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Eur J Investig Health Psychol Educ ; 14(4): 902-912, 2024 Apr 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38667813


Universities are active agents of social change through knowledge, providing citizens with the necessary abilities to face professional challenges. This work aims to evaluate and analyse the adaptation of emotional regulation in learning situations of group work in virtual and hybrid (virtual and presential) environments, of a group of students of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences belonging to a Chilean university and a Spanish university. METHOD: A total of 107 students from a Chilean university and a Spanish university, all of them enrolled in the degree in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences, participated in the study. The instrument used was the Adaptative Instrument for Regulation of Emotions questionnaire. RESULTS: The analysis of the data shows that there are some significant differences (p ≤ 0.05), between the groups of students who worked virtually and those who worked in hybrid situations, in the aspects related to personal motivations (learn from my classmates, not to disappoint my working group, and enjoying the experience of working in a group). The students who worked online resolved conflicts mainly through individual regulation mechanisms with significant differences in relation to the students who worked in hybrid mode. No significant differences were found in the socioemotional challenges or in the balance of the metacognitive experience. CONCLUSION: The group that worked in hybrid learning valued group purposes over personal purposes and used the social regulation mechanism over individual regulation in conflict resolution. On the other hand, the group that worked virtually valued group and personal purposes equally and used the mechanism of individual regulation and social regulation to solve difficulties. Differences between students who worked in virtual and hybrid environments may be due to greater social interaction and group dynamics in hybrid environments, as well as differences in culture and access to resources and technology.

J Exp Child Psychol ; 235: 105738, 2023 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37421925


The healthy development of cognitive functions, including executive functions, has been shown to depend mainly on the experiences and learning opportunities of people, especially during childhood. Over the past few years, researchers have been studying the impacts of diverse types of interventions on children's cognitive development in which computational thinking programs are a recent field. This pilot study evaluated the effect of computational thinking training based on the "Programming for Children" program on the executive functions of children aged 10 and 11 years: working memory, inhibition, and planning (N = 30). The results showed that children in the experimental group improved on tests of visuospatial working memory, cognitive inhibition, and sequential planning compared with the control group. However, tests of verbal working memory, memory strategy, and visual spatial planning did not show any observed changes. Although this was an exploratory study, and its findings should be interpreted cautiously due to the small sample size, the findings support the relevance and feasibility of conducting similar larger studies with larger samples.

Cognição , Função Executiva , Criança , Humanos , Função Executiva/fisiologia , Projetos Piloto , Cognição/fisiologia , Aprendizagem/fisiologia , Memória de Curto Prazo/fisiologia
J Autism Dev Disord ; 2023 Jul 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37410256


Research shows many positive effects from physical exercise. The present study examined the impact of a structured physical exercise program compared to treatment as usual on the gross motor skills of children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Participants included 20 children, from 4 to 7 years old, who were assigned to two groups; an experimental group (n = 10) who received a structured physical exercise program for 60-min sessions, three times a week for eight weeks, and a control group (n = 10) who received conventional physiotherapy. Gross motor skills were assessed with the Abbreviated Development Scale -3 before and after the physical exercise program. The experimental group exhibited significant improvements in gross motor skills compared to the control group. This study suggests that structured physical exercise programs can improve gross motor skills in children with ASD.

Acta colomb. psicol ; 26(1): 13-26, Jan.-June 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1419867


Resumen El presente artículo reporta un estudio que busca identificar el estilo cognitivo en la dimensión de independencia-dependencia de campo en una población estudiantil universitaria y establecer sus asociaciones con el género y la carrera que cursan. La muestra total fue de 1.379 estudiantes (797 mujeres y 582 hombres), de tres universidades del área metropolitana de Manizales, Colombia, de 18 carreras profesionales, quienes respondieron la prueba SG-EFT que permite identificar el nivel de independencia de campo. Se llevaron a cabo pruebas t de Student y análisis de varianza para examinar diferencias por género y carrera. Los resultados indican diferencias significativas en los puntajes de la prueba por carrera universitaria en independencia del género, y a su vez, se discuten en relación con resultados previos y sus implicaciones para la construcción del perfil del estudiante en cada carrera.

Abstract This paper reports a study that seeks to identify the cognitive styles, in the field independence-dependence dimension, in a university student population and to establish its associations with gender and career. The total sample consisted of 1.379 students (797 females and 582 males) from three universities in the metropolitan area of Manizales (Colombia), from 18 professional careers, who answered the SG-EFT test which measures levels of field independence. Analyses of variance and t- Student tests were carried out to examine differences by gender and career. Significant differences in the SG-EFT scores were found regarding career choice, independently of gender. Results are discussed with respect to previous findings and their implications for the construction of the student profile in each career.

