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Univ. salud ; 27(1): 1-10, enero-abril 2025.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1555921


Introducción: La calidad de vida relacionada con la salud (CVRS) y los estados de ánimo son indicadores cruciales del bienestar en adolescentes, pero su relación con estudiantes de Antioquia, Colombia, no ha sido ampliamente estudiada. Objetivo: Determinar la CVRS y los estados de ánimo en escolares de Antioquia-Colombia. Materiales y métodos: Estudio transversal con 1957 escolares de 9 a 20 años. Se aplicaron mediciones de CVRS, ansiedad, depresión, hostilidad y alegría, actividad física, comportamiento sedentario, apoyo social de padres y nivel socioeconómico. Resultados: La calidad de vida alta (CVA) es más elevada en hombres, personas con alegría, estudiantes con apoyo de padres, activos físicamente y personas de nivel socioeconómico alto y medio. AL aumentar un año de edad, disminuye en un 15 % la CVA, y al aumentar la depresión, la ansiedad y el comportamiento sedentario disminuye la CVA. Además, los niveles de depresión y ansiedad son mayores en mujeres, estudiantes mayores, sin apoyo de los padres y personas sedentarias. Conclusiones: La CVRS se asocia con estados de ánimo, actividad física, comportamiento sedentario y apoyo de los padres; mientras que los estados de ánimo se asocian con el sexo, el apoyo de los padres, la CVS y el sedentarismo.

Introduction: Even though health-related quality of life (HRQL) and mood states are key indicators of the well-being of adolescents, their relationship has not been analyzed in students from Antioquia, Colombia. Objective: To determine HRQL and mood states in schoolchildren from Antioquia. Materials and methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted on 1,957 schoolchildren and adolescents aged between 9 and 20 years. Measurements of HRQL, anxiety, depression, hostility and happiness, physical activity, sedentary behavior, parental social support, and socioeconomic status were applied. Results: A high quality of life (HQL) was observed more frequently in male participants, students with parental support, physically active, and those belonging to medium and high socioeconomic status. HQL decreased 15% as their age increased by one year. Also, HQL was reduced when depression, anxiety, and sedentary behavior increased. Furthermore, depression and anxiety levels were higher in women, older students, as well as in those without parental control and with sedentary behavior. Conclusions: HRQL is associated with mood states, physical activity, sedentary behavior, and parental support. In contrast, mood states are related to gender, parental support, HQL, and sedentary lifestyle.

Introdução: A qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde (CVRS) e os estados de humor são indicadores cruciais de bem-estar em adolescentes, mas sua relação com estudantes de Antioquia, Colômbia, não foi amplamente estudada. Objetivo: Determinar a CVRS e os estados de humor em escolares de Antioquia-Colômbia. Materiais e métodos: Estudo transversal com 1.957 escolares de 9 a 20 anos. Foram aplicadas medidas de QVRS, ansiedade, depressão, hostilidade e felicidade, atividade física, comportamento sedentário, apoio social dos pais e nível socioeconômico. Resultados: A alta qualidade de vida (CVA) é maior em homens, pessoas com alegria, estudantes com apoio parental, fisicamente ativos e pessoas de nível socioeconômico alto e médio. À medida que a idade aumenta em um ano, diminui em 15% o CVA, e ao aumentar a depressão, a ansiedade e o comportamento sedentário aumentam, o CVA diminui. Além disso, os níveis de depressão e ansiedade são mais elevados nas mulheres, nos estudantes mais velhos, sem apoio dos pais e nas pessoas sedentárias. Conclusões: A QVRS está associada a estados de humor, atividade física, comportamento sedentário e apoio parental; enquanto os estados de humor estão associados ao sexo, apoio parental, CVS e estilo de vida sedentário.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Criança , Adolescente , Adulto Jovem , Saúde , Emoções , Felicidade , Hostilidade
Neural Regen Res ; 20(4): 1031-1041, 2025 Apr 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38845231


