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Preprint em Inglês | medRxiv | ID: ppmedrxiv-21261212


Colombia announced the first case of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 on March 6, 2020. Since then, the country has reported a total of 4,240,982 cases and 106,544 deaths as of June 30, 2021. This motivates an investigation of the SARS-CoV-2 transmission dynamics at the national and regional level using case incidence data. Mathematical models are employed to estimate the transmission potential and perform short-term forecasts of the COVID-19 epidemic trajectory in Colombia. Furthermore, geographic heterogeneity of COVID-19 in Colombia is examined along with the analysis of mobility and social media trends, showing that the increase in mobility in July 2020 and January 2021 were correlated with surges in case incidence. The estimation of national and regional reproduction numbers shows sustained disease transmission during the early phase of the pandemic, exhibiting sub-exponential growth dynamics. Moreover, most recent estimates of reproduction number are >1.0 at the national and regional levels as of May 30, 2021. Further, the 30-day ahead short-term forecasts obtained from Richards model present a sustained decline in case counts in contrast to the sub-epidemic and GLM model. Nevertheless, our spatial analysis in Colombia shows distinct variations in incidence rate patterns across different departments that can be grouped into four distinct clusters. Lastly, the correlation of social media trends and adherence to social distancing measures is observed by the fact that a spike in the number of tweets indicating the stay-at-home orders was observed in November 2020 when the case incidence had already plateaued. Author summaryAs the COVID-19 pandemic continues to spread across Colombia, studies highlighting the intensity of the pandemic become imperative for appropriate resource allocation and informing public health policies. In this study we utilize mathematical models to infer the transmission dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 at the regional and national level as well as short-term forecast the COVID-19 epidemic trajectory. Moreover, we examine the geographic heterogeneity of the COVID-19 case incidence in Colombia along with the analysis of mobility and social media trends in relation to the observed COVID-19 case incidence in the country. The estimates of reproduction numbers at the national and regional level show sustained disease transmission as of May 30, 2021. Moreover, the 30-day ahead short-term forecasts for the most recent time-period (June 1-June 30, 2021) generated from the mathematical models needs to be interpreted with caution as the Richards model point towards a sustained decline in case incidence contrary to the GLM and sub-epidemic wave model. Nevertheless, the spatial analysis in Colombia shows distinct variations in incidence rate patterns across different departments that can be grouped into four distinct clusters. Lastly, the social media and mobility trends explain the occurrence of case resurgences over the time.

Preprint em Inglês | medRxiv | ID: ppmedrxiv-21260449


As the SARS-CoV-2 virus (COVID-19) continues to affect people across the globe, there is limited understanding of the long term implications for infected patients1-3. While some of these patients have documented follow-ups on clinical records, or participate in longitudinal surveys, these datasets are usually designed by clinicians, and not granular enough to understand the natural history or patient experiences of long COVID. In order to get a complete picture, there is a need to use patient generated data to track the long-term impact of COVID-19 on recovered patients in real time. There is a growing need to meticulously characterize these patients experiences, from infection to months post-infection, and with highly granular patient generated data rather than clinician narratives. In this work, we present a longitudinal characterization of post-COVID-19 symptoms using social media data from Twitter. Using a combination of machine learning, natural language processing techniques, and clinician reviews, we mined 296,154 tweets to characterize the post-acute infection course of the disease, creating detailed timelines of symptoms and conditions, and analyzing their symptomatology during a period of over 150 days.

Preprint em Inglês | medRxiv | ID: ppmedrxiv-21252763


BackgroundThe low testing rates, compounded by reporting delays, hinders the estimation of the mortality burden associated with the COVID-19 pandemic based on surveillance data alone. A more reliable picture of the effect of COVID-19 pandemic on mortality can be derived by estimating excess deaths above an expected level of death. In this study we aim to estimate the absolute and relative mortality impact of COVID-19 pandemic in Mexico in 2020 by gender and two geographic regions: Mexico City and the rest of the country. MethodsWe obtained mortality time series due to all causes for Mexico, and by gender, and geographic region using epidemiological weeks from January to December 2020 and for preceding 5 years. We also compiled data on COVID-19 related morbidity and mortality to assess the timing and intensity of the pandemic in Mexico. We assembled weekly series of the number of tweets about death from Mexico to assess the correlation between peoples media interaction about death and the rise in pandemic deaths. We estimated all-cause excess mortality rates and mortality rate ratio increase over baseline by fitting Serfling regression models. ResultsThe COVID-19 pandemic excess mortality rates per 10,000 population in Mexico between March 1, 2020 and January 2, 2021 was estimated at 26.10. The observed total number of deaths due to COVID-19 was 128,886 which is 38.64% of the total estimated excess deaths. Males had about 2-fold higher excess mortality rate (33.99) compared to females (18.53). The excess mortality rate for Mexico City (63.54) was about 2.7-fold higher than the rest of the country (23.25). Similarly, the mortality rate ratio relative to baseline was highest for Mexico City (RR: 2.09). There was no significant correlation between weekly number of tweets on death and the weekly all-cause excess mortality rates ({rho}=0.309 (95% CI: 0.010, 0.558, p-value=0.043). ConclusionThe excess mortality rate of 26.10 per 10,000 population corresponds to a total of 333,538 excess deaths in Mexico between March 1, 2020 to January 2, 2021. COVID-19 accounted for only 38.21% of the total excess deaths, which reflects either the effect of low testing rates in Mexico, or the surge in number of deaths due to other causes.

