Homozygous type I plasminogen (Plg) deficiency has not been described in human subjects so far. Ligneous conjunctivitis is a rare and unusual form of chronic pseudomembranous conjunctivitis of unknoen etiology. Here we report for the first time on homozygous type I Plg deficiency in three unrelated female patients who suffered from ligneous conjunctivitis and additional pseudomembranous lesions of other mucous membranes. The disease is caused by massive fibrin depositions within the "extravascular space" of mucous membranes because of absent clearence by plasmin. Infusions of albumin, frech frozen plasma, or Lys-plasminogen (Lys-Plg) into two of the three patients revealed normal Plg activation capacity in these patients. The absence of fibrinolytic activity could therefore be shown to be due to Plg deficiency. Similar studies in the third patients have not been completed. In the two patients studied so far, infusions of Lys-Plg resulted in pronpt and adequate Plg recovery with a short half-life and high amounst of plasmin-antiplasmin complexes and D-dimer. One patient additionally revealed and inherited partial factor XII deficiency. Functionally, this factor XII deficiency did not interfere with Plg activation. However, there may be a pathway of Plg activation in this patient via the prekallikrein C1-INH system