Astrocytes are the most abundant type of glial cell in the central nervous system. Upon injury and inflammation, astrocytes become reactive and undergo morphological and functional changes. Depending on their phenotypic classification as A1 or A2, reactive astrocytes contribute to both neurotoxic and neuroprotective responses, respectively. However, this binary classification does not fully capture the diversity of astrocyte responses observed across different diseases and injuries. Transcriptomic analysis has revealed that reactive astrocytes have a complex landscape of gene expression profiles, which emphasizes the heterogeneous nature of their reactivity. Astrocytes actively participate in regulating central nervous system inflammation by interacting with microglia and other cell types, releasing cytokines, and influencing the immune response. The phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K)/protein kinase B (AKT) signaling pathway is a central player in astrocyte reactivity and impacts various aspects of astrocyte behavior, as evidenced by in silico , in vitro , and in vivo results. In astrocytes, inflammatory cues trigger a cascade of molecular events, where nuclear factor-κB serves as a central mediator of the pro-inflammatory responses. Here, we review the heterogeneity of reactive astrocytes and the molecular mechanisms underlying their activation. We highlight the involvement of various signaling pathways that regulate astrocyte reactivity, including the PI3K/AKT/mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR), α v ß 3 integrin/PI3K/AKT/connexin 43, and Notch/PI3K/AKT pathways. While targeting the inactivation of the PI3K/AKT cellular signaling pathway to control reactive astrocytes and prevent central nervous system damage, evidence suggests that activating this pathway could also yield beneficial outcomes. This dual function of the PI3K/AKT pathway underscores its complexity in astrocyte reactivity and brain function modulation. The review emphasizes the importance of employing astrocyte-exclusive models to understand their functions accurately and these models are essential for clarifying astrocyte behavior. The findings should then be validated using in vivo models to ensure real-life relevance. The review also highlights the significance of PI3K/AKT pathway modulation in preventing central nervous system damage, although further studies are required to fully comprehend its role due to varying factors such as different cell types, astrocyte responses to inflammation, and disease contexts. Specific strategies are clearly necessary to address these variables effectively.

Neural Regen Res ; 20(5): 1324-1335, 2025 May 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38845224


Spinal cord injury remains a major cause of disability in young adults, and beyond acute decompression and rehabilitation, there are no pharmacological treatments to limit the progression of injury and optimize recovery in this population. Following the thorough investigation of the complement system in triggering and propagating cerebral neuroinflammation, a similar role for complement in spinal neuroinflammation is a focus of ongoing research. In this work, we survey the current literature investigating the role of complement in spinal cord injury including the sources of complement proteins, triggers of complement activation, and role of effector functions in the pathology. We study relevant data demonstrating the different triggers of complement activation after spinal cord injury including direct binding to cellular debris, and or activation via antibody binding to damage-associated molecular patterns. Several effector functions of complement have been implicated in spinal cord injury, and we critically evaluate recent studies on the dual role of complement anaphylatoxins in spinal cord injury while emphasizing the lack of pathophysiological understanding of the role of opsonins in spinal cord injury. Following this pathophysiological review, we systematically review the different translational approaches used in preclinical models of spinal cord injury and discuss the challenges for future translation into human subjects. This review emphasizes the need for future studies to dissect the roles of different complement pathways in the pathology of spinal cord injury, to evaluate the phases of involvement of opsonins and anaphylatoxins, and to study the role of complement in white matter degeneration and regeneration using translational strategies to supplement genetic models.

J Environ Sci (China) ; 149: 535-550, 2025 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39181665


Li6ZnO4 was chemically modified by nickel addition, in order to develop different compositions of the solid solution Li6Zn1-xNixO4. These materials were evaluated bifunctionally; analyzing their CO2 capture performances, as well as on their catalytic properties for H2 production via dry reforming of methane (DRM). The crystal structures of Li6Zn1-xNixO4 solid solution samples were determined through X-ray diffraction, which confirmed the integration of nickel ions up to a concentration around 20 mol%, meanwhile beyond this value, a secondary phase was detected. These results were supported by XPS and TEM analyses. Then, dynamic and isothermal thermogravimetric analyses of CO2 capture revealed that Li6Zn1-xNixO4 solid solution samples exhibited good CO2 chemisorption efficiencies, similarly to the pristine Li6ZnO4 chemisorption trends observed. Moreover, a kinetic analysis of CO2 isothermal chemisorptions, using the Avrami-Erofeev model, evidenced an increment of the constant rates as a function of the Ni content. Since Ni2+ ions incorporation did not reduce the CO2 capture efficiency and kinetics, the catalytic properties of these materials were evaluated in the DRM process. Results demonstrated that nickel ions favored hydrogen (H2) production over the pristine Li6ZnO4 phase, despite a second H2 production reaction was determined, methane decomposition. Thereby, Li6Zn1-xNixO4 ceramics can be employed as bifunctional materials.

