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Commun Earth Environ ; 5(1): 229, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38706883


Freshwater algae exhibit complex dynamics, particularly in meso-oligotrophic lakes with sudden and dramatic increases in algal biomass following long periods of low background concentration. While the fundamental prerequisites for algal blooms, namely light and nutrient availability, are well-known, their specific causation involves an intricate chain of conditions. Here we examine a recent massive Uroglena bloom in Lake Geneva (Switzerland/France). We show that a certain sequence of meteorological conditions triggered this specific algal bloom event: heavy rainfall promoting excessive organic matter and nutrients loading, followed by wind-induced coastal upwelling, and a prolonged period of warm, calm weather. The combination of satellite remote sensing, in-situ measurements, ad-hoc biogeochemical analyses, and three-dimensional modeling proved invaluable in unraveling the complex dynamics of algal blooms highlighting the substantial role of littoral-pelagic connectivities in large low-nutrient lakes. These findings underscore the advantages of state-of-the-art multidisciplinary approaches for an improved understanding of dynamic systems as a whole.

Sensors (Basel) ; 22(22)2022 Nov 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36433329


Water and sediment discharges can change rapidly, and low-frequency measurement devices might not be sufficient to elucidate existing dynamics. As such, above-water radiometry might enhance monitoring of suspended particulate matter (SPM) dynamics in inland waters. However, it has been barely applied for continuous monitoring, especially under partially cloudy sky conditions. In this study, an in situ, high-frequency (30 s timestep), above-water radiometric dataset, collected over 18 days in a tropical reservoir, is analyzed for the purpose of continuous monitoring of SPM concentration. Different modalities to retrieve reflectance spectra, as well as SPM inversion algorithms, were applied and evaluated. We propose a sequence of processing that achieved an average unsigned percent difference (UPD) of 10.4% during cloudy conditions and 4.6% during clear-sky conditions for Rrs (665 nm), compared to the respective UPD values of 88.23% and 13.17% when using a simple calculation approach. SPM retrieval methods were also evaluated and, depending on the methods used, we show that the coefficient of variation (CV) of the SPM concentration varied from 69.5% down to 2.7% when using a semi-analytical approach. As such, the proposed processing approach is effective at reducing unwanted variability in the resulting SPM concentration assessed from above-water radiometry, and our work paves the way towards the use of this noninvasive technique for high-frequency monitoring of SPM concentrations in streams and lakes.

Material Particulado , Água , Material Particulado/análise , Monitoramento Ambiental/métodos , Rios , Radiometria
Opt Express ; 30(10): 16553-16571, 2022 May 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36221496


The exploitation of satellite remote sensing is expected to be a critical asset in monitoring floating and submerged plastic litter in all aquatic environments. However, robust retrieval algorithms still havel to be developed based on a full understanding of light interaction with plastic litter and the other optically active constituents of the atmosphere-water system. To this end, we performed laboratory-based hyperspectral reflectance measurements of submerged macroplastics under varying water clarity conditions (clear - 0 mg/L, moderate - 75 mg/L, very turbid - 321.3 mg/L) and submersion depths. This comprehensive optical dataset was used (i) to relate the plastic-related signal to submersion depth and turbidity parameters, and (ii) to investigate the top-of-atmosphere signal through full radiative transfer calculations. Simulated TOA radiation was used to explore the nominal pixel and spectral requirements based on WorldView-3, Sentinel-2, and Sentinel-3 missions with very high to moderate geo-spatial resolutions. Results showed that plastics remained detectable when submerged in the top ∼1 m of the water column regardless of water clarity conditions. At TOA, uncertainties attached to atmospheric correction were shown to be reasonable and acceptable for plastic detection purposes in the infrared part of the spectrum (> 700 nm). The impact of aerosols on the TOA signal was found to be complex as (i) over large plastic patches. The aerosols produced little impact on satellite observations mostly due to adjacency effects and (ii) optical signature from isolated/small extent plastic patches was critically altered suggesting the atmospheric transmittance should be accurately corrected for in plastic detection algorithms. The sensitivity analyses also revealed that the narrow band widths of Sentinel-3 did not improve detection performance compared to the WorldView-3 coarser band widths. It is proposed that high spatial resolution wavebands such as the pan-chromatic could be advantageously explored for submerged plastic monitoring applications.

