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Phys Rev Lett ; 117(9): 091302, 2016 Aug 26.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27610841


The Universe is mostly composed of large and relatively empty domains known as cosmic voids, whereas its matter content is predominantly distributed along their boundaries. The remaining material inside them, either dark or luminous matter, is attracted to these boundaries and causes voids to expand faster and to grow emptier over time. Using the distribution of galaxies centered on voids identified in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey and adopting minimal assumptions on the statistical motion of these galaxies, we constrain the average matter content Ω_{m}=0.281±0.031 in the Universe today, as well as the linear growth rate of structure f/b=0.417±0.089 at median redshift z[over ¯]=0.57, where b is the galaxy bias (68% C.L.). These values originate from a percent-level measurement of the anisotropic distortion in the void-galaxy cross-correlation function, ϵ=1.003±0.012, and are robust to consistency tests with bootstraps of the data and simulated mock catalogs within an additional systematic uncertainty of half that size. They surpass (and are complementary to) existing constraints by unlocking cosmological information on smaller scales through an accurate model of nonlinear clustering and dynamics in void environments. As such, our analysis furnishes a powerful probe of deviations from Einstein's general relativity in the low-density regime which has largely remained untested so far. We find no evidence for such deviations in the data at hand.

Phys Rev Lett ; 112(25): 251302, 2014 Jun 27.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25014803


We present a simple empirical function for the average density profile of cosmic voids, identified via the watershed technique in ΛCDM N-body simulations. This function is universal across void size and redshift, accurately describing a large radial range of scales around void centers with only two free parameters. In analogy to halo density profiles, these parameters describe the scale radius and the central density of voids. While we initially start with a more general four-parameter model, we find two of its parameters to be redundant, as they follow linear trends with the scale radius in two distinct regimes of the void sample, separated by its compensation scale. Assuming linear theory, we derive an analytic formula for the velocity profile of voids and find an excellent agreement with the numerical data as well. In our companion paper [Sutter et al., arXiv:1309.5087 [Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. (to be published)]], the presented density profile is shown to be universal even across tracer type, properly describing voids defined in halo and galaxy distributions of varying sparsity, allowing us to relate various void populations by simple rescalings. This provides a powerful framework to match theory and simulations with observational data, opening up promising perspectives to constrain competing models of cosmology and gravity.

Phys Rev Lett ; 112(4): 041304, 2014 Jan 31.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24580436


Galaxy bias, the unknown relationship between the clustering of galaxies and the underlying dark matter density field is a major hurdle for cosmological inference from large-scale structure. While traditional analyses focus on the absolute clustering amplitude of high-density regions mapped out by galaxy surveys, we propose a relative measurement that compares those to the underdense regions, cosmic voids. On the basis of realistic mock catalogs we demonstrate that cross correlating galaxies and voids opens up the possibility to calibrate galaxy bias and to define a static ruler thanks to the observable geometric nature of voids. We illustrate how the clustering of voids is related to mass compensation and show that volume-exclusion significantly reduces the degree of stochasticity in their spatial distribution. Extracting the spherically averaged distribution of galaxies inside voids from their cross correlations reveals a remarkable concordance with the mass-density profile of voids.

Phys Rev Lett ; 103(9): 091303, 2009 Aug 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19792780


Galaxy surveys are one of the most powerful means to extract cosmological information and for a given volume the attainable precision is determined by the galaxy shot noise sigma(n);(2) relative to the power spectrum P. It is generally assumed that shot noise is white and given by the inverse of the number density n[over ]. In this Letter we argue one may considerably improve upon this due to mass and momentum conservation. We explore this idea with N-body simulations by weighting central halo galaxies by halo mass and find that the resulting shot noise can be reduced dramatically relative to expectations, with a 10-30 suppression at n[over ] = 4x10(-3) (h/Mpc)(3). These results open up new opportunities to extract cosmological information in galaxy surveys and may have important consequences for the planning of future redshift surveys.