Av. psicol. latinoam ; 41(2): [1-18], may-ago. 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1510448


El artículo presenta la versión de la prueba EfT desarrollada por Sawa sobre las figuras Gottschaldt, como indicador de la capacidad de reestructuración perceptual y del estilo cognitivo en la dimensión de independencia- dependencia de campo. Se examina la consistencia interna del instrumento, su validez estructural y de constructo a partir de los datos recogidos en cuatro diferentes estudios en los que ha sido aplicado (n = 6.530). Los resultados indican altos niveles de consistencia interna y adecuados niveles de validez estructural del instrumento. La validez de constructo se determina mediante el examen de los comportamientos de la prueba frente al sexo y el grado/edad. Los resultados demuestran que el instrumento se comporta de acuerdo con lo esperado en el constructo. Por último, se presentan los baremos del instrumento

This paper presents the version of the Embedded Figures Test (EfT) that Sawa developed using Gottschaldt's figures. The test indicates the perceptual restructur- ing ability and the field dependence-independence dimension of cognitive style. The instrument's internal consistency and its structural and construct validity are examined using data collected in four previous studies in which the test was administered (n = 6.530). Results show high levels of internal consistency and adequate levels of structural validity. The construct validity was determined by examining the instrument's behavior regarding sex and grade/age. Results indicate that the test behaves as expected considering the construct. Finally, the instrument's norms are presented

O artigo apresenta a versão do teste EfT, desenvol- vida por Sawa sobre as figuras de Gottchaldt, como indicador da capacidade de reestruturação perceptiva e, do estilo cognitivo na dimensão independência- -dependência do campo. A consistência interna do instrumento, sua validade estrutural e sua validade de construto são examinadas a partir dos dados co- letados em quatro diferentes estudos em que o teste foi aplicado (n = 6.530). Os resultados indicam altos níveis de consistência interna e níveis adequados de validade estrutural do instrumento. A validade de cons- truto é determinada examinando os comportamentos de teste em relação ao gênero e nível de escolaridade/ idade. Os resultados indicam que o instrumento se comporta conforme o esperado no construto. Por fim, são apresentadas as escalas do instrumento.

Psicol. Caribe ; 39(2): 3-3, mayo-ago. 2022. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1406362


Resumen. Si bien la investigación sobre la metacognición y los estilos cognitivos es sólida para cualquier campo solo, pocas investigaciones han abordado los dos juntos. Además, ningún estudio hasta la fecha ha examinado objetivos más específicos relacionados con aspectos específicos de la metacognición, como la habilidad de monitoreo y su relación con el estilo cognitivo. Por lo tanto, el presente estudio investigó medidas de confianza, rendimiento y precisión para tres tipos de juicios metacognitivos (predicción, concurrente y postdicción) y tres tipos diferentes de preguntas metacognitivas: preguntas sobre la tarea, preguntas sobre uno mismo y preguntas en diferentes momentos (antes, durante y después) y cómo se relacionan con el estilo cognitivo (dependiente del campo, intermedio, independiente del campo) en una muestra de 57 estudiantes universitarios colombianos. Los resultados revelaron que había diferencias en la precisión y el sesgo del monitoreo metacognitivo en función del estilo cognitivo, y que estos hallazgos fueron similares entre los diferentes momentos y entre los juicios metacognitivos. Con respecto al estilo cognitivo, aquellos con un estilo cognitivo intermedio o independiente del campo informaron una mayor precisión de monitoreo y menos sesgo que las personas con un estilo dependiente del campo. Se discuten las implicaciones para la investigación, la teoría y la práctica.

Abstract. While research on metacognition and cognitive styles is robust for either field alone, few studies have broached the two together. In addition, no studies to date have examined finer-grained objectives related to specific aspects of metacognition such as monitoring skill and its relation to cognitive style. Thus, the present study investigated confidence, performance, and accuracy measures for three types of metacognitive judgments (prediction, concurrent and postdiction) and three different types of metacognitive questions-questions about the task, questions about the self, and questions at different moments (before, during, and after)-and how these are related to cognitive style (field dependent, intermediate, field independent) in a sample of 57 Colombian university students. Results revealed that there were differences in metacognitive monitoring accuracy and bias as a function of cognitive style, and that these findings were similar both between different moments and across metacognitive judgments. Regarding cognitive style, those with an intermediate or field independent cognitive style reported greater monitoring accuracy and less bias than individuals with a field dependent style. Implications for research, theory, and practice are discussed.

