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IEEE Trans Knowl Data Eng ; 35(10): 10295-10308, 2023 Oct 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37954972


In the past decade, many approaches have been suggested to execute ML workloads on a DBMS. However, most of them have looked at in-DBMS ML from a training perspective, whereas ML inference has been largely overlooked. We think that this is an important gap to fill for two main reasons: (1) in the near future, every application will be infused with some sort of ML capability; (2) behind every web page, application, and enterprise there is a DBMS, whereby in-DBMS inference is an appealing solution both for efficiency (e.g., less data movement), performance (e.g., cross-optimizations between relational operators and ML) and governance. In this article, we study whether DBMSs are a good fit for prediction serving. We introduce a technique for translating trained ML pipelines containing both featurizers (e.g., one-hot encoding) and models (e.g., linear and tree-based models) into SQL queries, and we compare in-DBMS performance against popular ML frameworks such as Sklearn and Our experiments show that, when pushed inside a DBMS, trained ML pipelines can have performance comparable to ML frameworks in several scenarios, while they perform quite poorly on text featurization and over (even simple) neural networks.

VLDB J ; 27(5): 595-615, 2018 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31007500


Debugging data processing logic in data-intensive scalable computing (DISC) systems is a difficult and time-consuming effort. Today's DISC systems offer very little tooling for debugging programs, and as a result, programmers spend countless hours collecting evidence (e.g., from log files) and performing trial-and-error debugging. To aid this effort, we built Titian, a library that enables data provenance-tracking data through transformations-in Apache Spark. Data scientists using the Titian Spark extension will be able to quickly identify the input data at the root cause of a potential bug or outlier result. Titian is built directly into the Spark platform and offers data provenance support at interactive speeds-orders of magnitude faster than alternative solutions-while minimally impacting Spark job performance; observed overheads for capturing data lineage rarely exceed 30% above the baseline job execution time.

Proc ACM Symp Cloud Comput ; 2017: 520-534, 2017 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31008457


Developing Big Data Analytics workloads often involves trial and error debugging, due to the unclean nature of datasets or wrong assumptions made about data. When errors (e.g., program crash, outlier results, etc.) arise, developers are often interested in identifying a subset of the input data that is able to reproduce the problem. BigSift is a new faulty data localization approach that combines insights from automated fault isolation in software engineering and data provenance in database systems to find a minimum set of failure-inducing inputs. BigSift redefines data provenance for the purpose of debugging using a test oracle function and implements several unique optimizations, specifically geared towards the iterative nature of automated debugging workloads. BigSift improves the accuracy of fault localizability by several orders-of-magnitude (~ 103 to 107×) compared to Titian data provenance, and improves performance by up to 66× compared to Delta Debugging, an automated fault-isolation technique. For each faulty output, BigSift is able to localize fault-inducing data within 62% of the original job running time.

Proc Int Conf Softw Eng ; 2016: 784-795, 2016 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27390389


Developers use cloud computing platforms to process a large quantity of data in parallel when developing big data analytics. Debugging the massive parallel computations that run in today's data-centers is time consuming and error-prone. To address this challenge, we design a set of interactive, real-time debugging primitives for big data processing in Apache Spark, the next generation data-intensive scalable cloud computing platform. This requires re-thinking the notion of step-through debugging in a traditional debugger such as gdb, because pausing the entire computation across distributed worker nodes causes significant delay and naively inspecting millions of records using a watchpoint is too time consuming for an end user. First, BIGDEBUG's simulated breakpoints and on-demand watchpoints allow users to selectively examine distributed, intermediate data on the cloud with little overhead. Second, a user can also pinpoint a crash-inducing record and selectively resume relevant sub-computations after a quick fix. Third, a user can determine the root causes of errors (or delays) at the level of individual records through a fine-grained data provenance capability. Our evaluation shows that BIGDEBUG scales to terabytes and its record-level tracing incurs less than 25% overhead on average. It determines crash culprits orders of magnitude more accurately and provides up to 100% time saving compared to the baseline replay debugger. The results show that BIGDEBUG supports debugging at interactive speeds with minimal performance impact.

