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JIMD Rep ; 64(5): 387-392, 2023 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37701332


Aromatic l-amino acid decarboxylase (AADC) deficiency is a rare inherited disorder that affects neurotransmitter biosynthesis. A DDC founder mutation c.714 + 4A > T (IVS6 + 4A > T) is prevalent in the Chinese population. This study investigated the epidemiology of AADC deficiency in Taiwan by analyzing data from National Taiwan University Hospital (NTUH), a central institution for diagnosing and treating the disease. From January 2000 to March 2023, 77 patients with AADC deficiency visited NTUH. Among them, eight were international patients seeking a second opinion, and another two had one or both non-Chinese parents; all others were ethnically Chinese. The c.714 + 4A > T mutation accounted for 85% of all mutated alleles, and 94% of patients exhibited a severe phenotype. Of the 77 patients, 31 received gene therapy at a mean age of 3.76 years (1.62-8.49) through clinical trials, and their current ages were significantly older than those of the remaining patients. Although the combined incidence of AADC deficiency in this study (1:66491 for 2004 and later) was lower than that reported in newborn screening (1:31997 to 1:42662), case surges coincided with the launch of clinical trials and the implementation of newborn screening. Currently, many young patients are awaiting for treatment.

JIMD Rep ; 40: 1-6, 2018.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28856607


OBJECTIVES: Aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase (AADC) deficiency is a rare inherited disorder of monoamine neurotransmitter synthesis; this deficiency leads to psychomotor delay, hypotonia, oculogyric crises, dystonia, and extraneurological symptoms. This study aimed to provide further insight into the clinical course of AADC deficiency in Taiwan. PATIENTS AND METHODS: We present a retrospective, descriptive, single-center study of 37 children with a confirmed diagnosis of AADC deficiency. Their medical histories were reviewed for motor milestones, motor development, DDC mutation, and body weight. The termination point for each patient in this study was defined as no further follow-up, death, or enrollment in a gene therapy trial. RESULTS: The median age of the study patients at the end of the study was 4.39 years (1.28-11.30). Of the 37 patients, 36 did not develop full head control, sitting ability, standing ability, or speech at any time point from birth to the termination points. Motor scales were administered to 22 patients. Their Alberta Infant Motor Scale scores were below the fifth percentile, and their Peabody Developmental Motor Scales, Second Edition, scores were below the first percentile. Their body weights were normal in the first few months of life, but severe growth retardation occurred at later ages. The mutation c.714+4A>T (IVS6+4A>T) accounted for 76% of all their DDC mutations. CONCLUSION: In this chapter, we report the clinical course of AADC deficiency in Taiwan. Our data will help guide the development of treatment strategies for the disease.