Psychol. av. discip ; 16(1): 57-70, ene.-jun. 2022. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1406458


Resumen El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo establecer las características psicométricas y la estructura factorial subyacente a los ítems de la Escala de Autoconcepto AF5. Se realizó una investigación descriptiva de corte transversal. Se aplicó el instrumento en 1386 (798 mujeres y 588 hombres) estudiantes de tres universidades ubicadas en una ciudad de la región central del país, una de carácter público y dos privadas. Entre los resultados se encontraron adecuadas propiedades psicométricas para la prueba, así como una estructura hexadimensional del constructo, desde la cual el autoconcepto físico pareció subdividirse en dos dimensiones independientes, condición física y atractivo físico. A manera de conclusión puede indicarse que el AF5 se presenta como un instrumento sólido con adecuadas propiedades psicométricas para ser usado en muestras de estudiantes universitarios colombianos.

Abstract To establish the factorial structure underlying the items of the AF5 Self-Concept Scale. Descriptive, cross-sectional study. To carry it out, a validation study of the instrument was performed with 1382 students from three major universities located in a city in the central region of the country. Two out of the three universities were private, the sample was composed by 798 women and 588 men. Adequate psychometric properties were found for the test, as well as a six-dimensional structure of the construct, from which the physical self-concept seemed to be subdivided into two dimensions: physical condition and physical attractiveness, this dimension behaving as two independent factors. The AF5 is presented as a solid instrument with adequate psychometric properties to be used in samples of Colombian college students.

Rev. CES psicol ; 13(2): 61-84, maio-ago. 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1155345


Resumen Se presentan los resultados de un estudio que tiene como objetivo establecer las permanencias y las transformaciones de los estilos parentales en la crianza de personas con discapacidad durante un periodo de siete años e identificar las posibles explicaciones que las motivan. El estudio toma como base el Modelo Estilos Parentales en la Discapacidad -MEPD- (Manjarrés & Hederich, 2018) que identifica y describe las formas como los padres educan a sus hijos. Es un estudio longitudinal de casos múltiples que hace seguimiento al estilo parental en dos momentos del proceso de crianza de 18 personas con discapacidad (2011 y 2018). Los resultados permiten identificar, siete años después, la presencia de tres de los cuatro estilos parentales planteados por el MEPD: impulsador-reflexivo, dominador-inflexible y dominado-complaciente y la ausencia del estilo dominado-distante. Se evidencia la permanencia del estilo parental original en la mitad de los casos, en los que se puede establecer la funcionalidad de éste. Por su parte, las transformaciones del estilo parental muestran dos posibles tránsitos: uno, de carácter positivo, más frecuente, hacia estilos más favorecedores del desarrollo de la autonomía del hijo; el otro, negativo, hacia estilos que favorecen una mayor dependencia continuada. Mientras que las transformaciones positivas son motivadas por el reconocimiento paulatino de la capacidad del hijo, las negativas están asociadas con la pérdida objetiva de la capacidad del hijo y de su posibilidad de relacionarse.

Abstract This study aims at establishing the permanence and transformations of parenting styles in the upbringing of disable people around age of seven and identifying the possible explanations that motivate them. The study is based on the Parental Styles in Disability Model -MEPD- (Manjarrés & Hederich, 2018) that identifies and describes the ways in which parents educate their children. It is a longitudinal study of multiple cases that tracks the parental raising style of 18 participants with disabilities, at two stages of their lifetime (2011 and 2018). The results allow us to identify, seven years later, the presence of three of the four parental styles proposed by the MEPD: driving-reflexive, dominating-inflexible and dominated-complacent and the absence of the dominated-distant style. The permanence of the original parental style is evident in half of the cases, in which its functionality can be established. On the other hand, the transformations of the parental style show two possible transits: one of positive nature, the most common, points towards more favorable styles of the development of the child's autonomy; the other, negative, points towards styles that favor a greater continued dependency. While the positive transformations are motivated by the gradual recognition of the child's capacity, the negative ones are associated with the objective loss of the child's capacity and the possibility of relating.

