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Space Sci Rev ; 219(7): 53, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37744214


ESA's Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer (JUICE) will provide a detailed investigation of the Jovian system in the 2030s, combining a suite of state-of-the-art instruments with an orbital tour tailored to maximise observing opportunities. We review the Jupiter science enabled by the JUICE mission, building on the legacy of discoveries from the Galileo, Cassini, and Juno missions, alongside ground- and space-based observatories. We focus on remote sensing of the climate, meteorology, and chemistry of the atmosphere and auroras from the cloud-forming weather layer, through the upper troposphere, into the stratosphere and ionosphere. The Jupiter orbital tour provides a wealth of opportunities for atmospheric and auroral science: global perspectives with its near-equatorial and inclined phases, sampling all phase angles from dayside to nightside, and investigating phenomena evolving on timescales from minutes to months. The remote sensing payload spans far-UV spectroscopy (50-210 nm), visible imaging (340-1080 nm), visible/near-infrared spectroscopy (0.49-5.56 µm), and sub-millimetre sounding (near 530-625 GHz and 1067-1275 GHz). This is coupled to radio, stellar, and solar occultation opportunities to explore the atmosphere at high vertical resolution; and radio and plasma wave measurements of electric discharges in the Jovian atmosphere and auroras. Cross-disciplinary scientific investigations enable JUICE to explore coupling processes in giant planet atmospheres, to show how the atmosphere is connected to (i) the deep circulation and composition of the hydrogen-dominated interior; and (ii) to the currents and charged particle environments of the external magnetosphere. JUICE will provide a comprehensive characterisation of the atmosphere and auroras of this archetypal giant planet.

Sci Adv ; 8(21): eabn3783, 2022 May 27.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35613267


Despite the importance of sand and dust to Mars geomorphology, weather, and exploration, the processes that move sand and that raise dust to maintain Mars' ubiquitous dust haze and to produce dust storms have not been well quantified in situ, with missions lacking either the necessary sensors or a sufficiently active aeolian environment. Perseverance rover's novel environmental sensors and Jezero crater's dusty environment remedy this. In Perseverance's first 216 sols, four convective vortices raised dust locally, while, on average, four passed the rover daily, over 25% of which were significantly dusty ("dust devils"). More rarely, dust lifting by nonvortex wind gusts was produced by daytime convection cells advected over the crater by strong regional daytime upslope winds, which also control aeolian surface features. One such event covered 10 times more area than the largest dust devil, suggesting that dust devils and wind gusts could raise equal amounts of dust under nonstorm conditions.

Astron J ; 156(2)2018 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30510304


Small-scale waves were observed along the boundary between Jupiter's North Equatorial Belt and North Tropical Zone, ~16.5° N planetographic latitude in Hubble Space Telescope data in 2012 and throughout 2015 to 2018, observable at all wavelengths from the UV to the near IR. At peak visibility, the waves have sufficient contrast (~10%) to be observed from ground-based telescopes. They have a typical wavelength of about 1.2° (1400 km), variable-length wave trains, and westward phase speeds of a few m/s or less. New analysis of Voyager 2 data shows similar wave trains over at least 300 hours. Some waves appear curved when over cyclones and anticyclones, but most are straight, but tilted, shifting in latitude as they pass vortices. Based on their wavelengths, phase speeds, and faint appearance at high-altitude sensitive passbands, the observed NEB waves are consistent with inertia-gravity waves at the 500-mbar pressure level, though formation altitude is not well constrained. Preliminary General Circulation Model simulations generate inertia-gravity waves from vortices interacting with the environment and can reproduce the observed wavelengths and orientations. Several mechanisms can generate these waves, and all may contribute: geostrophic adjustment of cyclones; cyclone/anticyclone interactions; wind interactions with obstructions or heat pulses from convection; or changing vertical wind shear. However, observations also show that the presence of vortices and/or regions of convection are not sufficient by themselves for wave formation, implying that a change in vertical structure may affect their stability, or that changes in haze properties may affect their visibility.

Science ; 332(6036): 1413-7, 2011 Jun 17.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21596955


Saturn's slow seasonal evolution was disrupted in 2010-2011 by the eruption of a bright storm in its northern spring hemisphere. Thermal infrared spectroscopy showed that within a month, the resulting planetary-scale disturbance had generated intense perturbations of atmospheric temperatures, winds, and composition between 20° and 50°N over an entire hemisphere (140,000 kilometers). The tropospheric storm cell produced effects that penetrated hundreds of kilometers into Saturn's stratosphere (to the 1-millibar region). Stratospheric subsidence at the edges of the disturbance produced "beacons" of infrared emission and longitudinal temperature contrasts of 16 kelvin. The disturbance substantially altered atmospheric circulation, transporting material vertically over great distances, modifying stratospheric zonal jets, exciting wave activity and turbulence, and generating a new cold anticyclonic oval in the center of the disturbance at 41°N.