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Environ Pollut ; 92(2): 119-26, 1996.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15091392


Potted sugar maple seedlings were exposed to ozone and acidic precipitation in open-top chambers for three consecutive growing seasons. Periodic measurements of photosynthesis, dark respiration, through-fall and soil solution chemistry, and annual measurements of the weight of plant parts were made. Experimental treatments caused few and minor effects on above- or below-ground growth of the seedlings, even after three growing seasons. There were trends for reduced photosynthesis in trees exposed to elevated concentrations of ozone and increased photosynthesis in those exposed to the lowest pH simulated rain treatment. The chemistries of soil-solutions and through-fall were not altered significantly by treatment. Although major effects were not observed, sugar maple may respond to exposures that take place over a significant part of its life cycle.

Tree Physiol ; 15(3): 167-74, 1995 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-14965972


Red spruce (Picea rubens Sarg.) trees growing at high elevation in the northeastern United States have experienced decline in recent years but seedlings have proved to be relatively tolerant of a wide range of environmental stresses in controlled studies. One possible reason for the wide tolerance to stress in seedlings is their inherently large pool of carbohydrate reserves, which is available for maintenance during and regrowth after periods of stress. We tested for the effects of foliar N and exposure to ozone on foliar carbohydrate reserves of 20-year-old naturally regenerated saplings. The trees were maintained in native soil in 360-l containers for 5 years before the experiment. The year before the experiment, trees were fertilized with N,P,K to provide a population of trees from N deficient to N sufficient. As foliar N decreased below 0.9%, length of current-year shoots and specific needle area of current-year needles declined. Foliar N concentration was correlated with foliar sugar and starch concentrations, but relationships varied with time of year. Before bud break, foliar carbohydrates and N, in general, were positively correlated, and date of bud break was delayed in N-deficient trees. During active growth, foliar soluble sugars and N were positively correlated, but starch concentrations were negatively correlated with N. By late September, neither starch nor sugar concentration was correlated with N concentration. Ozone and foliar N concentrations did not interact to change foliar carbohydrate concentrations or shoot and needle growth in this relatively short-term study.

Arch Environ Contam Toxicol ; 19(5): 629-34, 1990.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21318493


An acidic precipitation delivery system is described that was designed and constructed for use in a field investigation of the response of red spruce saplings (Picea rubens Sarg.) to the interactive stresses of ozone and acid rain. The system utilizes hydraulic, solid-cone spray nozzles to produce simulated rainfall with droplet size distributions approximating natural rain events, which are of low intensity, i.e., about 1-1.5 cm hr(-1), and are relatively uniform in distribution of volume over a 2.4 m diameter plot. Three different pH treatments (3.1, 4.1, 5.1) were dispensed randomly to each of three treatment subplots located in twelve open-top field chambers and three ambient control chambers. Storage capacity of the system permitted a 2.3 hr rain event. Construction materials used were chosen for resistance to the corrosive nature of the rain simulant, stability to ambient UV radiation, and resistance to penetration by sunlight. Simulated events were not synchronized to ambient events, but were scheduled to prevent moisture deficits.

Environ Monit Assess ; 12(1): 63, 1989 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24249063


Substantial and widespread morbidity and mortality of red spruce have been observed in high elevation forests of the northeast under circumstances indicative of a stress-related disease. Whether red spruce at lower elevations are experiencing a more subtle loss of growth and vigor is uncertain. In addition, sugar maple has exhibited decline of varying extent and intensity for several decades. Forests in the northeast are exposed to two air pollutants, ozone (O3) and acidic precipitation, that are widespread in occurrence and have the potential, both individually and collectively, to produce impacts to forest trees. the roles, if any, of these two stress agents in the tree declines found in the northeast are not known.In 1986, a five-year study was initiated to evaluate the effects of O3 and acidic precipitation on red spruce and sugar maple. The trees will be exposed to controlled levels of O3 and acidic precipitation in the field using open-top chambers. The experiment is a 4×3 factorial conducted in split plots with O3 treatments as whole plots and simulated rain treatments comprising the split plots. Broadly stated, the research will evaluate the effects of the pollutants on the processes, fluxes, and pools associated with carbon, water, and nutrients in the soil/tree/atmosphere system. These evaluations will be conducted on a systems level and will be integrated through the development of mechanistic simulation models.Assessment of the effects of the treatments on carbon fixation by photosynthesis, the loss of carbon through respiration, and the allocation of carbon in growth will be a central focus of the study. Whole-tree cuvettes will be used to assess net photosynthesis, respiration, transpiration, and stomatal conductance.Considerable emphasis will be placed on determining the influences of the treatments on the biogeochemistry of the system. These studies will focus on the leaching of nutrients from the tree canopy, the mobilization and loss of nutrients from the soil, soil solution chemistry, and the alteration of tree nutrition by the input of additional nitrogen in precipitation.Statistical and simulation modeling will be used to assess and describe the effects of the treatments. The modeling approaches are different in technique, but complementary. Statistical models will be used to describe the responses of growth and physiological variables to the ozone and acidic precipitation treatments. Simulation models will be built to describe the relationships between photosynthesis, respiration, nutrition, and water use, how these processes are affected by the treatments, and how these effects ultimately result in altered growth. The simulation models will initially provide a framework for the formulation of hypotheses regarding the interrelationships of plant components and processes and how they are affected by the treatments.

Environ Pollut ; 53(1-4): 79-88, 1988.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15092542


A field experiment was conducted in open-top chambers to assess the importance of peak exposure concentration and exposure frequency on the responses of kidney bean plants to O3. There were five treatments in the study: charcoal-filtered air, constant exposure to 0.05 ppm O3 (131 microg m(-3)) daily. fluctuating exposure to 0.08 ppm O3 on three alternate days, cluster exposure to 0.08 ppm O3 on three consecutive days, and peak exposure to 0.12 ppm O3 on two consecutive days. Exposures lasted 4 h and produced an average weekly exposure-period concentration of approximately 0.05 ppm in the O3-addition treatments and 0.025 ppm in the charcoal-filtered treatment. Exposures began on June 23 and terminated on September 8. Plants were harvested weekly and assessed for the number, area, and dry mass of leaves; dry mass of stems; dry mass of roots; the number of pods; and the incidence of foliar O3 injury. Yield was assessed at the end of the study. There were no consistent differences between the plants receiving charcoal-filtered air and those receiving O3 exposure. Significant differences were detected among the treatments for several of the growth variables assessed at the interim harvests, but in the final two harvests these differences had mostly disappeared. There were no significant effects of the O3-addition treatments on yield when compared to the plants receiving charcoal-filtered air. This indicates that there were no cumulative impacts on plants exposed to 0.12 ppm O3 for 4 h on two consecutive days followed by filtered air compared to plants receiving charcoal-filtered air. The seasonal 7-h average concentrations of O3 in the peak and filtered air treatments were approximately 0.040 and 0.025 ppm, respectively.