Dióxido de Carbono , Hidrogênio , Metano , Hidrogênio/química , Metano/química , Dióxido de Carbono/química , Níquel/química , Catálise , Modelos Químicos
Notas enferm. (Córdoba) ; 25(43): 66-73, jun.2024.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, BDENF - Enfermagem, UNISALUD, InstitutionalDB, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1561370


Introducción: El yoga es una actividad que trata de un ejercicio el cual contiene una intensidad baja a moderada, la cual no se centra exclusivamente en el entrenamiento físico, sino que también en el desarrollo de la mente y el espíritu de uno mismo. El yoga puede obtener un mayor impacto en el equilibrio y en la ganancia de fuerza de la parte superior del cuerpo, además, demuestra mejora en la aptitud cardiorrespiratoria y flexibilidad. Metodología: El enfoque de desarrollo fue de tipo cuantitativo en donde se realizó una revisión sistemática como metodología de búsqueda de información, relacionada al yoga como una terapia complementaria y los beneficios que éste aportaba al bienestar de las personas mayores. Resultados: En cada uno de los ensayos controlados aleatorizados que fueron recabados para fines de esta revisión sistemática. Se destaca la importancia y los beneficios del yoga en la movilidad, fuerza, flexibilidad y espiritualidad de los usuarios que practican esta terapia. Discusión: Los artículos analizados pertenecen a ensayos clínicos o estudios aleatorizados, los cuales permitieron responder de manera efectiva a nuestra pregunta de investigación, la cual consiste en reconocer si el yoga es efectivo para disminuir el riesgo de dependencia funcional y eliminar hábitos que no son saludables para las personas mayores, además de mejorar la calidad de vida actual. Gracias a ello se pudo evidenciar que esta terapia en adultos mayores genera cambios positivos respecto a estado y condición física, la ejecución de esta práctica mejora la calidad de vida en un 80% Conclusión: La yoga como terapia complementaria si entrega beneficios en la calidad de vida de la población adulta mayor, dado que, que hubo una mejora tanto en la movilidad, calidad de vida y autovalencia de los adultos mayores[AU]

Introduction: Yoga is an activity that deals with a low to moderate intensity exercise, which is not exclusively focused on physical training, but also on the development of the mind and spirit itself. Yoga may have a greater impact on balance and upper body strength gains, and have shown improvements in cardiorespiratory fitness and flexibility. Methodology:the development approach was of a quantitative type where a systematic review was carried out as a methodology for searching for information related to yoga as a complementary therapy and the benefits that it brought to the well-being of the elderly. Results:The importance and benefits of yoga on the mobility, strength, flexibility and spirituality of users who practice this therapy are highlighted in each of the randomized controlled trials that were collected for the purposes of this systematic review. Discussion: The articles analyzed belong to clinical trials or randomized studies, which allowed us to effectively answer our research question. The activity of yoga in older adults generates positive changes regarding state and physical condition, the execution of this practice improves the quality of life by 80% Conclusion: Yoga as a complementary therapy delivers benefits in the quality of life of the adult population elderly, it can be said that there was an improvement in mobility, quality of life and self-valence of the elderly[AU]

Introdução: O Yoga é uma atividade que trata de um exercício de intensidade baixa a moderada, que não se foca exclusivamente no treino físico, mas também no desenvolvimento da mente e do espí-rito. A ioga pode ter um impacto maior no equilíbrio e nos ganhos de força da parte superior do corpo e mostrou melhorias na apti-dão cardiorrespiratória e flexibilidade. Metodologia: a abordagem de desenvolvimento foi do tipo quantitativo onde foi realizada uma revisão sistemática como metodologia de busca de informações re-lacionadas ao yoga como terapia complementar e os benefícios que trouxe para o bem-estar dos idosos. Resultados: A importância e os benefícios do yoga na mobilidade, força, flexibilidade e espiri-tualidade dos usuários que praticam esta terapia são destacados em cada um dos ensaios clínicos randomizados que foram coletados para fins desta revisão sistemática. Discussão: Os artigos analisa-dos pertencem a ensaios clínicos ou estudos randomizados, o que nos permitiu responder de forma eficaz à nossa questão de inves-tigação. A atividade de yoga em idosos gera mudanças positivas quanto ao estado e condição física, a execução desta prática mel-hora a qualidade de vida em 80% Conclusão: o yoga como terapia complementar traz benefícios na qualidade de vida da população adulta idosa, pode-se dizer que houve melhora na mobilidade, qualidade de vida e autovalência dos idosos[AU]

Humanos , Idoso , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Revisão Sistemática
Siglo cero (Madr.) ; 54(4): 49-64, oct.-dic. 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-EMG-558


