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Rev Bras Med Trab ; 20(3): 445-453, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36793452


Introduction: The expectation of armed confrontation is among the most stressful elements in police work. Knowledge about perceived stress and cardiovascular markers in police officers comes from simulations. However, to date, information about psychophysiological responses during high-risk occurrences is scarce. Objectives: To assess stress levels and heart rate variability in policemen before and afer atending a bank robbery. Methods: Elite police officers (30.4 ± 3.7yrs) filled in a stress questionnaire and had their heart rate variability monitored at the beginning (7:00 am) and at the end (7:00 pm) of a work shif. At about 5:30 pm, these policemen were called to respond to a bank robbery in progress. Results: No significant changes in sources or symptoms of stress were found between before and afer the incident. However, statistical reductions were found in heart rate range interval (R-R interval [-13.6%]), pNN50 (-40.0%), and low frequency (-28%) and the low frequency/high frequency ratio increased (200%). These results suggest that although no change in the level of perceived stress was found, a significant reduction in heart rate variability may be atributed to a reduction in activation of the parasympathetic system. Conclusions: The expectation of armed confrontation is among the most stressful occurrences in police work. Research knowledge about perceived stress and cardiovascular markers in police officers comes from simulations. Data on psychophysiological responses post-occurrence of high-risk scenarios are scarce. This research may help law enforcement organizations find means to monitor police officers' acute stress levels afer any high-risk occurrences.

Introdução: No trabalho policial, a expectativa do confronto armado está entre as ocorrências mais estressantes. O conhecimento sobre as alterações dos níveis de estresse e marcadores cardiovasculares são oriundas de condições simuladas. Até o momento, a descrição das reações psicofsiológicas após ocorrência de alto risco são escassas. Objetivos: Verificar o nível de estresse e a variabilidade da frequência cardíaca em policiais após uma ocorrência de roubo a banco. Métodos: Oito policiais de elite (30,4±3,7 anos) preencheram um questionário de estresse e tiveram sua variabilidade da frequência cardíaca monitoradas no início (7h) e no final (19h) do turno de trabalho. Entretanto, por volta das 17h30, esses policiais atenderam uma ocorrência de roubo a banco. Resultados: Não foram encontradas alterações significantes entre o início e o final do plantão para as fontes e sintomas de estresse. Entretanto, houve redução significante para o intervalo da variação de frequência cardíaca [intervalo R-R (-13.6%)], pNN50 (-40.0%), baixa frequência (-28%) e aumento para razão baixa frequência/alta frequência (+200%). Dessa forma, nossos resultados sugerem que embora nenhuma mudança no nível de estresse percebido tenha sido encontrada, uma redução importante na variabilidade da frequência cardíaca pode ser atribuída a uma redução na ativação do sistema parassimpático. Conclusões: A associação de indicadores qualitativos e quantitativos (questionário e variabilidade da frequência cardíaca) contribui para um melhor entendimento de como gerenciar e treinar as habilidades emocionais dos policiais. Esta pesquisa pode ajudar as organizações de aplicação da lei a encontrar propostas para monitorar os níveis de estresse agudo dos policiais após qualquer ocorrência de alto risco.

Ergonomics ; 65(2): 265-275, 2022 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34445935


To investigate the effect of a Trunk Training (TT) program on the general musculoskeletal pain (GMP) and physical performance of Military Police Officers. Twenty officers were divided into either control group (CG) or TT group (TTG). Both groups performed nine weeks of traditional physical training. However, the TTG had 25-minutes allocated to TT during each scheduled physical training period. Anthropometric, trunk endurance, and physical fitness tests were completed pre- and post-training for both groups. Both groups also answered a weekly questionnaire about their GMP. Post-training, trunk endurance performance was significantly higher (p < 0.05) and the GMP significantly lower (p < 0.05) in the TTG when compared to the CG. Improvement in side plank test scores was associated with a decreased in GMP (r = -0.495, p < 0.05). TT can reduce the perception of GMP in addition to increasing the endurance of the trunk muscles. The side plank was the only physical test associated with GMP. Practitioner summary: Trunk Training can reduce general musculoskeletal pain and increase the endurance of the trunk muscles without a concomitant loss in general fitness in elite Military Police Officers. This research lasted 11 weeks and presents real-world and pragmatic findings.

Dor Musculoesquelética , Polícia , Humanos , Músculo Esquelético , Resistência Física , Aptidão Física , Desempenho Físico Funcional , Tronco