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Ocean Coast Manag ; 226: 1-11, 2022 Jul 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36561839


Sea level rise threatens the coastal landscape, including coastal wetlands, which provide a unique natural habitat to a variety of animal and plant species as well as an array of ecosystem service flows of value to people. The economic valuation of potential changes in coastal wetland areas, while challenging, allows for a comparison with other types of economic impacts from climate change and enhances our understanding of the potential benefits of greenhouse gas mitigation. In this study, we estimate an ensemble of future changes in coastal wetland areas considering both sea level rise, future greenhouse gas emissions, and accretion rate uncertainty, using outputs from the National Ocean and Atmospheric (NOAA) marsh migration model. By the end of the century, total wetland losses range from 2.0 to 10.7 million acres across sea level rise scenarios. For Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP) 4.5 and RCP8.5, respectively, cummulative net wetland area loss is 1.8 and 2.4 million acres by 2050 and 3.5 and 5.2 million acres by 2100. We then estimate economic impacts with two distinct approaches: restoration cost and ecosystem services. The ecosystem services considered are limited by what can be reliably quantified-namely, coastal property protection from coastal flooding and carbon sequestration, the latter using a social cost of carbon approach. By the end of the century, annual restoration costs reach $1.5 and $3.1 billion for RCP 4.5 and RCP8.5, respectively. The lost ecosystem services, together, reach annual economic impacts that are much higher, reaching $2.5 billion for RCP4.5 and $6.1 billion for RCP8.5.

Clim Change ; 1652021 Mar 19.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34321705


Characterizing the future risks of climate change is a key goal of climate impacts analysis. Temperature binning provides a framework for analyzing sector-specific impacts by degree of warming as an alternative or complement to traditional scenario-based approaches in order to improve communication of results, comparability between studies, and flexibility to facilitate scenario analysis. In this study, we estimate damages for nine climate impact sectors within the contiguous United States (US) using downscaled climate projections from six global climate models, at integer degrees of US national warming. Each sector is analyzed based on socioeconomic conditions for both the beginning and the end of the century. The potential for adaptive measures to decrease damages is also demonstrated for select sectors; differences in damages across adaptation response scenarios within some sectors can be as much as an order of magnitude. Estimated national damages from these sectors based on a reactive adaptation assumption and 2010 socioeconomic conditions range from $600 million annually per degree of national warming for winter recreation to $8 billion annually per degree of national warming for labor impacts. Results are also estimated per degree of global temperature change and for 2090 socioeconomic conditions.