El paradigma de apoyos y el de calidad de vida se han transformado en guías fundamentales para los avances en el ámbito de la discapacidad intelectual (DI). Con base en una muestra de 93 personas adultas con DI, se analiza, desde un enfoque cuantitativo no experimental, la relación entre la calidad de vida y las necesidades de apoyo, aplicando la escala INICO-FEAPS y la escala de Intensidad de Apoyos (SIS) para cada constructo. Los principales resultados evidencian que existe una relación fuerte e indirecta entre calidad de vida y necesidades de apoyos, y también la relevancia de analizar dichos resultados desde variables como grado de discapacidad, sexo o nivel socioeconómico. La discusión permite inferir la necesidad de discutir nuevas estrategias en torno a categorías como el grado de discapacidad, la autodeterminación e inclusión social, como elementos facilitadores de la calidad de vida y apoyos desde un enfoque integral que contribuya al desarrollo de estrategias de programas sociales para la población con DI. (AU)

The support paradigm and the quality of life paradigm have become fundamental guides for progress in the field of Intellectual Disability (ID). Based on a sample of 93 adults with ID, the relationship between Quality of Life and Support Needs is analyzed from a non-experimental quantitative approach, applying the INICO-FEAPS scale and the SIS Support Intensity scale for each construct. The main results show that there is a strong and indirect relationship between quality of life and support needs, and the relevance of analyzing these results from variables such as the degree of disability, sex or socioeconomic level. The discussion allows us to infer the need to discuss new strategies around categories such as the degree of disability, self-determination and social inclusion, as facilitating elements of quality of life and supporting a comprehensive approach that contributes to the development of social program strategies for the population with ID. (AU)

Humanos , Adulto Jovem , Adulto , Deficiência Intelectual , Qualidade de Vida , Pessoas com Deficiência , Chile , Estudos de Amostragem
Siglo cero (Madr.) ; 54(4): 49-64, oct.-dic. 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-229228


El paradigma de apoyos y el de calidad de vida se han transformado en guías fundamentales para los avances en el ámbito de la discapacidad intelectual (DI). Con base en una muestra de 93 personas adultas con DI, se analiza, desde un enfoque cuantitativo no experimental, la relación entre la calidad de vida y las necesidades de apoyo, aplicando la escala INICO-FEAPS y la escala de Intensidad de Apoyos (SIS) para cada constructo. Los principales resultados evidencian que existe una relación fuerte e indirecta entre calidad de vida y necesidades de apoyos, y también la relevancia de analizar dichos resultados desde variables como grado de discapacidad, sexo o nivel socioeconómico. La discusión permite inferir la necesidad de discutir nuevas estrategias en torno a categorías como el grado de discapacidad, la autodeterminación e inclusión social, como elementos facilitadores de la calidad de vida y apoyos desde un enfoque integral que contribuya al desarrollo de estrategias de programas sociales para la población con DI. (AU)

The support paradigm and the quality of life paradigm have become fundamental guides for progress in the field of Intellectual Disability (ID). Based on a sample of 93 adults with ID, the relationship between Quality of Life and Support Needs is analyzed from a non-experimental quantitative approach, applying the INICO-FEAPS scale and the SIS Support Intensity scale for each construct. The main results show that there is a strong and indirect relationship between quality of life and support needs, and the relevance of analyzing these results from variables such as the degree of disability, sex or socioeconomic level. The discussion allows us to infer the need to discuss new strategies around categories such as the degree of disability, self-determination and social inclusion, as facilitating elements of quality of life and supporting a comprehensive approach that contributes to the development of social program strategies for the population with ID. (AU)

Humanos , Adulto Jovem , Adulto , Deficiência Intelectual , Qualidade de Vida , Pessoas com Deficiência , Chile , Estudos de Amostragem
Referência ; serVI(3): e31622, dez. 2024. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | BDENF - Enfermagem | ID: biblio-1569437


Resumen Marco contextual: Los teléfonos móviles inteligentes permiten acceder a información de manera inmediata. La adicción al uso de estos dispositivos es cada vez mayor, los teléfonos móviles inteligentes se han convertido en un elemento importante para los estudiantes de enfermería. Objetivo: Identificar la adicción al uso del teléfono móvil inteligente en estudiantes de enfermería. Metodología: Estudio descriptivo correlacional, el muestreo fue aleatorio, la muestra se calculó considerando un nivel de confianza de 0,05, una potencia de 90%, un tamaño de efecto mediano de 0,09, la muestra se conformó por 149 estudiantes de enfermería. Resultados: El componente de uso, abuso y adicción al teléfono móvil inteligente se relacionó negativamente con el componente rasgo de personalidad (r s = -0,228; p = 0,005), el uso, abuso y adicción al teléfono móvil inteligente se relacionó positivamente con el gasto monetario (r s = 0,376; p = 0,001). Conclusión: Se identificó que existe un alto uso de los teléfonos móviles inteligentes, comprender el alcance de dicho fenómeno puede ayudar a plantear estrategias eficaces para prevenir la adicción al teléfono móvil inteligente.

