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PeerJ ; 9: e12352, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34760373


In the age of global climate change and biodiversity loss there is an urgent need to provide effective and robust tools for diversity monitoring. One of the promising techniques for species identification is the use of DNA barcoding, that in Metazoa utilizes the so called 'gold-standard' gene of cytochrome c oxidase (COI). However, the success of this method relies on the existence of trustworthy barcode libraries of the species. The Barcode of Life Data System (BOLD) aims to provide barcodes for all existing organisms, and is complemented by the Barcode Index Number (BIN) system serving as a tool for potential species recognition. Here we provide an analysis of all public COI sequences available in BOLD of the diverse and ubiquitous crustacean order Amphipoda, to identify the barcode library gaps and provide recommendations for future barcoding studies. Our gap analysis of 25,702 records has shown that although 3,835 BINs (indicating putative species) were recognised by BOLD, only 10% of known amphipod species are represented by barcodes. We have identified almost equal contribution of both records (sequences) and BINs associated with freshwater and with marine realms. Three quarters of records have a complete species-level identification provided, while BINs have just 50%. Large disproportions between identification levels of BINs coming from freshwaters and the marine environment were observed, with three quarters of the former possessing a species name, and less than 40% for the latter. Moreover, the majority of BINs are represented by a very low number of sequences rendering them unreliable according to the quality control system. The geographical coverage is poor with vast areas of Africa, South America and the open ocean acting as "white gaps". Several, of the most species rich and highly abundant families of Amphipoda (e.g., Phoxocephalidae, Ampeliscidae, Caprellidae), have very poor representation in the BOLD barcode library. As a result of our study we recommend stronger effort in identification of already recognised BINs, prioritising the studies of families that are known to be important and abundant components of particular communities, and targeted sampling programs for taxa coming from geographical regions with the least knowledge.

PeerJ ; 7: e7221, 2019.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31681508


In 2010, the Conference of the Parties of the Convention on Biological Diversity agreed on the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020 in Aichi Prefecture, Japan. As this plan approaches its end, we discussed whether marine biodiversity and prediction studies were nearing the Aichi Targets during the 4th World Conference on Marine Biodiversity held in Montreal, Canada in June 2018. This article summarises the outcome of a five-day group discussion on how global marine biodiversity studies should be focused further to better understand the patterns of biodiversity. We discussed and reviewed seven fundamental biodiversity priorities related to nine Aichi Targets focusing on global biodiversity discovery and predictions to improve and enhance biodiversity data standards (quantity and quality), tools and techniques, spatial and temporal scale framing, and stewardship and dissemination. We discuss how identifying biodiversity knowledge gaps and promoting efforts have and will reduce such gaps, including via the use of new databases, tools and technology, and how these resources could be improved in the future. The group recognised significant progress toward Target 19 in relation to scientific knowledge, but negligible progress with regard to Targets 6 to 13 which aimed to safeguard and reduce human impacts on biodiversity.

PeerJ ; 6: e4887, 2018.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29892501


The bathyal to hadal deep sea of north-west Pacific Ocean was recently intensively sampled during four international expeditions (KuramBio I and II, SoJaBio and SokhoBio). A large amphipod, Rhachotropis saskia n. sp., was sampled in the Kuril-Kamchatka Trench and increases the number of described hadal species of that area to eight. A detailed description of the new species is provided, including illustrations, scanning-microscope images and molecular analysis. This predatory species was sampled at both continental and ocean abyssal margins of the Kuril-Kamchatka Trench as well as at hadal depths of the trench. The wide bathymetric distribution of the new species over more than 3,000 m is confirmed by molecular analysis, indicating that the Kuril Kamchatka Trench is not a distribution barrier for this species. However, the molecular analysis indicated the presence of isolation by distance of the populations of the studied taxon.