Proc ACM Symp Cloud Comput ; 2016: 510-522, 2016 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28405637


Modern Data-Intensive Scalable Computing (DISC) systems are designed to process data through batch jobs that execute programs (e.g., queries) compiled from a high-level language. These programs are often developed interactively by posing ad-hoc queries over the base data until a desired result is generated. We observe that there can be significant overlap in the structure of these queries used to derive the final program. Yet, each successive execution of a slightly modified query is performed anew, which can significantly increase the development cycle. Vega is an Apache Spark framework that we have implemented for optimizing a series of similar Spark programs, likely originating from a development or exploratory data analysis session. Spark developers (e.g., data scientists) can leverage Vega to significantly reduce the amount of time it takes to re-execute a modified Spark program, reducing the overall time to market for their Big Data applications.

Proc ACM SIGMOD Int Conf Manag Data ; 2016: 1135-1149, 2016.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28626296


There is great interest in exploiting the opportunity provided by cloud computing platforms for large-scale analytics. Among these platforms, Apache Spark is growing in popularity for machine learning and graph analytics. Developing efficient complex analytics in Spark requires deep understanding of both the algorithm at hand and the Spark API or subsystem APIs (e.g., Spark SQL, GraphX). Our BigDatalog system addresses the problem by providing concise declarative specification of complex queries amenable to efficient evaluation. Towards this goal, we propose compilation and optimization techniques that tackle the important problem of efficiently supporting recursion in Spark. We perform an experimental comparison with other state-of-the-art large-scale Datalog systems and verify the efficacy of our techniques and effectiveness of Spark in supporting Datalog-based analytics.

Proc ACM Symp Cloud Comput ; 2016: 456-469, 2016 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28317049


With the end of CPU core scaling due to dark silicon limitations, customized accelerators on FPGAs have gained increased attention in modern datacenters due to their lower power, high performance and energy efficiency. Evidenced by Microsoft's FPGA deployment in its Bing search engine and Intel's 16.7 billion acquisition of Altera, integrating FPGAs into datacenters is considered one of the most promising approaches to sustain future datacenter growth. However, it is quite challenging for existing big data computing systems-like Apache Spark and Hadoop-to access the performance and energy benefits of FPGA accelerators. In this paper we design and implement Blaze to provide programming and runtime support for enabling easy and efficient deployments of FPGA accelerators in datacenters. In particular, Blaze abstracts FPGA accelerators as a service (FaaS) and provides a set of clean programming APIs for big data processing applications to easily utilize those accelerators. Our Blaze runtime implements an FaaS framework to efficiently share FPGA accelerators among multiple heterogeneous threads on a single node, and extends Hadoop YARN with accelerator-centric scheduling to efficiently share them among multiple computing tasks in the cluster. Experimental results using four representative big data applications demonstrate that Blaze greatly reduces the programming efforts to access FPGA accelerators in systems like Apache Spark and YARN, and improves the system throughput by 1.7 × to 3× (and energy efficiency by 1.5× to 2.7×) compared to a conventional CPU-only cluster.

Proceedings VLDB Endowment ; 9(3): 216-227, 2015 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26726305


Debugging data processing logic in Data-Intensive Scalable Computing (DISC) systems is a difficult and time consuming effort. Today's DISC systems offer very little tooling for debugging programs, and as a result programmers spend countless hours collecting evidence (e.g., from log files) and performing trial and error debugging. To aid this effort, we built Titian, a library that enables data provenance-tracking data through transformations-in Apache Spark. Data scientists using the Titian Spark extension will be able to quickly identify the input data at the root cause of a potential bug or outlier result. Titian is built directly into the Spark platform and offers data provenance support at interactive speeds-orders-of-magnitude faster than alternative solutions-while minimally impacting Spark job performance; observed overheads for capturing data lineage rarely exceed 30% above the baseline job execution time.