Abstract Background: Smartphones provide immediate access to information, and nursing students consider them essential tools. However, the addiction to these devices is increasing. Objective: To identify smartphone addiction among nursing students. Methodology: A descriptive correlational study was conducted using the stratified random sampling method. The sample size was calculated based on a confidence level of 0.05, with 90% power, and a median effect size of 0.09. The study included 149 nursing students. Results: The component "Smartphone use, abuse, and addiction" correlated negatively with the component "Personality traits" (r s = -0.228; p = 0.005); the component "Smartphone use, abuse, and addiction" correlated positively with the component "Financial spending" (r s = 0.376; p = 0.001). Conclusion: Smartphone use is high. Understanding the extent of this phenomenon can aid in developing effective strategies to prevent smartphone addiction.

Resumo Enquadramento: Os telemóveis inteligentes estão permitem acesso imediato à informação. O vício no uso desses dispositivos é cada vez maior, os celulares inteligentes tornaram-se um elemento importante para os estudantes de enfermagem. Objetivo: Identificar a dependência do uso do smartphone em estudantes de enfermagem. Metodologia: Estudo correlacional descritivo, a amostragem foi aleatória, a amostra foi calculada considerando nível de confiança de 0,05, poder de 90%, tamanho de efeito médio de 0,09, a amostra foi composta por 149 estudantes de enfermagem. Resultados: O componente de uso, abuso e dependência de smartphone foi negativamente relacionado ao componente de traço de personalidade (r s = -0,228; p = 0,005), o uso, abuso e dependência de smartphone foi relacionado positivamente com gastos monetários (r s = 0,376; p = 0,001). Conclusão: Identificou-se que existe um alto uso de telefones móveis inteligentes, compreender a abrangência desse fenômeno pode ajudar a propor estratégias eficazes para prevenir o vício em celulares.

An. psicol ; 40(2): 254-264, May-Sep, 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-232720


El programa de Instrucción de la Autorregulación Cognitiva (CSRI) se basa en la instrucción centrada en la estrategia e incluye tres componentes para la mejora del producto textual (enseñanza directa, modelado y práctica entre iguales). Se plantearon como objetivosanalizar si la instrucción con el programa CSRI en un género textual (texto de comparación) conducía a la transferencia espontánea en el producto textual (mejor coherencia, estructura y calidad) en un género no instruido (texto de opinión); y examinar si el orden de los componentes instruccionales presentaba algún efecto. Participaron 126 estudiantes de cuarto de educación primaria que fueron asignados a una de las dos condiciones experimentales en las que se aplicaba el programa CSRI (con diferente secuencia de los componentes instructivos), o a una condición de control en la que se seguía la enseñanza tradicional. Los resultados reflejaron que las dos secuencias de instrucción del programa CSRI mostraban beneficios en la estructura y coherencia del producto textual de los estudiantes en el posttest pero no 8 meses después. Para que los alumnos sean capaces de transferir adecuadamente lo aprendido a géneros textuales no instruidos, necesitan que los profesores les enseñen cómo hacerlo eficazmente.(AU)

Cognitive Self-Regulation Instruction (CSRI) program is a strategy-focused instruction with three instructional components for im-proving students’ writing product (direct teaching, modelling, and peer-practice). The present study aimed to explore whether the CSRI program leads to spontaneous transfer, improving the writing product (in terms of quality, structure, and text coherence) of an uninstructed genre (opinion text); and to examine whether the order in which the instructional compo-nents were implemented had an effect. A total of 126 students in their 4thyear of primary school participated in the study. They were randomly as-signed to one of two experimental conditions which received the CSRI but differed in the order the instructional components were delivered, or to a control condition which followed the traditional teaching approach. Our findings show that both CSRI sequences produced benefits in terms of greater structure and coherence of the writing product in the opinion text at post-test but not 8months after the intervention. In consequence, for students to be able to adequately transfer strategies to uninstructed text genres, they need teachers to teach them how to do it effectively.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Ensino Fundamental e Médio , Redação , Aprendizagem
An. psicol ; 40(2): 280-289, May-Sep, 2024. tab, ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-232722