Preprint em Inglês | medRxiv | ID: ppmedrxiv-21249561


Mexico has experienced one of the highest COVID-19 death rates in the world. A delayed response towards implementation of social distancing interventions until late March 2020 and a phased reopening of the country in June 2020 has facilitated sustained disease transmission in the region. Here, we systematically generate and compare 30-day ahead forecasts using previously validated growth models based on mortality trends from the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation for Mexico and Mexico City in near real-time. Moreover, we estimate reproduction numbers for SARS-CoV-2 based on methods that rely on genomic data as well as case incidence data. Subsequently, functional data analysis techniques are utilized to analyze the shapes of COVID-19 growth rate curves at the state level to characterize the spatial-temporal transmission patterns. The early estimates of reproduction number for Mexico were estimated between R[~]1.1-from genomic and case incidence data. Moreover, the mean estimate of R has fluctuated [~]1.0 from late July till end of September 2020. The spatial analysis characterizes the state-level dynamics of COVID-19 into four groups with distinct epidemic trajectories. We found that the sequential mortality forecasts from the GLM and Richards model predict downward trends in the number of deaths for all thirteen forecasts periods for Mexico and Mexico City. The sub-epidemic and IHME models predict more realistic stable trajectory of COVID-19 mortality trends for the last three forecast periods (09/21-10/21 - 09/28-10/27) for Mexico and Mexico City. Our findings support the view that phenomenological models are useful tools for short-term epidemic forecasting albeit forecasts need to be interpreted with caution given the dynamic implementation and lifting of social distancing measures.

Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM (Pacífico Ocidental) | ID: wpr-914347


The use of social media data, like Twitter, for biomedical research has been gradually increasing over the years. With the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, researchers have turned to more non-traditional sources of clinical data to characterize the disease in near-real time, study the societal implications of interventions, as well as the sequelae that recovered COVID-19 cases present. However, manually curated social media datasets are difficult to come by due to the expensive costs of manual annotation and the efforts needed to identify the correct texts. When datasets are available, they are usually very small and their annotations don’t generalize well over time or to larger sets of documents. As part of the 2021 Biomedical Linked Annotation Hackathon, we release our dataset of over 120 million automatically annotated tweets for biomedical research purposes. Incorporating best-practices, we identify tweets with potentially high clinical relevance. We evaluated our work by comparing several SpaCy-based annotation frameworks against a manually annotated gold-standard dataset. Selecting the best method to use for automatic annotation, we then annotated 120 million tweets and released them publicly for future downstream usage within the biomedical domain.

Preprint em Inglês | medRxiv | ID: ppmedrxiv-20164418


As the COVID-19 virus continues to infect people across the globe, there is little understanding of the long term implications for recovered patients. There have been reports of persistent symptoms after confirmed infections on patients even after three months of initial recovery. While some of these patients have documented follow-ups on clinical records, or participate in longitudinal surveys, these datasets are usually not publicly available or standardized to perform longitudinal analyses on them. Therefore, there is a need to use additional data sources for continued follow-up and identification of latent symptoms that might be underreported in other places. In this work we present a preliminary characterization of post-COVID-19 symptoms using social media data from Twitter. We use a combination of natural language processing and clinician reviews to identify long term self-reported symptoms on a set of Twitter users.

