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J Org Chem ; 64(13): 4652-4664, 1999 Jun 25.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11674535


This paper describes the mechanism of action of 2-formyl-4-pyrrolidinopyridine (FPP, 1a) which is a catalyst for the hydroxyl-directed methanolysis of alpha-hydroxy esters. This species was initially designed to act as a nucleophilic catalyst; however, we have ruled out a nucleophilic mechanism by examining the activity of 6-substituted-FPP derivatives. These compounds are more hindered in the vicinity of the pyridine nitrogen than FPP itself but are also more active catalysts. Furthermore, the presence of p-nitrophenol, a mild acid, was found to accelerate the catalytic reaction. These results are inconsistent with a nucleophilic catalysis mechanism. We provide evidence that the reaction instead proceeds via dioxolanone intermediate 10. Dioxolanone 10 can be obtained by treating either the p-nitrophenyl ester or the pentafluorophenyl ester of glycolic acid with FPP in chloroform in the absence of methanol. It has been isolated, characterized, and shown to be kinetically competent when subjected to the conditions of the catalytic reaction.

J Org Chem ; 64(22): 8323-8333, 1999 Oct 29.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11674755


Polycytidylate, poly(C), serves as a scaffold or template to direct and catalyze the synthesis of long oligoguanylates from guanosine 5'-phosphate 2-methylimidazolide, 2-MeImpG. In the absence of poly(C), small amounts of three isomeric dimers, i.e., the 2'-5'-, the 3'-5'-, and the pyrophosphate-linked, are formed slowly. In the presence of poly(C) oligomers that are primarily 3'-5'-linked are formed quickly and in high yield. Product analysis suggests that the oligomers are elongation products of the 3'-5'-linked dimer, abbreviated D. Assuming that D is formed slowly from two molecules of 2-MeImpG (Scheme 1) and elongates relatively fast, the initial rate of dimerization, d[D]/dt in M h(-1), was determined using two independent methods. The first method is based on the approximation that at the onset of the reaction the substrate is consumed only via hydrolysis and dimerization, and thus elongation can be neglected. The second, more accurate, method exploits the assertion that every oligomer was once a 3'-5'-linked dimer. Hence the concentration of D was obtained indirectly from the concentration of the oligomer products. These two methods gave comparable results. Experiments were run in aqueous solution in the presence of 1.0 M NaCl, 0.2 M MgCl(2) at pH 7.9 +/- 0.1 and 23 degrees C. Controls were run in the absence of poly(C) and in the presence of other polynucleotides. The kinetics were determined as a function of both monomer and polymer concentration the latter expressed in C equivalents. The kinetic data obtained in the presence of poly(C) confirmed an earlier conclusion regarding the remarkable effect of poly(C) on the formation of the 3'-5'-linked diguanylate. Initial dimerization rates were quantitatively correlated using a simple template-directed (TD) model that presumes cooperative binding (two association constants) of 2-MeImpG on poly(C) and reaction between adjacent template-bound molecules. The model allows for the estimation of the association constants and the intrinsic rate constant of dimerization, k(2). Insights into the detailed mechanism are also gained from this analysis. The fact that the proposed model can successfully correlate kinetic data that vary by more than 5000-fold between the slowest and the fastest reaction adds confidence and suggests the suitability of this model for describing TD reactions in general. It is anticipated that similar analysis of other known TD reactions may lead to clues that will facilitate the design of more efficient polynucleotide-synthesizing systems.