terms of height, root and shoot dry mass, and root:shoot ratio. Relative growth (the relationship between growth in height and initial height) was negative in the seedlings of both species. Trends during the sapling stage were opposite to those during the seedling stage; A. mearnsii (but not A. melanoxylon) saplings significantly outgrew V. divaricata saplings in height, while relative growth rates were positive in all species. Sapling growth of all species was furthermore uninfluenced by the collective biomass of surrounding competitors. DISCUSSION: Our findings suggest that amongst the measures considered, A. mearnsii's success as an invader is primarily attributable to its large seed banks, and secondly to its vigorous growth in height as saplings. However, the superior growth performance of V. divaricata seedlings and no apparent negative effect of competition from the acacias on sapling growth show promise for its use in integrated management of the acacias.