Preprint em Inglês | medRxiv | ID: ppmedrxiv-20074336


BackgroundIn this study we phenotyped individuals hospitalised with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in depth, summarising entire medical histories, including medications, as captured in routinely collected data drawn from databases across three continents. We then compared individuals hospitalised with COVID-19 to those previously hospitalised with influenza. MethodsWe report demographics, previously recorded conditions and medication use of patients hospitalised with COVID-19 in the US (Columbia University Irving Medical Center [CUIMC], Premier Healthcare Database [PHD], UCHealth System Health Data Compass Database [UC HDC], and the Department of Veterans Affairs [VA OMOP]), in South Korea (Health Insurance Review & Assessment [HIRA]), and Spain (The Information System for Research in Primary Care [SIDIAP] and HM Hospitales [HM]). These patients were then compared with patients hospitalised with influenza in 2014-19. Results34,128 (US: 8,362, South Korea: 7,341, Spain: 18,425) individuals hospitalised with COVID-19 were included. Between 4,811 (HM) and 11,643 (CUIMC) unique aggregate characteristics were extracted per patient, with all summarised in an accompanying interactive website ( Patients were majority male in the US (CUIMC: 52%, PHD: 52%, UC HDC: 54%, VA OMOP: 94%,) and Spain (SIDIAP: 54%, HM: 60%), but were predominantly female in South Korea (HIRA: 60%). Age profiles varied across data sources. Prevalence of asthma ranged from 4% to 15%, diabetes from 13% to 43%, and hypertensive disorder from 24% to 70% across data sources. Between 14% and 33% were taking drugs acting on the renin-angiotensin system in the 30 days prior to hospitalisation. Compared to 81,596 individuals hospitalised with influenza in 2014-19, patients admitted with COVID-19 were more typically male, younger, and healthier, with fewer comorbidities and lower medication use. ConclusionsWe provide a detailed characterisation of patients hospitalised with COVID-19. Protecting groups known to be vulnerable to influenza is a useful starting point to minimize the number of hospital admissions needed for COVID-19. However, such strategies will also likely need to be broadened so as to reflect the particular characteristics of individuals hospitalised with COVID-19.

Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM (Pacífico Ocidental) | ID: wpr-890687


There has been a dramatic increase in the popularity of utilizing social media data for research purposes within the biomedical community. In PubMed alone, there have been nearly 2,500 publication entries since 2014 that deal with analyzing social media data from Twitter and Reddit. However, the vast majority of those works do not share their code or data for replicating their studies. With minimal exceptions, the few that do, place the burden on the researcher to figure out how to fetch the data, how to best format their data, and how to create automatic and manual annotations on the acquired data. In order to address this pressing issue, we introduce the Social Media Mining Toolkit (SMMT), a suite of tools aimed to encapsulate the cumbersome details of acquiring, preprocessing, annotating and standardizing social media data. The purpose of our toolkit is for researchers to focus on answering research questions, and not the technical aspects of using social media data. By using a standard toolkit, researchers will be able to acquire, use, and release data in a consistent way that is transparent for everybody using the toolkit, hence, simplifying research reproducibility and accessibility in the social media domain.

Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM (Pacífico Ocidental) | ID: wpr-898391


There has been a dramatic increase in the popularity of utilizing social media data for research purposes within the biomedical community. In PubMed alone, there have been nearly 2,500 publication entries since 2014 that deal with analyzing social media data from Twitter and Reddit. However, the vast majority of those works do not share their code or data for replicating their studies. With minimal exceptions, the few that do, place the burden on the researcher to figure out how to fetch the data, how to best format their data, and how to create automatic and manual annotations on the acquired data. In order to address this pressing issue, we introduce the Social Media Mining Toolkit (SMMT), a suite of tools aimed to encapsulate the cumbersome details of acquiring, preprocessing, annotating and standardizing social media data. The purpose of our toolkit is for researchers to focus on answering research questions, and not the technical aspects of using social media data. By using a standard toolkit, researchers will be able to acquire, use, and release data in a consistent way that is transparent for everybody using the toolkit, hence, simplifying research reproducibility and accessibility in the social media domain.

Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM (Pacífico Ocidental) | ID: wpr-763811


The usage of controlled biomedical vocabularies is the cornerstone that enables seamless interoperability when using a common data model across multiple data sites. The Observational Health Data Science and Informatics (OHDSI) initiative combines over 100 controlled vocabularies into its own. However, the OHDSI vocabulary is limited in the sense that it combines multiple terminologies and does not provide a direct way to link them outside of their own self-contained scope. This issue makes the tasks of enriching feature sets by using external resources extremely difficult. In order to address these shortcomings, we have created a linked data version of the OHDSI vocabulary, connecting it with already established linked resources like bioportal, bio2rdf, etc. with the ultimate purpose of enabling the interoperability of resources previously foreign to the OHDSI universe.

Informática , Informática Médica , Vocabulário , Vocabulário Controlado