Opt Lett ; 46(8): 1860-1863, 2021 Apr 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33857088


The presence of hydrosols, taken as suspension of micro- or macroscopic material in water, strongly alters light propagation and thus the radiance distribution within a natural or artificial water volume. Understanding of hydrosols' impacts on light propagation is limited by our ability to accurately handle the angular scattering phase function inherent to complex material such as suspended sediments or living cells. Based on actual quality-controlled measurements of sediments and microalgae, this Letter demonstrates the superiority of a two-term five-parameter empirical phase function as recently proposed for scattering by nanoparticle layers [Nanoscale11, 7404 (2019)NANOHL2040-336410.1039/C9NR01707K]. The use of such phase function parameterizations presents new potentialities for various radiative transfer and remote sensing applications related to an aquatic environment.

Microalgas , Simulação por Computador , Luz , Nefelometria e Turbidimetria , Espalhamento de Radiação
J Hazard Mater ; 406: 124290, 2021 03 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33390286


We present reflectance measurements collected from virgin and ocean-harvested plastics. Virgin plastics included high and low density polyethylene (HDPE, LDPE), polypropylene (PP) as well as polystyrene (PS). Ocean-harvested plastics were ropes, sheets, foam, pellets and fragmented items previously trawled from the North Pacific Garbage Patch. Nadir viewing angles and plastic pixel coverage were varied to advance our understanding of how reflectance shape and magnitude can be influenced by these parameters. We also investigated the effect of apparent colour of plastics on the measured reflectance from the ultraviolet (UV - 350 nm), visible, near to shortwave infrared (NIR, SWIR - 2500 nm). Statistical analyses indicated that the spectral reflectance of the plastics was significantly correlated to the percentage pixel coverage. There was no clear relationship between the reflectance observed and the viewing nadir angle but dampened materials seemed to be more isotropic (near-Lambertian) than their dry counterparts. A loss in reflectance was also determined between dry and wet plastics. Location of absorption features was not affected by the apparent colour of objects. In general, ocean-harvested plastics shared more identical absorption features (~960, 1215, 1440, 1732, 1920 nm) and had lower reflectance intensity compared to the virgin plastics (~980 nm). Prospects for satellite retrieval of plastic type and pixel plastic coverage are discussed based on Top-of-Atmosphere (TOA) signal simulated through radiative transfer computation using the documented plastic reflectances. Non-linear relationships between TOA reflectance and plastic coverage were observed depending on wavelength and plastic type. Most of the plastics analysed impact significantly the TOA signal but two plastic types did not produce strong signal at TOA (hard fragments, LDPE). Nevertheless, all plastic types produced detectable signals when observations were simulated within the sunglint direction. The measurements collected in this study are an extension to available high quality spectral reference libraries and can support further research in developing remote sensing algorithms for marine litter.

Appl Opt ; 59(10): C8-C20, 2020 Apr 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32400561


Total and polarized radiances from above the ocean surface are measured by a state-of-the-art snapshot hyperspectral imager. A computer-controlled filter wheel is installed in front of the imager allowing for recording of division-of-time Stokes vector images from the ocean surface. This system, to the best of our knowledge, for the first time provided a capability of hyperspectral polarimetric multi-angular measurements of radiances from above the water surface. Several sets of measurements used in the analysis were acquired from ocean platforms and from shipborne observations. Measurements made by the imager are compared with simulations using a vector radiative transfer (VRT) code showing reasonable agreement. Analysis of pixel-to-pixel variability of the total and polarized above-water radiance for the viewing angles of 20°-60° in different wind conditions enable the estimation of uncertainties in measurements of these radiances in the polarized mode for the spectral range of 450-750 nm, thus setting requirements for the quality of polarized measurements. It is shown that there is a noticeable increase of above-water degree of linear polarization (DoLP) as a function of the viewing angle, which is due both to the larger DoLP of the light from the water body and the light reflected from the ocean surface. Results of measurements and VRT simulations are applied for the multi-angular retrieval of the ratio of beam attenuation coefficient (ctot) to absorption coefficient (atot) in addition to the other parameters such as absorption and backscattering coefficients retrieved from traditional unpolarized methods.

