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Neurochem Int ; 6(2): 223-35, 1984.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20488042


In Torpedo, PNS as well as CNS myelines are characterized by clearly separated double intraperiod lines. CNS myelin of Torpedo contains two glycosylated hydrophobic proteins labelled T1 (25,800 Da1) and T2 (29,700 Da1), and two basic proteins BP1 and BP2, migrating like mammalian large basic protein (BP2) and pre-small basic protein (BP1) (Barbarese et al., 1977). PNS myelin of Torpedo carries only BP1 and is characterized by a closely spaced doublet of the glycosylated hydrophobic proteins Con A+ (29,700 Da1) and Con A? (31,000 Da1); the latter does not bind Concanavalin A. These glycosylated proteins (T1, T2, Con A+, Con A?) contain mannose, N-acetylglucosamine and galactose, but lack fucose and sialic acids. They have isoleucine at their amino terminus. They bind anti-rat PNS myelin P(0) antibodies but do not react with anti-rat CNS myelin PLP antibodies. Limited proteolyses of isolated proteins suggest sequence homologies between T1 and T2, and possibly between Con A+ and Con A?. The two basic proteins BP1 and BP2 bind antibodies directed against human myelin basic protein. All Torpedo myelin proteins electrofocus in pH regions characteristic of their mammalian counterparts.