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Biodivers Data J ; 12: e118854, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38628455


Background: The special area of conservation Montesinho/Nogueira (SAC-MN) is a key area for biodiversity conservation in the Iberian Peninsula. Covering an area of approximately 1081 km² in the northeast of Portugal mainland, the SAC-MN is home to a wide range of species, including several endemic and endangered species and priority habitats. Despite its ecological significance and importance for conservation, there is a lack of publicly available biodiversity data, which urges the need to create a comprehensive and up-to-date biodiversity dataset for the SAC-MN. New information: To bridge the knowledge gap on biodiversity in SAC-MN, we undertook a thorough data collection process, including species occurrence records and conservation status information at regional (Portugal) and European levels, from multiple sources. We collected and compiled this information for five major taxonomic groups (amphibians, birds, flora - vascular plants, mammals and reptiles) in SAC-MN, resulting in a total of 31,871 records with 1,312 documented species. In addition, we developed an easy-to-navigate web-based geographic information system (Web GIS). In this article, we present an in-depth report on the process of compiling and preparing data, as well as the development and design of our Web GIS to increase awareness and enhance understanding of the importance of preserving biodiversity in SAC-MN.

Educ. rev ; 26(2): 43-64, ago. 2010.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-559845


O presente artigo resulta de uma investigação etnográfica realizada junto de uma equipe técnica de educação de adultos de um centro de educação e formação do norte de Portugal. Um dos objetivos dessa pesquisa, retratado no presente texto, foi tentar perceber se e como uma equipe de educação de adultos pode ela própria aprender em local de trabalho e, dessa forma, tentar verificar se a instituição que enquadra a sua atividade se constituía como uma organização que aprende. Os resultados mostram que essa equipe aprende de diversas formas no desenrolar da sua ação e que está presente, naquele contexto, uma forte dimensão coletiva da aprendizagem. Na base desse processo estão suas regras de ação, ou seja, as formas características de fazer naquele local: a entreajuda, a reformulação do fazer, a generalização do fazer, os processos de reflexão na e sobre a ação. Perante tais resultados, concluise que estarmos perante uma comunidade de aprendizagem e uma organização que aprende.

This article results from an ethnographic investigation carried out in a technical team of adult education in an educational and development centre in the north of Portugal. One of the aims of this research, reported in this article, was the attempt to understand if and how a team of adult education can itself learn in their working place and in this way, try to verify if the institution, which frames its activity, may turn into an organization that learns. The results show that this team can learn in many different ways during the development of its action and that, in such a context, a strong collective dimension of learning is present. In the base of that process are the action rules, that is, the characteristic forms of doing in that particular place: mutual help, reformulation and generalization of doing, and the processes of reflection in and on the action. Before such results we may come to the conclusion that we are in presence of a learning community and an organization that learns.