Antecedentes: La escala Teacher Emotion Inventory (TEI) es un instrumento que evalúa emociones discretas experimentadas por el profesorado en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. El objetivo de este estudio es examinar las propiedades psicométricas de la versión breve española de la escala Teacher Emotion Inventory (TEI-BSV) en una muestra de 567 profesores (65.5% son mujeres), con edades comprendidas entre 25 y 65 años (M = 46.04; DT = 9.09). Método: Tras su adaptación mediante traducción inversa, el profesorado completó una batería que incluía el TEI-BSV, un cuestionario de inteligencia emocional, dos escalas de bienestar subjetivo, una escala sobre burnout y una escala sobre engagement. Resultados: Los resultados mostraron una consistencia interna adecuada de las subescalas del TEI-BSV. Los análisis factoriales (exploratorio y confirmatorio) proporcionaron pruebas de que el TEI-BSV tiene una estructura de cuatro factores con un buen ajuste, frente a la estructura de cinco factores original. Se han hallado evidencias de validez convergente, así como de validez criterial e incremental del TEI-BSV. Conclusiones: el TEI-BSV podría ser una herramienta útil para la evaluación ecológica de las emociones discretas del profesorado en su contexto laboral.(AU)

Background: The Teacher Emotion Inventory (TEI) scale is an instrument that evaluates discrete emotions experienced by teachers in the teaching-learning process. The aim of this study was to examine the psychometric properties of the brief Spanish version of the Teacher Emotion Inventory scale (TEI-BSV) using a sample of 567 teachers (65.5% women), aged between 25 and 65 years (M= 46.04; SD= 9.09). Methods: After adaptation through back-translation, the teachers com-pleted a battery of tests included in the TEI-BSV: an emotional intelli-gence questionnaire, two subjective well-being scales, a burnout scale and a scale on engagement. Results: The data revealed adequate internal consistency of the TEI-BSV subscales, and exploratory and confirma-tory factor analyses provided evidence that the TEI-BSV has a four-factor structure with good adjustment, as opposed to the original five-factor structure proposed. There was evidence of convergent validity of the TEI-BSV, as well as criterion and incremental validity. Conclusions: The TEI-BSV could be a useful instrument for the ecological assess-ment of teachers' discrete emotions in the context of their workplace.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Psicometria , Emoções , Estresse Psicológico , Esgotamento Psicológico , Inteligência Emocional
IEEE Trans Radiat Plasma Med Sci ; 8(1): 76-87, 2024 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39220226


Radiation-induced acoustics (RIA) shows promise in advancing radiological imaging and radiotherapy dosimetry methods. However, RIA signals often require extensive averaging to achieve reasonable signal-to-noise ratios, which increases patient radiation exposure and limits real-time applications. Therefore, this paper proposes a discrete wavelet transform (DWT) based filtering approach to denoise the RIA signals and avoid extensive averaging. The algorithm was benchmarked against low-pass filters and tested on various types of RIA sources, including low-energy X-rays, high-energy X-rays, and protons. The proposed method significantly reduced the required averages (1000 times less averaging for low-energy X-ray RIA, 32 times less averaging for high-energy X-ray RIA, and 4 times less averaging for proton RIA) and demonstrated robustness in filtering signals from different sources of radiation. The coif5 wavelet in conjunction with the sqtwolog threshold selection algorithm yielded the best results. The proposed DWT filtering method enables high-quality, automated, and robust filtering of RIA signals, with a performance similar to low-pass filtering, aiding in the clinical translation of radiation-based acoustic imaging for radiology and radiation oncology.

Eur Heart J Imaging Methods Pract ; 2(1): qyae063, 2024 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39224100


Aims: Atrial fibrillation (AF) is a common comorbidity in non-ischaemic dilated cardiomyopathy (NIDCM) affecting conventional measures of left atrial (LA) function. We aimed to determine whether LA function analysis could identify patients at higher risk of major cardiovascular events (MACEs). Methods and results: A retrospective study of patients with NIDCM in AF referred to a single centre for transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) between 2015 and 2019. Peak atrial longitudinal strain (PALS) was measured along with LA emptying fraction and LA filling index (LAFI = E wave/PALS). Cox regression analysis was conducted. A total of 153 patients were included [median age 74 years, left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) 35%], and 57 (37.3%) had MACE after a median follow-up of 3.2 years. LAFI was the only independent TTE parameter associated with MACE after adjustment for age, diabetes, LVEF, left ventricular global longitudinal strain (LV-GLS), and LA volume index [adjusted hazard ratio (HR) = 1.02 per point increase, P = 0.024], with the best cut-off at ≥15. LAFI ≥15 predicted each of MACE components when separately analysed: MACE HR = 1.95, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.16-3.30; cardiovascular death HR = 3.68, 95% CI 1.41-9.56, heart failure admission HR = 2.13, 95% CI 1.19-3.80, and ventricular arrhythmia HR = 4.72, 95% CI 1.52-14.67. Higher LAFI was associated with worsening LV-GLS, E/e', systolic pulmonary artery (PA) pressure, tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion, and right ventricular to PA coupling. Conclusion: LA deformation analysis is feasible in patients with NIDCM presenting with AF. LAFI may identify patients at higher risk of MACE and correlates with higher pulmonary pressures and worse right ventricular function, suggesting an elevation of left-sided ventricular pressures in patients with higher LAFI.

