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Nucleus (La Habana) ; (48): 31-36, jul.-dic. 2010. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-738936


RESUMEN Se debería consensuar una solución global para un conmensurado control internacional tanto de los materiales nucleares y radiactivos que permita garantizar que el desarrollo pacífico nuclear no ocasione daños a la humanidad. El concepto de régimen internacional de seguridad está obnubilado por la confusa semántica de sus partes: los conceptos ingleses ‘safeguards’, ‘safety’ y ‘security’, y los de materiales nucleares y radiactivos. El objetivo es garantizar, mediantesafeguards apropiadas la no diversión de materiales nucleares hacia actividades no pacíficas.; prevenir mediante security apropiada, la posesión no autorizada o uso ilegal o malévolo de materiales nucleares y radiactivos; y cerciorar, mediante safety apropiada, que el uso de materiales nucleares y radiactivos no causará daño a personas y al ambiente. Security se debe entender como una parte integral de safeguards y de safety, porque los materiales que son secure no son necesariamente safeguarded or safe y los materiales no pueden ser safeguarded or safe al menos que sean secure. Security es una condición necesaria pero no suficiente para safeguards y safety; es una condición importante, pero subsidiaria de safeguards y safety. Se concluye sugiriendo un Tratado Internacional para el Control (‘safeguards’, ‘safety’ y ‘security’) del Desarrollo Pacífico de la Energía Nuclear y sus Subproductos que regule claramente las obligaciones y penalidades de las Partes, el que basándose en los acuerdos existentes debería ser claro, lógico, racional, fundado, metódico, sistemático, universal, equitativo, ecuánime, imparcial, justo y no discriminatorio.

ABSTRACT We should agree on a comprehensive solution for a commensurate international control of both nuclear and radioactive material designed to ensure that peaceful nuclear development will not cause harm to the human race. The concept international security system is clouded by the confusing semantics of its parts: the English concepts ‘safeguards’, ‘safety’ and ‘security’, on one hand, and nuclear and radioactive materials on the other hand. The objectives should be: to ensure, through appropriate safeguards, that nuclear materials are not diverted to non-peaceful purposes; to prevent, through appropriate security, the unauthorized possession or use, illegal or malicious, of nuclear and radioactive materials; and, to ensure, through appropriate safety, that the use of nuclear and radioactive material will not cause harm to people and the environment. Security must be understood as an integral part of safeguards and safety, because materials that are secure are not necessarily safeguarded or safe, and materials may not be safeguarded or safe unless they are secure. Security is a necessary but not sufficient condition for safeguards and safety; security is an important but subsidiary condition of safeguards and safety; security is necessary but not sufficient to ensure nuclear control via safeguards and safety. In conclusion an International Treaty for the Control (‘safeguards’, ‘safety’ and ‘security’) of the Peaceful Development of Nuclear Energy and its Byproducts is proposed. It should clearly regulate the obligations and (non-compliance) penalties of the Parties, and, based on existing agreements, should be clear, logical, rational, fundamental, methodical, systematic, universal, equitable, impartial, fair and non discriminatory.