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Clin Ophthalmol ; 17: 701-709, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36891506


Purpose: To assess the experimental visual performance and dysphotopsia characteristics of the new Tecnis Symfony OptiBlue extended-depth-of-focus with violet light-filtering (ZXR00V) intraocular lens (IOL) compared with the colorless Tecnis Symfony (ZXR00) IOL. Methods: Range of vision was assessed with simulated visual acuity defocus curves, predicted by white light through focus modulation transfer function (MTF) measurements. The clinical visual acuity defocus curve of the ZXR00 IOL was used to validate the predicted range of vision. Image quality was compared by measuring white light MTF at a spatial frequency of 15 cycles per degree (c/deg) for 3 mm and 5 mm pupil diameters with optical powers of 5 D, 20 D, and 34 D using the average corneal eye (ACE) model with the average spherical and chromatic aberration of the cataract population. Effects on dysphotopsias were predicted by measurement and computer simulation of light scatter (straylight parameter) and subsequent determination of retinal veiling luminance (RVL) in vitro. Contrast enhancement under challenging light conditions was calculated based on the effects in RVL. Results: The simulated visual acuity defocus curves and image quality outcomes were comparable between the ZXR00V and ZXR00 IOLs. The area under the straylight curve for the straylight parameter showed a 19% improvement in halo performance with ZXR00V versus ZXR00. A 12% to 17% reduction in RVL was achieved in favor of ZXR00V over ZXR00, which enhanced contrast vision by 9% to 13% under challenging light conditions. Conclusion: The violet light-filtering technology and improved manufacturing of ZXR00V delivers a comparable range of vision and tolerance to refractive error to ZXR00 while mitigating dysphotopsias and enhancing contrast vision.