Heliyon ; 10(16): e36114, 2024 Aug 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39224383


Bismuth telluride, a highly efficient thermoelectric material, stands out for applications around room temperature in wearable devices. By harnessing the thermal gradient established between the human body and ambient temperature, we can generate useable electricity. Notably, bismuth telluride nanostructures exhibit significantly lower thermal conductivities compared to their bulk counterparts. As a result, the thermoelectric efficiency achieved is notably higher. Our research focuses on developing efficient nanostructured materials based on bismuth telluride inside a flexible substrate made of polyester. We employ scalable methods, such as template-assisted electrochemical deposition, to fabricate these nanostructures. In this study, we present an approach to the development of flexible nanostructured thermoelectric materials. Despite using a reduced quantity of active material, our electrochemically deposited nanostructures inside a flexible template demonstrate a remarkable performance. They exhibit 24 % of the Power Factor reported for conventional electrochemically fabricated Bi2Te3 thin films, and notably, they even surpass the Power Factor reported for flexible Bi2Te3-based inks used in the creation of flexible generators. This achievement underscores the potential of our method in the advancement of efficient, flexible thermoelectric devices.

Data Brief ; 56: 110788, 2024 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39224506


The data presented in this article is based on a questionnaire survey regarding e-commerce and business digitalization of SMEs in Mexico answered by the CEOs of the companies. A valid sample of 4121 Mexican SMEs was collected covering many industries, such as primary sector, extractive industries, manufacturing industries, energy, water, recycling, construction, trade, services, and others. The data includes information about the implementation of e-commerce, business digitalization, operational efficiency, corporate performance, and other demographic indicators of the sampling firms. The link between e-commerce and corporate performance is still underexplored in SMEs, even more so between companies from Latin America, being Mexico a perfect example to explore how different SMEs adapt and thrive due to the rapid growth of their e-commerce and the diversity of their business sectors (Santos-Jaén et al., 2023 [2]). Data analysis was conducted using SPSS and Smart PLS. The data are useful as the data can be reproduced, reused and reanalyzed paying special attention to group-specific effects. This data article also opens up better research opportunities going forward through collaboration with other researchers.

Front Immunol ; 15: 1454474, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39224593


Introduction: Alemtuzumab is a highly effective pulsed immune reconstitution therapy for multiple sclerosis (MS). Aim: To evaluate serum neurofilament light chain (sNfL) and serum glial fibrillary acidic protein (sGFAP) in patients with relapsing-remitting MS who have been treated with Alemtuzumab over the course of 2 years. Methods: This prospective study involved MS patients treated with Alemtuzumab at a referral MS center. Both sNfL and sGFAP were analyzed at baseline and then again at 6, 12, and 24 months post-treatment using the single molecule array (SiMoA) technique. We also recruited matched healthy controls (HCs) for comparison. Results: The study included 46 patients (with a median age of 34.2 [Interquartile range (IQR), 28.7-42.3] years, 27 of which were women [58%]) and 76 HCs. No differences in demographic characteristics were observed between patients and HC. The median disease duration was 6.22 (IQR, 1.56-10.13) years. The median annualized relapse rate before treatment was 2 (IQR, 1-3). At baseline, sNfL and sGFAP levels were higher in MS patients (median of 18.8 [IQR, 10.7-52.7] pg/ml and 158.9 [IQR, 126.9-255.5] pg/ml, respectively) when compared to HC (6.11 [IQR, 2.03-8.54] pg/ml and 91.0 [72.6-109] pg/ml, respectively) (p<0.001 for both comparisons). The data indicates that 80% of patients had high (≥10 pg/ml) sNfL values at baseline. We observed a significant decrease in sNfL levels at 6 (65%, p = 0.02), 12 (70.8%, p<0.001), and 24 (78.1%, p<0.001) months. sNfL reached similar levels to HC only after 24 months of Alemtuzumab treatment. During the follow-up period, no changes were identified in the sGFAP values. Conclusion: Alemtuzumab leads to the normalization of sNfL values in MS patients after 2 years of treatment, with no apparent effect on sGFAP values.