Rev. latinoam. psicol ; Rev. latinoam. psicol;50(3): 187-200, jul.-dic. 2018. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | COLNAL, LILACS | ID: biblio-1004267


Resumen El estudio tuvo como objetivos definir y examinar, a partir de la evidencia empírica, un modelo que describe los procesos de crianza de personas con discapacidad -MEPD- Modelo Estilos Parentales en la Discapacidad (Manjarrés 2012), e identificar la configuración de los estilos parentales presentes en una muestra de 195 casos ubicados en cuatro departamentos de Colombia (Santander, Bolívar, Cundinamarca y Antioquia). Los participantes fueron: padres (14), madres (120), hijos con discapacidad (35), hermanos (14) y miembros de la familia extensa (12), quienes informaron sobre los procesos de crianza de la persona con discapacidad, centrando su atención en las acciones realizadas por quien(es) ejerce(n) la función parental. Se desarrolló un análisis mediante dos procedimientos multivariantes sucesivos: análisis de correspondencias múltiples y análisis de conglomerados. Los resultados permitieron examinar, depurar y definir operacionalmente el marco estructural del modelo, identificar tres ejes factoriales importantes en la configuración del estilo parental (la confianza en la capacidad del hijo, el control y el afecto) y caracterizar cuatro estilos parentales presentes en la crianza de personas con discapacidad, denominados impulsador-reflexivo, dominador-inflexible, dominado-complaciente y dominado-distante.

Abstract The objective of the study was to define and analyze, based on the empirical evidence, a model that describes the processes of parenting of people with disabilities -MEPD- Model of Parental Styles in Disability (Manjarrés 2012), and to identify the configuration of parental styles Present in a sample of 195 cases distributed in four departments of Colombia (Santander, Bolívar, Cundinamarca and Antioquia). The participants were: parents (14), mothers (120), children with disabilities (35), siblings (14) and members of the extended family (12), who reported on the processes of parenting the person with disabilities, focusing their attention in the actions carried out by who (s) exercise (s) the parental function. It is an analysis through two successive analysis methods: multiple correspondence analysis and cluster analysis. The results allowed us to examine, refine, and operationally define the structural framework of the model, identify the important factor axes in the configuration of the parental style (trust in the child's capacity, control and affect) and characterize the parental styles present in the Raising people with disabilities, called impulsive-reflexive, dominator-inflexible, dominated-complacent and dominated-distant.

Poder Familiar , Cruzamento , Pessoas com Deficiência , Crianças com Deficiência
Rev. CES psicol ; 9(1): 1-15, ene.-un. 2016. graf, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-791130


La evaluación del síndrome del burnout académico se ha hecho, tradicionalmente, a partir de la adaptación del MBI-General Survey (MBI-GS) al contexto académico colombiano, lo que se denomina MBI-Student Survey (MBI-SS). En ausencia de datos normativos propios, la mayoría de las investigaciones toman los datos normativos del MBI-GS para la interpretación de los resultados. El artículo examina la validez factorial del MBI-SS, la consistencia de las escalas planteadas y contrasta los resultados obtenidos en su aplicación a una muestra de 820 estudiantes de carreras del área de la salud en universidades de la costa Caribe colombiana con los planteados en la nota técnica que presenta los datos normativos. Los resultados indican un buen ajuste del instrumento a lo esperado, pero cuestionan los datos normativos utilizados para la interpretación de los resultados. Específicamente, los resultados muestran que la muestra presenta mayores niveles de agotamiento, menores niveles de cinísmo y similares niveles de autoeficacia que la muestra de trabajadores españoles. Se elaboran varias interpretaciones de los hallazgos.

The assessment of the academic burnout syndrome has been traditionally conducted by the MBI- General Survey (MBI-GS) in an academic context, which is called as the MBI-Student Survey (MBI-SS). Due to the lack of appropriate normative data, in order to interpret the results most of researches take the normative data from the MBI-GS. This article examines the factorial validity of MBI-SS findings, the reliability of the considered scales and compares the obtained results after conducting a survey to 820 students enrolled in the academic health field at universities in the Caribbean coast of Colombia, with the outline based on the technical mark that presents the normative data. The results indicate an efficient adjustment of the instrument, but question the normative data employed in order to carry out the interpretation of the results. Specifically, the results show a sample with higher levels of exhaustion, lower levels of cynicism and similar levels of self-efficacy than the sample of Spanish workers. Some interpretations of the results are discussed.

Suma psicol ; 21(2): 89-98, jul.-dic. 2014. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-735193


Desarrollada por Juan Pascual-Leone y sus colaboradores, en el marco de su teoría de los operadores constructivos, la prueba de intersección de figuras (FIT) ha sido ampliamente utilizada en investigaciones básicas y aplicadas que tienen que ver con el desarrollo de la capacidad de memoria de trabajo, como tal y como factor que influye en el logro de aprendizaje. Este trabajo consigna los resultados del análisis psicométrico de la prueba realizado en una muestra de estudiantes colombianos. Los participantes del estudio fueron 146 estudiantes (79 niños y 67 niñas) entre los grados primero y quinto de educación básica primaria (entre 7 y 11 años de edad). Se presenta un análisis de consistencia y un modelo de predicción de la dificultad de cada ítem que se podría considerar indicador de validez de constructo. Se examinan dos escalas propuestas por el autor, así como las diferencias relacionadas con la edad y el sexo.

