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J Leis Res ; 52(3): 307-329, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34937954


During the transition to adulthood, emerging adults may experience new geographic distance separating them from their siblings. Digital leisure is common among emerging adults and may serve as a tool for maintaining relationship quality across geographic distance. Using qualitative data, we created individual digital leisure diversity scores for four categories of digital leisure identified from a constructed taxonomy. The sample included 185 college-attending emerging adults (M age = 20.1, 64.3% male). Analysis of variance indicated dyadic gender differences in social media and gaming. Digital leisure diversity was associated with greater levels of affective and cognitive sibling relationship quality, regardless of sibling dyad gender. The association between digital leisure diversity and cognitive relationship quality was significant for participants who lived closer to their sibling. During the transition to adulthood when new geographic separation is common, digital leisure shows potential as a compensatory activity that may help siblings maintain relationship quality.

J Soc Pers Relat ; 37(2): 516-537, 2020 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33840878


Leisure diversity-the total number of unique leisure categories shared within a sibling dyad-may vary according to sibling characteristics (e.g. sibling gender, age difference) and predict sibling relationship quality. Using triangulated lists, brief narratives, and focus groups, we constructed a taxonomy of shared sibling leisure in emerging adulthood and then calculated individual leisure diversity scores. The sample (N=185) included college-attending emerging adults with an average age of 20.1 years old (35.7% female). Taxonomic analysis suggested 19 categories of shared sibling leisure. ANOVAs indicated differences by dyadic gender composition in endorsement rates of select leisure categories and average levels of leisure diversity (lowest for mixed gender dyads). Greater shared leisure diversity was associated with higher levels of affective (sister-sister dyads) and cognitive relationship quality (sister-sister and mixed gender dyads). The association of leisure diversity with sibling relationship quality was strongest for sister-sister dyads and not significant for brother-brother dyads. Sibling dyads that include a sister are more likely to be impacted by level of shared leisure diversity. The results of this study introduce leisure diversity as a metric for quantifying sibling leisure and support its potential as a means for understanding and impacting sibling relationship quality in emerging adulthood.

Leis Sci ; 40(4): 288-306, 2018.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30093736


In augmented reality, video games and the physical world converge as individuals participate in digital leisure overlaid on physical spaces. In Pokémon Go, game play in the physical world is impacted by constraints that limit access and play of marginalized groups. Global popularity of Pokémon Go created an opportunity to explore experiences of marginalized groups participating in augmented reality game play. Grey literature surrounding Pokémon Go is rich with accounts of constraints experienced by marginalized groups, particularly individuals self-identifying as White women, Black women, or Black men. Their experiences with Pokémon Go illustrate the need for social justice in digital leisure. Because the lifespan of mobile applications is limited, the gradual process from research to social change may be insufficient in addressing ever evolving digital platforms. Researchers need to strategically work with industry partners to identify needs for social justice during the planning and designing stages.