Alemtuzumab , Proteína Glial Fibrilar Ácida , Esclerose Múltipla Recidivante-Remitente , Proteínas de Neurofilamentos , Humanos , Alemtuzumab/uso terapêutico , Feminino , Masculino , Adulto , Proteínas de Neurofilamentos/sangue , Estudos Prospectivos , Esclerose Múltipla Recidivante-Remitente/tratamento farmacológico , Esclerose Múltipla Recidivante-Remitente/sangue , Esclerose Múltipla Recidivante-Remitente/imunologia , Proteína Glial Fibrilar Ácida/sangue , Biomarcadores/sangue , Resultado do Tratamento , Fatores Imunológicos/uso terapêutico , Esclerose Múltipla/tratamento farmacológico , Esclerose Múltipla/sangue
Cureus ; 16(8): e66038, 2024 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39224713


Ogilvie syndrome is a pseudo-obstruction of the large colon that does not contain any mechanical obstruction. This is a case of a 32-year-old female who presented to the emergency department (ED) for acute onset vomiting and intermittent watery diarrhea. Based on her presentation, physical exam, and computed tomography (CT) findings, she was diagnosed with Ogilvie syndrome. The pathophysiology of Ogilvie syndrome involves a disruption of normal colonic motility, leading to excessive gas and fluid accumulation. Abdominal imaging typically reveals a massively dilated colon with no evident obstructive lesion. Initial management is conservative and includes supportive measures such as bowel rest and decompression, and may include medications to enhance colonic motility. In severe cases, endoscopic or surgical intervention to relieve symptoms and prevent complications such as bowel ischemia or perforation may be necessary. Identifying and addressing underlying precipitating factors is crucial for effective treatment and preventing recurrence.

Clin Med Insights Endocrinol Diabetes ; 17: 11795514241274691, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39224772


Background: Adipose tissue excess is associated with adverse health outcomes, including type 2 diabetes. Body mass index (BMI) is used to evaluate obesity but is inaccurate as it does not account for muscle mass, bone density, and fat distribution. Accurate measurement of adipose tissue through dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) and computed axial tomography (CT) is crucial for managing and monitoring adiposity-related diseases. Still, these are not easily accessible in most hospitals in Mexico. Bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) is non-invasive and low-cost but may not be reliable in conditions affecting the body's hydration status, like diabetes. Objectives: To assess fat mass concordance between BIA and DXA in Hispanic-American adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Methods: Cross-sectional study of a non-probabilistic sample of subjects over 18 years with type 2 diabetes. We used DXA as the reference method. Results: We evaluated the accuracy of FM estimation through BIA and DXA in 309 subjects with type 2 diabetes. Results showed a trend of overestimating the diagnosis of obesity using BIA, especially in individuals with a higher fat mass index (FMI). At the group level, we found BIA accurate; however, at the individual level, it is not. The bias between the 2 methods showed a statistically significant overestimation of body fat by BIA (P ⩽ .01) in both sexes. BIA demonstrated high precision in estimating fat mass. We were able to provide a correction factor of 0.55 kg in men. Conclusion: BIA is inaccurate compared to DXA for body composition assessment in patients with diabetes. Inaccurate measurements can result in misclassification. However, BIA is precise for body composition assessment in patients with diabetes, so it is reliable for tracking patient progress over time.

Agreement between bioelectrical impedance analysis and dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry to estimate fat mass in adults with type 2 Diabetes Mellitus This study compares 2 methods for measuring body composition in patients with diabetes in Mexico. The first method is Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA), which is non-invasive, low-cost, and easy to use but may not be reliable in conditions that affect the body's hydration status, like diabetes. The second method is Dual-energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DXA), which is more accurate but less easily accessible. The study was a cross-sectional evaluation of 309 participants over 18 years with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) by HbA1C levels. The present study found BIA to be precise for body composition assessment but not accurate compared to DXA as the reference method. The study showed a trend of overestimating the diagnosis of obesity using BIA, especially in individuals with a higher fat mass index. This study found BIA is accurate at the group level but not at the individual level. The bias between the 2 methods showed a statistically significant overestimation of body fat by BIA. We provided a correction factor of 0.55 kg in men but not women. BIA is not ideal for diagnosing obesity but is reliable for tracking patient progress over time.