Opt Express ; 26(8): 9615-9633, 2018 Apr 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29715911


The value and spectral dependence of the reflectance coefficient (ρ) of skylight from wind-roughened ocean surfaces is critical for determining accurate water leaving radiance and remote sensing reflectances from shipborne, AERONET-Ocean Color and satellite observations. Using a vector radiative transfer code, spectra of the reflectance coefficient and corresponding radiances near the ocean surface and at the top of the atmosphere (TOA) are simulated for a broad range of parameters including flat and windy ocean surfaces with wind speeds up to 15 m/s, aerosol optical thicknesses of 0-1 at 440nm, wavelengths of 400-900 nm, and variable Sun and viewing zenith angles. Results revealed a profound impact of the aerosol load and type on the spectral values of ρ. Such impacts, not included yet in standard processing, may produce significant inaccuracies in the reflectance spectra retrieved from above-water radiometry and satellite observations. Implications for satellite cal/val activities as well as potential changes in measurement and data processing schemes are discussed.

Opt Express ; 24(22): A1390-A1407, 2016 Oct 31.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27828524


Estimation of daily photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) is of primary importance for monitoring the ocean primary production and the subsequent production of carbon by phytoplankton at global scale from remote sensing ocean color sensors. On the other hand, aerosol abundance and composition play a critical role in the modulation of PAR. In this study, an original algorithm, so-called OLCIPAR, is proposed for routinely determining the daily PAR from optical satellite sensors such as the OLCI sensor aboard Sentinel-3 (ESA). The OLCIPAR algorithm has been developed to overcome some of the limitations of the current existing methods. In particular, multiple scattering effects induced by the atmospheric layer are taken into account based on exact radiative transfer calculations. Another advantage of OLCIPAR method is to consider a great variety of aerosol models to better account for their optical variability as observed in real world conditions. The OLCIPAR algorithm was applied to the archive of MERIS data, whose sensor is similar to OLCI. The validation of the retrieved daily PAR was carried out based on comparison with the time series acquired by the BOUSSOLE oceanographic buoy moored in the Mediterranean Sea. Results show a regression slope of 1% and an accuracy within 10% which confirms the robustness of the algorithm. The comparison of OLCIPAR retrievals with the products routinely distributed by NASA shows that estimates of PAR differ by up to 20% in the subtropical Atlantic Ocean where important amounts of dust aerosols are present. The improvements brought by OLCIPAR method for deriving the daily PAR could thus permit to better assess the impact of aerosols on reduction of PAR with implications on the estimation of oceanic primary production.

Opt Express ; 23(21): 27829-52, 2015 Oct 19.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26480444


In this study, we present a radiative transfer model, so-called OSOAA, that is able to predict the radiance and degree of polarization within the coupled atmosphere-ocean system in the presence of a rough sea surface. The OSOAA model solves the radiative transfer equation using the successive orders of scattering method. Comparisons with another operational radiative transfer model showed a satisfactory agreement within 0.8%. The OSOAA model has been designed with a graphical user interface to make it user friendly for the community. The radiance and degree of polarization are provided at any level, from the top of atmosphere to the ocean bottom. An application of the OSOAA model is carried out to quantify the directional variations of the water leaving reflectance and degree of polarization for phytoplankton and mineral-like dominated waters. The difference between the water leaving reflectance at a given geometry and that obtained for the nadir direction could reach 40%, thus questioning the Lambertian assumption of the sea surface that is used by inverse satellite algorithms dedicated to multi-angular sensors. It is shown as well that the directional features of the water leaving reflectance are weakly dependent on wind speed. The quantification of the directional variations of the water leaving reflectance obtained in this study should help to correctly exploit the satellite data that will be acquired by the current or forthcoming multi-angular satellite sensors.

