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J Math Fluid Mech ; 26(1): 11, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38261880


A model of vascular network formation is analyzed in a bounded domain, consisting of the compressible Navier-Stokes equations for the density of the endothelial cells and their velocity, coupled to a reaction-diffusion equation for the concentration of the chemoattractant, which triggers the migration of the endothelial cells and the blood vessel formation. The coupling of the equations is realized by the chemotaxis force in the momentum balance equation. The global existence of finite energy weak solutions is shown for adiabatic pressure coefficients γ>8/5. The solutions satisfy a relative energy inequality, which allows for the proof of the weak-strong uniqueness property.

Arch Ration Mech Anal ; 235(2): 1059-1104, 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32116334


The large-time asymptotics of weak solutions to Maxwell-Stefan diffusion systems for chemically reacting fluids with different molar masses and reversible reactions are investigated. The diffusion matrix of the system is generally neither symmetric nor positive definite, but the equations admit a formal gradient-flow structure which provides entropy (free energy) estimates. The main result is the exponential decay to the unique equilibrium with a rate that is constructive up to a finite-dimensional inequality. The key elements of the proof are the existence of a unique detailed-balance equilibrium and the derivation of an inequality relating the entropy and the entropy production. The main difficulty comes from the fact that the reactions are represented by molar fractions while the conservation laws hold for the concentrations. The idea is to enlarge the space of n partial concentrations by adding the total concentration, viewed as an independent variable, thus working with n + 1 variables. Further results concern the existence of global bounded weak solutions to the parabolic system and an extension of the results to complex-balance systems.

Numer Methods Partial Differ Equ ; 35(2): 545-575, 2019 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30828127


An implicit Euler finite-volume scheme for a degenerate cross-diffusion system describing the ion transport through biological membranes is proposed. The strongly coupled equations for the ion concentrations include drift terms involving the electric potential, which is coupled to the concentrations through the Poisson equation. The cross-diffusion system possesses a formal gradient-flow structure revealing nonstandard degeneracies, which lead to considerable mathematical difficulties. The finite-volume scheme is based on two-point flux approximations with "double" upwind mobilities. The existence of solutions to the fully discrete scheme is proved. When the particles are not distinguishable and the dynamics is driven by cross diffusion only, it is shown that the scheme preserves the structure of the equations like nonnegativity, upper bounds, and entropy dissipation. The degeneracy is overcome by proving a new discrete Aubin-Lions lemma of "degenerate" type. Numerical simulations of a calcium-selective ion channel in two space dimensions show that the scheme is efficient even in the general case of ion transport.
