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Kiru ; 10(1): 38-41, ene.-jun. 2013. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, LIPECS | ID: lil-753377


Determinar la asociaci¢n entre la presencia de facetas de desgaste dentarias y caracter¡sticas de personalidad basada en el modelo te¢rico de Theodore Millon en los estudiantes de la Facultad de Odontolog¡a de la Universidad de San Mart¡n de Porres-Filial Norte (FO-USMP-FN). Material y m‚todos. Se eligi¢ a 73 estudiantes de la FO-USMP-FN para realizarles un estudio odontol¢gico especializado, se determin¢ la presencia o ausencia de facetas de desgaste y, si las tuvieran, se determin¢ el tipo de desgaste dentario. Luego, se les aplic¢ un inventario psicol¢gico denominado “Inventario Millon de Estilos de Personalidad” (MIPS) para determinar cu les eran las caracter¡sticas de la personalidad de los estudiantes. Obtenidos los datos, se clasificaron en dos grupos: grupo facetas de desgaste fisiol¢gicas y grupo facetas de desgaste patol¢gicas; los datos del inventario MIPS de los estudiantes que componen los grupos sirvieron para determinar las medias y desviaciones est ndar de la totalidad de datos como grupo; se aplic¢ la prueba estad¡stica T de Student y se determin¢ las escalas del inventario MIPS en las que difieren estos grupos, estableciendo si las caracter¡sticas de dichas escalas podr¡an desencadenar la presencia de facetas de desgaste dentarias mediante pruebas estad¡sticas de asociaci¢n. Resultados. Se encontraron tres escalas del inventario MIPS asociadas con la presencia de facetas de desgaste dentarias, se identificaron las escalas Individualismo y Sometimiento para el grupo fisiol¢gico y Apertura, Protecci¢n y Afectividad para el grupo patol¢gico. Conclusiones. Existe asociaci¢n entre la presencia de facetas de desgaste dentario y la personalidad de los estudiantes (mediante las escalas del Inventario MIPS) de la FO-USMP-FN.

To determine the association between the presence of dental wear facets and personality characteristics based on the theoretical model of Theodore Millon in students of the faculty of dentistry of the University of San Martin de Porres-North Branch (FOUSMP-NB). Material and methods. 73 students of the FO-USMP-NB were randomly selected to do a specialized dental study, the presence or absence of dental wear facets was determined and, if they did, the type of tooth wear was determined. Then we applied a psychological inventory to the 73 students called “Millon Index of Personality Styles “(MIPS) to determine what were the characteristics of the personality of the students .When data was obtained we classified them into 2 groups: facets group of physiological wear and faceted group of pathological wear; inventory data MIPS of students that make up the groups were used to determine the means and standard deviations of all data as a group ; statistical Student’s t test was applied and scales Stock MIPS in which these groups differ , establishing whether the characteristics of these scales could trigger the presence of dental wear facets by statistical tests of association were determined. Results. We found 3 MIPS inventory scales that are associated with the presence of dental wear; we identified Self Indulting and Submissive / Yielding scales for Physiological Group and Pleasure Enhancing, Other Nurturing and Feeling Guide scales for Pathological Group). Conclusions. There is an association between the presence of tooth wear and personality of the students (through the MIPS scales) from the School of Dentistry USMP-FN.

Humanos , Masculino , Adolescente , Adulto , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Atrito Dentário , Estudantes , Personalidade , Carência Psicossocial