Opt Express ; 22(21): 26403-28, 2014 Oct 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25401673


An innovative instrument dedicated to the multispectral measurements of the directional and polarized scattering properties of the hydrosols, so-called POLVSM, is described. The instrument could be used onboard a ship, as a benchtop instrument, or at laboratory. The originality of the POLVSM concept relies on the use of a double periscopic optical system whose role is (i) to separate the plane containing the light source from the scattering plane containing the sample and the receiver and (ii) to prevent from any specularly reflected light within the sample chamber. As a result, a wide range of scattering angle, namely from 1° to 179°, is covered by the detector. Another originality of the instrument is to measure the Mueller scattering matrix elements, including the degree of polarization. A relevant calibration procedure, which could be of great interest as well for other instruments, is proposed to convert the raw data into physical units. The relative uncertainty in POLVSM data was determined at ± 4.3%. The analysis of measurements of the volume scattering function and degree of polarization performed under controlled conditions for samples dominated either by inorganic hydrosols or phytoplankton monospecific species showed a good consistency with literature, thus confirming the good performance of the POLVSM device. Comparisons of POLVSM data with theoretical calculations showed that Mie theory could reproduce efficiently the measurements of the VSF and degree of polarization for the case of inorganic hydrosols sample, despite the likely non sphericity of these particles as revealed by one of the element of the Mueller matrix. Our results suggested as well that a sophisticated modeling of the heterogeneous internal structure of living cells, or at least, the use of layered sphere models, is needed to correctly predict the directional and polarized effects of phytoplankton on the oceanic radiation. The relevance of performing angularly resolved measurements of the Mueller scattering elements to gain understanding on the mechanisms processes involved in the scattering of light by marine particles, which has important implications for ocean color remote sensing studies, is demonstrated.

Simulação por Computador , Monitoramento Ambiental/métodos , Luz , Modelos Teóricos , Nefelometria e Turbidimetria/instrumentação , Fitoplâncton/química , Espalhamento de Radiação , Algoritmos , Calibragem , Oceanos e Mares
Appl Opt ; 51(35): 8324-40, 2012 Dec 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23262527


Above-water measurements of water-leaving radiance are widely used for water-quality monitoring and ocean-color satellite data validation. Reflected skylight in above-water radiometry needs to be accurately estimated prior to derivation of water-leaving radiance. Up-to-date methods to estimate reflection of diffuse skylight on rough sea surfaces are based on radiative transfer simulations and sky radiance measurements. But these methods neglect the polarization state of the incident skylight, which is generally highly polarized. In this paper, the effects of polarization on the sea surface reflectance and the subsequent water-leaving radiance estimation are investigated. We show that knowledge of the polarization field of the diffuse skylight significantly improves above-water radiometry estimates, in particular in the blue part of the spectrum where the reflected skylight is dominant. A newly developed algorithm based on radiative transfer simulations including polarization is described. Its application to the standard Aerosol Robotic Network-Ocean Color and hyperspectral radiometric measurements of the 1.5-year dataset acquired at the Long Island Sound site demonstrates the noticeable importance of considering polarization for water-leaving radiance estimation. In particular it is shown, based on time series of collocated data acquired in coastal waters, that the azimuth range of measurements leading to good-quality data is significantly increased, and that these estimates are improved by more than 12% at 413 nm. Full consideration of polarization effects is expected to significantly improve the quality of the field data utilized for satellite data validation or potential vicarious calibration purposes.