The figural intersection test (FIT), which was developed by Juan Pascual-Leone and his collaborators within the framework of the theory of constructive operators, has been widely used in basic and applied research concerning working memory capacity both per se and as a factor of learning.This article presents the results of a psychometric analysis of the FIT on a sample of Colombian schoolchildren. The test was applied to 146 primary school children (79 boys and 67 girls) between 1st and 5th grades (7 to 11 years old). An analysis is presented of the internal consistency and a predictive model of the difficulty of each item, which could be considered as an indicator of the construct validity of the test. The twoscoring scales proposed by the FIT author, as well as data related to age and gender differences were examined.

Suma psicol ; 19(2): 39-50, jul.-dic. 2012. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-675383


En el presente trabajo se examina la relación existente entre el logro en matemáticas de estudiantes de secundaria, el uso de estrategias de aprendizaje autorregulado y el estilo cognitivo en la dimensión dependencia-independencia de campo. En el estudio participaron 128 estudiantes de grado décimo de un colegio oficial de Bogotá, Colombia. Se utilizó el cuestionario MSLQ para medir la capacidad de autorregulación del aprendizaje y la prueba EFT para medir el estilo cognitivo de los estudiantes en la dimensión de dependencia-independencia de campo. El logro en matemáticas estuvo indicado por las evaluaciones obtenidas por los estudiantes durante el año escolar. Los resultados mostraron que el aprendizaje autorregulado y el estilo cognitivo se relacionan de forma independiente con el logro de aprendizaje. Adicionalmente, se constató la presencia de relaciones complejas entre autorregulación del aprendizaje y estilo cognitivo en la dimensión estudiada.

In this paper the relationship among high school students' mathematics achievement, use of self-regulated learning strategies and cognitive style in the field dependence-independence dimension is examined. Subjects were 128 tenth graders of a public school at Bogotá, Colombia. The MSLQ Questionnaire was used to assess students' level of self-regulation and the EFT test was used to measure students' field dependence-independence cognitive style. Mathematics achievement was indicated by the grades obtained by the students during the academic year. Results show that self-regulated learning and cognitive style are related to Math achievement, each one separately. Additionally, complex relations between self-regulation and field dependence-independence were found.

Rev. latinoam. psicol ; Rev. latinoam. psicol;44(2): 13-26, mayo-ago. 2012. ilus, graf, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-669258


En el presente trabajo se examina el logro de aprendizaje de estudiantes de educación secundaria, durante su interacción con un ambiente hipermedial para el aprendizaje de transformaciones geométricas en el plano bajo dos condiciones contrastadas: (1) la presencia o ausencia en el software de un andamiaje para fomentar el aprendizaje autorregulado; y (2) el trabajo con el software en solitario o en parejas. En cada condición, se examinó la interacción entre la variable logro de aprendizaje y el estilo cognitivo de los estudiantes en la dimensión de independencia-dependencia de campo. El software fue especialmente diseñado para el estudio. Participaron 128 estudiantes de cuatro cursos previamente conformados de educación secundaria de una institución de Bogotá, Colombia. Para el tratamiento de los datos, se realizó un análisis multivariado de covarianza, que mostró efectos principales significativos y positivos sobre el logro de aprendizaje por la presencia del andamiaje, el estilo cognitivo de independencia de campo y el trabajo en solitario. Se observó además una interacción significativa que indicó que, en presencia del andamiaje autorregulador, las diferencias de logro entre los estilos cognitivos desaparecen. Los resultados son prometedores respecto del potencial del uso de andamiajes autorreguladores para favorecer, de manera equitativa, el aprendizaje en entornos computacionales.

This study examines high school students' academic achievement during their interaction with a hypermedia environment to learn geometric transformations in the plane, under two contrasting conditions: (1) presence or absence, in the software, of a scaffold for self-regulated learning and (2) individual work or working in pairs. The interaction between each condition and the students' cognitive style, in the feld dependent-independent dimension, was examined. The software was especially designed for the study. Participants were128 tenth students from 4 class groups at a public school in Bogotá, Colombia. An ANCOVA analysis was performed, which showed significant and positive main effects on academic achievement by the presence of scaffolding, field independence and individual work. Another significant interaction indicates that, in the presence of a scaffold for self-regulated learning, achievement diferences between cognitive style subgroups disappear. Results are promising regarding the potential use of self - regulators scaffolding to support, eguitably, learning in coputing enviroments.