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Sci Rep ; 5: 37501, 2016 11 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27874059


We report on the super enhancement of the 1.54 µm Er emission in erbium doped silicon-on-insulator when codoped with oxygen at a ratio of 1:1. This is attributed to a more favourable crystal field splitting in the substitutional tetrahedral site favoured for the singly coordinated case. The results on these carefully matched implant profiles show that optical response is highly determined by the amount and ratio of erbium and oxygen present in the sample and ratios of O:Er greater than unity are severely detrimental to the Er emission. The most efficient luminescence is forty times higher than in silicon-on-insulator implanted with Er only. This super enhancement now offers a realistic route not only for optical communication applications but also for the implementation of silicon photonic integrated circuits for sensing, biomedical instrumentation and quantum communication.

Opt Lett ; 38(18): 3669-72, 2013 Sep 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24104842


We report on photoluminescence in the 1.3 and 1.7 µm spectral ranges in silicon doped with dysprosium. This is attributed to the Dy3+ internal transitions between the second Dy3+ excited state and the ground state, and between the third Dy3+ excited state and the ground state. Luminescence is achieved by Dy implantation into Si substrates codoped with boron, to form dislocation loops, and show a strong dependence on fabrication process. The spectra consist of several sharp lines with the strongest emission at 1736 nm, observed up to 200 K. No Dy3+ luminescence is observed in samples without B codoping, showing the paramount importance of dislocation loops to enable the Dy emission.

Phys Rev Lett ; 110(16): 166102, 2013 Apr 19.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23679624


In this Letter we present the detailed, quantitative comparison between experimentally and theoretically derived structures of the extended {311} defect in silicon. Agreement between experimental and theoretical column positions of better than ±0.05 nm has been achieved for all 100 atomic columns in the defect structure. This represents a calculated density of 5.5×10(14) silicon interstitials per cm(2) on {311} planes, in agreement with previous work [S. Takeda, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., Part 2, 30, L639 (1991)]. We show that although the {311} defect is made up of five-, six-, seven-, and eight-member rings, the shape of these rings varies as a function of position along the defect, and these variations can be determined experimentally with high precision and accuracy. The excellent agreement between the calculated and experimentally derived structure, including the position of atomic columns and the shape of the distinct structural units of the defect, provides strong evidence for the quality and robustness of the molecular dynamics simulation approach for structural studies of defects. The experimental approach is straightforward, without the need for complicated image processing methods, and is therefore widely applicable.

Opt Lett ; 28(11): 911-3, 2003 Jun 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12816243


We report type I second-harmonic generation by use of first-order quasi-phase matching in a GaAs/AlAs symmetric superlattice structure with femtosecond fundamental pulses at 1.55 microm. Periodic spatial modulation of the bulklike second-order susceptibility chi(zxy)(2) was achieved with quantum-well intermixing for which the group III vacancies were created by As+-ion implantation. A narrow second-harmonic bandwidth of approximately 0.9 nm (FWHM) with an average power of approximately 1.5 microW was detected, corresponding to an internal conversion efficiency of approximately 0.06%, which was considerably limited by the spectral bandwidth of the fundamental.

Opt Lett ; 28(6): 483-5, 2003 Mar 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12659287


An ultrafast high-contrast all-optical switch produced from a metal-organic vapor phase epitaxy-grown wafer incorporating a 50-period InGaAsP/InGaAsP multiple-quantum-well (MQW) saturable absorber (SA) and a distributed Bragg reflector is described. Postgrowth implantation with 4-MeV nitrogen ions reduces the MQW free-carrier lifetime, and hence the switch recovery time, to 5.2 ps. Incorporation of the MQW SA in an optical cavity results in switching contrast ratios greater than 10 dB. The all-optical switch is used to perform wavelength conversion of 2-ps pulses.

Nature ; 410(6825): 192-4, 2001 Mar 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11242075


There is an urgent requirement for an optical emitter that is compatible with standard, silicon-based ultra-large-scale integration (ULSI) technology. Bulk silicon has an indirect energy bandgap and is therefore highly inefficient as a light source, necessitating the use of other materials for the optical emitters. However, the introduction of these materials is usually incompatible with the strict processing requirements of existing ULSI technologies. Moreover, as the length scale of the devices decreases, electrons will spend increasingly more of their time in the connections between components; this interconnectivity problem could restrict further increases in computer chip processing power and speed in as little as five years. Many efforts have therefore been directed, with varying degrees of success, to engineering silicon-based materials that are efficient light emitters. Here, we describe the fabrication, using standard silicon processing techniques, of a silicon light-emitting diode (LED) that operates efficiently at room temperature. Boron is implanted into silicon both as a dopant to form a p-n junction, as well as a means of introducing dislocation loops. The dislocation loops introduce a local strain field, which modifies the band structure and provides spatial confinement of the charge carriers. It is this spatial confinement which allows room-temperature electroluminescence at the band-edge. This device strategy is highly compatible with ULSI technology, as boron ion implantation is already used as a standard method for the fabrication of silicon devices.