Monitoramento Ambiental/métodos , Radiometria/métodos , Água/química , Aerossóis , Algoritmos , Calibragem , Desenho de Equipamento , Luz , Nefelometria e Turbidimetria , New York , Oceanos e Mares , Fitoplâncton , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Software , Luz Solar
Opt Express ; 20(23): 25662-80, 2012 Nov 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23187385


The attenuation coefficient of the water body is not directly retrievable from measurements of unpolarized water-leaving radiance. Based on extensive radiative transfer simulations using the vector radiative transfer code RayXP, it is demonstrated that the underwater degree of linear polarization (DoLP) is closely related to the attenuation-to-absorption ratio (c/a) of the water body, a finding that enables retrieval of the attenuation coefficient from measurements of the Stokes components of the upwelling underwater polarized light field. The relationship between DoLP and the c/a ratio is investigated for the upwelling polarized light field for a complete set of viewing geometries, at several wavelengths in the visible part of the spectrum; for varying compositions of the aquatic environment, whose constituents include phytoplankton, non-algal particles, and color dissolved organic matter (CDOM); and for varying microphysical properties such as the refractive index and the slope of the Junge-type particle size distribution (PSD). Consequently, this study reveals the possibility for retrieval of additional inherent optical properties (IOPs) from air- or space-borne DoLP measurements of the water-leaving radiation.

Biofísica/métodos , Fitoplâncton/fisiologia , Água/química , Absorção , Algoritmos , Clorofila , Simulação por Computador , Monitoramento Ambiental , Desenho de Equipamento , Luz , Óptica e Fotônica , Tamanho da Partícula , Refratometria , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes
Appl Opt ; 51(2): 220-37, 2012 Jan 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22270520


Water-leaving radiances, retrieved from in situ or satellite measurements, need to be corrected for the bidirectional properties of the measured light in order to standardize the data and make them comparable with each other. The current operational algorithm for the correction of bidirectional effects from the satellite ocean color data is optimized for typical oceanic waters. However, versions of bidirectional reflectance correction algorithms specifically tuned for typical coastal waters and other case 2 conditions are particularly needed to improve the overall quality of those data. In order to analyze the bidirectional reflectance distribution function (BRDF) of case 2 waters, a dataset of typical remote sensing reflectances was generated through radiative transfer simulations for a large range of viewing and illumination geometries. Based on this simulated dataset, a case 2 water focused remote sensing reflectance model is proposed to correct above-water and satellite water-leaving radiance data for bidirectional effects. The proposed model is first validated with a one year time series of in situ above-water measurements acquired by collocated multispectral and hyperspectral radiometers, which have different viewing geometries installed at the Long Island Sound Coastal Observatory (LISCO). Match-ups and intercomparisons performed on these concurrent measurements show that the proposed algorithm outperforms the algorithm currently in use at all wavelengths, with average improvement of 2.4% over the spectral range. LISCO's time series data have also been used to evaluate improvements in match-up comparisons of Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer satellite data when the proposed BRDF correction is used in lieu of the current algorithm. It is shown that the discrepancies between coincident in-situ sea-based and satellite data decreased by 3.15% with the use of the proposed algorithm. This confirms the advantages of the proposed model over the current one, demonstrating the need for a specific case 2 water BRDF correction algorithm as well as the feasibility of enhancing performance of current and future satellite ocean color remote sensing missions for monitoring of typical coastal waters.

Opt Express ; 19(21): 20960-83, 2011 Oct 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21997105


An original atmospheric correction algorithm, so-called multi-directionality and POLarization-based Atmospheric Correction (POLAC), is described. This algorithm is based on the characteristics of the multidirectional and polarimetric data of the satellite PARASOL (CNES). POLAC algorithm is used to assess the influence of the polarimetric information in the visible bands on the retrieval of the aerosol properties and the water-leaving radiance over open ocean waters. This study points out that the use of the polarized signal significantly improves the aerosol type determination. The use of the polarized information at one visible wavelength only, namely 490 nm, allows providing estimates of the Angstrom exponent of aerosol optical depth with an uncertainty lower than 4%. Based on PARASOL observations, it is shown that the detection of the fine aerosols is improved when exploiting polarization data. The atmospheric component of the satellite signal is then better modeled, thus improving de facto the water-leaving radiance estimation.

Monitoramento Ambiental/métodos , Espectrofotometria/métodos , Aerossóis , Algoritmos , Luz , Mar Mediterrâneo , Modelos Estatísticos , Modelos Teóricos , Oceanos e Mares , Comunicações Via Satélite , Espalhamento de Radiação , Água/química
Appl Opt ; 50(30): 5842-60, 2011 Oct 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22015413


The Long Island Sound Coastal Observational platform (LISCO) near Northport, New York, has been recently established to support validation of ocean color radiometry (OCR) satellite data. LISCO is equipped with collocated multispectral, SeaPRISM, and hyperspectral, HyperSAS, above-water systems for OCR measurements. This combination offers the potential for improving validation activities of current and future OCR satellite missions, as well as for satellite intercomparisons and spectral characterization of coastal waters. Results of measurements made by both the multi and hyperspectral instruments, in operation since October 2009, are presented, evaluated and their associated uncertainties quantified based on observations for a period of over a year. Multi- and hyperspectral data processing as well as the data quality analysis are described and their uncertainties evaluated. The quantified intrinsic uncertainties of HyperSAS data exhibit satisfactory values, less than 5% over a large spectral range, from 340 to 740 nm, and over a large range of diurnal daylight conditions, depending on the maximum sun elevation at the solar noon. Intercomparisons between HyperSAS and SeaPRISM data revealed that an overcorrection of the sun glint effect in the current SeaPRISM processing induces errors, which are amplified through the whole data processing, especially at the shorter wavelengths. The spectral-averaged uncertainties can be decomposed as follows: (i) sun glint removal generates 2% uncertainty, (ii) sky glint removal generates strong uncertainties of the order of 15% mainly induced by sun glint overcorrection, (iii) viewing angle dependence corrections improve the data intercomparison by reducing the dispersion by 2%, (iv) normalization of atmospheric effects generates approximately 4% uncertainty. Based on this study, improvements of the sun glint correction are expected to significantly reduce the uncertainty associated with the data processing down to the level of 1%. On the other hand, strong correlations between both datasets (R(2)>0.96) demonstrate the efficacy of the above-water retrieval concept and confirm that the collocated instrumentation constitutes an important aid to above-water data quality analysis, which makes LISCO a key element of the AERONET-OC network.

Opt Express ; 16(9): 6064-80, 2008 Apr 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18545308


The influence of oceanic constituents on the polarized reflectance measured at the top of atmosphere (TOA) over open ocean waters in one visible band is investigated. First, radiative transfer modelling is used to quantify the effects of biomass concentration on the TOA polarized signal for a wide range of observation geometries. The results showed that the TOA polarized reflectance remains insensitive to variations in the chlorophyll a concentration whatever the geometrical conditions in oligotrophic and mesotrophic waters, which represent about 90% of the global ocean. The invariance of the polarized signal with water content is explained by the prevailing influence of both atmospheric effects and skylight reflections at the sea surface on the polarization state of the radiation reaching the top of atmosphere level. The simulations also revealed that multidirectional and polarized TOA reflectances obtained in the visible spectrum are powerful tools for the discrimination between the aerosol optical properties. In the second part of the paper, the theoretical results are rigorously validated using original multiangle and polarized measurements acquired by PARASOL satellite sensor, which is used for the first time for ocean color purposes. First, a statistical analysis of the geometrical features of PARASOL instrument showed that the property of invariance of the TOA polarized reflectance is technically verified for more than 85% of viewed targets, and thus, indicating the feasibility of separating between the atmospheric and oceanic parameters from space remotely sensed polarized data. Second, PARASOL measurements acquired at regional and global scales nicely corroborated the simulations. This study also highlighted that the radiometric performance of the polarized visible wavelength of PARASOL satellite sensor can be used either for the aerosol detection or for atmospheric correction algorithms over open ocean waters regardless of the biomass concentration.

Atmosfera , Luz , Fitoplâncton/química , Comunicações Via Satélite/instrumentação , Água/química , Anisotropia , Nefelometria e Turbidimetria , Oceanos e Mares , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes